We are called to fellowship with Christ, Jesus is life
Reality or ruse, we decide by the way we live
My willingness to confront the things I do
Those in fellowship have fellowship, simple and true

A living relationship with Christ is the foundation
Spending time with Jesus, letting Him guide me
Trusting the Holy Spirit to connect me, keep me in Christ
Jesus is the light, He provides the common life united in Him for me

Am I willing? Do I surrender myself to Him? Is there a change in me?
The canary in the coal mine – how I treat those I know and live with
If I don’t love my fellow man (or woman), I don’t have a relationship
Living a life steeped in sin cuts me off from Christ, repentance and renewal required

All of us by the grace of God share in the life of Christ
The greatest battle I face every moment every hour is sin
Always seeking to rule me, destroy me, claim my every waking moment
Intruding in my dreams, sin is now and always seeking a hold on me

I am called to the battle, deal with myself, HOW?
Recognize that I have no reserve of strength that will get me through the little sins
When the big sins strike I kneel to Christ is evil’s lie
I must do all things in Christ, Jesus is everything

Christ calls me to time with Him, time necessary to get my attention
Reading His Word, thinking about what it says, applying it to my life
Every minute, every hour surrendered to Him, longingly, desperately seeking Him
Lord I can do nothing without YOU, then I know I’m walking in the light

Jesus is light and life, all that I am and will become is bound up in Him
The Christian life isn’t a little me and a lot of Jesus, it is all Jesus
My heart attitude is Christ focused, my daily walk is Christ directed
Lord guide me is my plea, I walk and I live in thee, Jesus is Lord.

Clay Corvin
March 3, 2018




Life has a way of pressing on us, confining us, defining us
We find ourselves out of place, the old days renewed, failure all around
I did, I was, I can’t – time’s short – not enough money seems to say it all
You are not what you were, you are who you are, now, tomorrow
Define yourself in Christ-Begin now to be who He says you can be

Realize that the Christ life is a process, it has a beginning so start, now
Christ like living is a process, not a performance, we are now creatures
Be what you are called to be, forget the past, forget the failures
I will not let yesterday define today or tomorrow, I belong to Jesus, He is Lord
Christ created me and He will build victory into everything I do-claim it, it’s true

Step one is to get a grip. Jesus is Lord. He has a hold on me. It is His grip
It’s not my feeble services that I live on, it is Christ in me, alive and active
I am pressed at every point of my being, overwhelmed but not overrun
Jesus gives me His victory, His strength, His wisdom, mercy, grace and understanding
I am free, Jesus uses me, as He sees fit to use me and I trust Him

I see myself, it’s not my efforts, it is my surrender
Jesus is Lord of me and everything I touch, including failure and faltering
He knows me, all of me, every day there will be a me, Jesus really is Lord of all things
Therefore, I can trust Him, I can turn to Him, Christ encourages me in the midst of life
Every moment from this moment forward, I surrender to Jesus, change me Lord, change me

The way I was is not the way I have to be, I am new in Christ, a new creature
Created by Him to live as He lived, in confidence and surrender to the Father’s will
I have important things to do, everyone I come in contact with needs Jesus
They need His love, His life and His gift – relationship is critical, people count
Each one counts with the Lord – He calls me to care for them, to tell them the News

God has called me, and you, to strive to grow in Christ likeness, to be like Him
Service is critical, the question is not how much I do, it is will I serve God’s purpose
Am I surrendered? Am I usable? Will I do as the Father calls me to do?
He calls me to be with Him, spend time with Him, grow and know Him
He calls me to be like Jesus, care for others like Jesus cared

Will I get the picture? Will I change and be like Jesus?
It’s a choice. The Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus provide everything I need to Press On
Today, this moment is like no other in my life-I will live like Jesus live
Change will be part of my daily walk-prayer, forgiveness, love, surrender, sacrifice
I am pressing on under the powerful strength of Jesus-all to Jesus I surrender-He is Lord

Clay Corvin February 10, 2018




Fear not the angel said
Fear sidetracks us
Claims our attention
Takes the focus off of Jesus
Jesus meets us at the point of our fear

Mary faced the fear of inadequacy
Unmarried, unwed, a virgin
Pregnant, maybe 14 or 15, skepticism, Son of God
What was she to do? What was happening?
This precious child to be Messiah? Do not fear!

