Nothing but the blood of Christ, covers us, provides for us
His shed blood covers us
Sacrificed to pay the price, the price of our sin
Nothing but the blood saves us from the world’s woe

All-out war, determined fight, rages for our souls
All hells minions clamoring, they want you and me
Silently we watch, God intervenes, Christ shed His blood
Victory won, God’s son, by His blood set the captives free

He is our Passover, putting a barrier between His children and the world
Our sin is forgotten, it is as far away as the East is from the West, His shed blood provides life
Separating us to Himself for eternity, the world is lost, we are won
Hated, spurned, despised, fools in the world’s eyes, Christ in us keeps us free

The gift of life claimed by faith in Christ, His shed blood sets aright
Lives of selfishness no longer, we have become God’s children
We belong to Him, His blood our covenant, Evidence of God’s devotion
Jesus paid our price, He is our life, now we belong to God

Forgiveness has come to the Houses of Mankind
Paradise secured by His blood, Jesus reconciles all things in His flesh
He cleanses us from all sin, the blood of the Lamb turning robes white
Pardon complete, Jesus brings us home

We struggle with sin every day, Jesus makes a way
Dead to sin, alive to God
He died for all, we live for Him, through Him, in Him
We are not alone, Jesus is our peace, a bond servant, an example for us

The power of hell has been conquered by Jesus
He is victorious over death, Rendering the devil’s kingdom powerless
Don’t be fooled, Jesus has power for you
In Christ we have redemption, and forgiveness, Jesus is God’s everything

Clay Corvin August 20, 2016