JESUS IS OUR HOPE 1 Peter 1:3-5

Alien, sojourner
Great commission life
Our life, every life is a long march through the night
Death is our horizon – the world sees no hope
Jesus is our living hope – He is alive

Jesus defeated death on the Cross-a conquering Savior
His blood shed for me and you
Born again, cleansed-eternity bursting forth into our life
Victorious Christ reigns in our life
His kingdom on the Earth – now

Yet it is still to be-our victory-our translation to be with Him in Heaven
Jesus gives us an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled that will not fade away
We live in His kingdom now-His promise gives us possession
His faithfulness equips us to say-what can this world do to me?
Still we sin – this world we live in is broken

Everywhere we look are limitations
We go to bed at night well; rise in the morning deathly sick
Loneliness – Divorce – that abomination abortion – accidents
What will we possess right away?
His Hope, His promise -He died for us – He lives for us

One day soon we will see Him face to face
This Hope in us is imperishable and it cannot be taken away from us
It is undefiled by taint of sin
It does not fade, it is not temporary, it is forever and ever
Jesus saves us, Jesus protects us, He is our Hope

Clay Corvin February 5, 2016