Joseph faced the fear of disapproval
Fiancé pregnant, a virgin? No relations!
It’s God’s child? How can you explain?
I’ll break off the engagement, that’ll fixit
In a dream-Joseph do not fear! The child is from God

What faith these two had. They believed God
Their belief was an action belief
Doing as the Angel said-do not fear
Continuing the engagement
Joseph went to Bethlehem where Christ was born. Do not fear!

Unexpected change for the shepherds-suddenly an angel appeared
A scary sight, a scary night, Shepherds guarding their flock
Do not fear, we are from God, we’ve brought you good news-A Savior is born
They were not looking for God-He showed up – Remember God is Sovereign-
He is working out history before our eyes-do not fear

All is calm, all is bright-NOT- the angel had to declare do not fear
Surrender your life completely, let Jesus have control-begin each day this way
Take your fear to the Lord-fear is sin-surrender your sin
Praise God-develop an attitude of gratitude-do with what you have
Claim every one of those 7,000 plus promises in the Bible-they belong to you

In all things we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us
Claim His love and love those you are with
Be God’s love in this world, gracious and quick to forgive
Let Jesus work in your mind and in your heart – know that the world is a hard place
Jesus is Lord and Creator – He knows all things – He knows you – FEAR NOT

Clay Corvin – December 23, 2017


O the JOY!

A joyful noise, praise ye the Lord
Singing praises, lauding His Holy Name
Head lifted up, enemies set aside
We do in Him and through Him
Our aim honor His name

Jesus born in Bethlehem, praise ye the Lord
Shepherds were the first to hear, praised His name
Came to Bethlehem to see the God child
Worshipped Jesus and shared what they had seen far and wide
They went with joy and peace, they saw salvation

Why did the announcement come to the Shepherds? Praise ye the Lord
They were not wise by any one’s eyes
No power there, just lonely shepherds
No privilege, no titles, no academic accomplishments
They were just shepherds, the world had overlooked them

Everyone counts with the Lord, praise ye the Lord
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
Jesus died that all might have access to the forgiveness of God
If you choose Jesus, He chooses you, a free gift from the Father
Let us go to Bethlehem and see what God has done

God chooses everyone who responds in faith, praise ye the Lord
Herod, the wise, the nobility, the religious all ignored God
The lowly, the meek, the misfit, the disenfranchised-good news
God chooses you, listen to Shepherds call, the Lord has come
Choose freely all and one, Jesus God’s son was born in Bethlehem

Born that you might have forgiveness, praise ye the Lord
Bringing healing in His touch, access to the Father
Membership in God’s family, everything about your life changed
Father, Son and Holy Spirit One, the angels praise the Son
Jesus is God’s everything, He has come for you

Clay Corvin December 16, 2017



Another birthday-I know you don’t want to be reminded
We owe you big time-for a multitude of things you do every day
Thank you for partnering with me these 49 years
I never thought I would lived that long-but we have together

Kindness is your strong suit
You care for me, our children and grand-children without a second thought
No matter how grumpy we are, how difficult
You move through your day with grace
Making us feel value and worth by your consistent kindness

Sacrifice is a close second
I’ve traveled all our married life and it has been tough on you
You’ve never complained, never shirked taking 100% of the responsibility
We are truly partners but so often you pull my share too
I am so blessed by you, thank you, thank you, thank you

Love for me and each of our family members runs deep
You express it in so many ways
By the meals you make, washing clothes
Organizing our household, keeping the house running in good order
I am overwhelmed at times with the work pace you keep

Peace and joy undergird your day
I feel it, I need it, I am grateful for it
Jesus in you, shared with me and all of us
It’s who you are
Precious to the Lord and me and our family

Wise and caring, forgiving and understanding
I am so blessed to be with you
To have a wife like you
The recipient of your devotion

CLAY CORVIN 11/29/17



Christ followers died for their faith
Believing in Jesus, believing his return not far away
At the stake, wild animals or just an evil crowd
They died with their belief intact, Jesus was Lord and they followed Him to their end

It wasn’t the end for death was a threshold
Life eternal begun at salvation, death a momentary space
Between this world and His world
A place of standing, seeing Jesus face to face, life now like His

Christ is coming back, hard for our minds to grasp
It has been 2,000 years where is He?
The Word makes it clear, a thousand years is as a day to the Lord
Now evil is completing fullness, its reign drawing to a close, gasping and ranting
Jesus has all things under control-He is coming back

