Love the Lord your God with all your heart.
Daily focus.
Pray without ceasing.
Know His Word.
All required to maintain control of our deceitful heart.
My way generally tends to not be God’s way.
I will let the Holy Spirit control me, so that I will walk God’s path. 

Love the Lord your God with all your soul.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
He knows what you are facing, and you don’t.
Whatever the pain, or gain, the Holy Spirit controls you.
Good or bad are passing in the wind.
The only forever good thing is Jesus.
Serve the Lord with gladness and He will fill your soul.

Love the Lord with all your mind.
Get the focus off material things, they are passing away.
Only God’s people will last.
Study God’s word.
Serve everyone, enemy and friend alike. 
Be usable, train your hands and feet.
Do the next right thing. 

The Jesus way will cost you dearly.
He demands first place,
Because He is the only way.
Seek Him, with all of your heart,
And He will add all you need to your life. 
Following Jesus is the eternal way.
Plan on spending forever with Him. 

Clay Corvin – September 2, 2024