Israel cried as a nation, hurting in their captivity
O Lord fix this mess, how could it have gotten to this sad state?
All at once the captivity was over, overwhelming, Israel was saved
They felt as if they were in a dream
Exile to ecstasy, banishment to joy

Now they sing, from the depths of their soul
How great our God who delivered us
Nothing was more unlikely to happen than this miracle
Babylon to Jerusalem came in a flash
Now they were home, what are they to do? They sing to the Lord of Hosts

We find ourselves in a fix, that thing that destroys our church
Sears our soul, burns our minds, scares our heart
So many have been left behind, I’ve been saved in Christ
What about mother, brother, sister, father, child, that friend up the street
Nothing is too hard for God, O Lord save our church, our nation, the world

Just like Israel we weep and mourn for the lost, they are our charge
We need them to complete our joy, heartbreak and mourning dog our steps
We sow in tears, we walk Jesus’ walk, we talk as sons & daughters of God
The Lord hath done great things, complete in us what you have started
On that day our mouths will be filled with laughter, our song for eternity

Clay Corvin 11/10/12