It will happen suddenly, everyone will see
Finality at last, judgment executed
Christ on the scene, every knee will bow
Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Jesus for all to see

Satan revealed and slain by our conquering king
The forces of evil banished forever
Jesus here, we are with Him
The kingdom complete, all the saved will be with Christ

My life counts and so does yours, the Lord is on your side
Don’t surprised at His amazing, great and unrelenting love for you
Keep at the faithful Christian life
That involves stumbling and strife, for sin is all around us and many of us weak
Remember His love never ends, His mercies never cease
Great is His faithfulness, mercy renewed each day

Yes you can do this, spend time with Jesus
Read His Word, claim His promises, do the next right thing
When you fall repent and get up, repent and get up, repent and get up
Never, never, never give up, for Jesus never gives up on you

Today I know a few things
Jesus is Lord
He is coming back
He will never abandon me, never
I belong to Him, He is my righteousness

Clay Corvin November 4, 2017



A heavy heart, I list my sins, appalled to see their depth, woe is me
I’ve sinned and I can’t get up, weak and foolish, I’ve sold out to selfishness
I, I, I; my life is filled with my needs, my way, O foolish heart hear God’s cry
Come to me you that are heavy laden, turn from your wicked ways and return to me

God will not let me go, thank you Lord for my actions and my goals lead me from you
I do not have the will to overcome evil, only by the blood of Christ do I find salvation
I want to be yours Lord, I want to surrender, Help me turn my eyes to you, O Lord I hurt
Give me eyes to see and ears to hear Lord Jesus, my days are filled with the blood of the innocent

I choose you Lord, You are my salvation, You are my pardon, I need to change, change me
No longer seduced by the leaders and hypocrites of the world; the, they them are of no use to me
Walking away from sin, following Jesus, He is the life, He is the light, No darkness in my Christ
God gave the Law, Jesus came to save us, The Lord is always dealing with our sin, thank you Lord

I face a daily existence, until that day I’m face to face, my day is always filled with challenge
You to face those same challenges, how do I, we, deal with our sinfulness and our push against God
The Word dwells in us richly, a mirror to our soul, calling us to account, nursing us at our core
Today, tomorrow and each day help me Lord spend time with you as I let your Word nourish me

So today I change, people count with me, love one another becomes my raison de’tre
Jesus fills me with joy, I share that joy with all I meet, as I share my joy grows
Giving joy fills my soul, reaching out, caring, listening, being their anchor as I hold on to Jesus
Today I will submit and obey, Christ in me changing me, equipping me to love others

Clay Corvin September 23, 2017


It’s 49
You are still here
I am so blessed
Thank you Carol, you are the best

It’s 49
Children, grandchildren blessing us
It has passed so fast
Your stands for Jesus continue to change me

It’s 49
Another year ahead
Together we stand
Thank the Lord you are here

It’s 49
I love being married to you
You complete me
You fix the glaring errors in me

It’s 49
The best year yet
Many more ahead
Before we rest

It’s 49
Hip hip hooray
Carol I’m praying for you to have a great day
That the year ahead is as wonderful as all that have passed

Clay Corvin in honor of our 49th Anniversary


God is complete – Knowing the end from the beginning
He has a plan – His plan includes us
Sinner beware – Our God is a burning flame
Bend the knee – Repent of your self-centered ways
Our God is an exclusive God – Jesus claims all of us

God is love – His love knows the results of our sin
Disastrous world for mankind – Jesus stepped into our world
He lived a perfect life – To the Cross, To His death, For our sin
Christ paid our price – Once and for always, His death created our life
Now we are alive in Jesus – He is Lord of us and Lord of all, praise God for His love

God is not fooled – Man’s laws do not change God’s Word
Sin is always sin – Adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, addictions, self
Jesus calls us to know – He will give us His strength to change and succeed
Christ gives the church – His church not the man made civil religion of our day
We are to quit our unfaithfulness – Stand with Jesus and He will stand with us

God is here – every day we face pain, anguish, sickness, death of loved ones
There is a constancy of evil that we ward off – It is tough and it is tiring
In this world we will face all the heartache of life – Jesus is with us, caring for us
Do not weary brothers and sisters – God is not mocked and He sees what is happening
He cares for you – He will never leave us or lose us – One day soon He is coming back

Clay Corvin   August 26, 2017