Not facts or fancy that put us here.
Before the world began,
In time before time,
God spoke, He created,
And He knew us.
We are not a mistake.
Not a happenstance.
As difficult or hard as it may seem,
God knows everything,
And He created us-me, you.
It’s no cruelty of fate,
That you came here,
Your parents given a gift,
A precious gift,
For them to shelter, and raise.
That so many fail,
Is not a surprise,
Generation upon generation,
Crying, dying, desperate.
God is good and He created us good.
Yes, sin is a cause.
People hate, are evil and cold,
They want nothing to do with love,
And yet they themselves are searching for love,
But love isn’t something we acquire, it is a gift.
Bold living is our call.
Caring for others our strength.
Growth and love we give away,
And in the giving we prosper.
It’s God’s way, He set things up for us to care.
We ask for His love and forgiveness.
In Jesus Christ we find everything we are looking for,
And life and peace and joy!
We find in caring our gift.
A gift from God to us.
Clay Corvin
February 24, 2023