The Lord is thinking about you right now
24/7 – Always – everything
Never far from His thoughts
Thinking about everything that concerns you

He has a plan for you life
Before you were thought about, before you were born
The Lord made a special plan, a good plan for your life
A plan with substance and Value-Jesus loves you

His thoughts toward you are thoughts for good
Not general thoughts about mankind
Thoughts specifically about you
He knows your name, He knows where you are, Jesus is with you

Jesus has plans to prosper you
Not in the future but right now
Where you are is where you are great
You are great because the Lord is with you and He is prospering you

The Lord thinks no evil towards you
An ex may wish ill for you, a former friend may seek your failure
A former employer or relative may be thinking evil thoughts towards you
Jesus never ever thinks ill of you, His every thought about you is positive and good

God will not abandon you
Hangers on might abandon you, parents, friends and others may run from you
The Lord has comfort for you, He brings you strength, He is merciful and mighty
His covenant with you is “I will not fail you or abandon you”

The Lord gives you hope, healing hope, loving hope
He will take away the pain of loss so we can anticipate better days
He will equip us, enable us, encourage us to anticipate the good coming our way
He is our hope; Jesus gives us a reason for living even when we lose

Jesus is our success
His formula for our success is that we meditate on the Word of God
Meditate day and night to observe His Word, to know Him
Do His Word, in obedience and surrender

He has good plans for you
Jesus sees your future and He says it is good
Bend the knee, be rich in good works, always ready to share
Be extravagantly GENEROUS, and others will see Jesus and His plans in you

Clay Corvin February 13, 2016

JESUS IS OUR HOPE 1 Peter 1:3-5

Alien, sojourner
Great commission life
Our life, every life is a long march through the night
Death is our horizon – the world sees no hope
Jesus is our living hope – He is alive

Jesus defeated death on the Cross-a conquering Savior
His blood shed for me and you
Born again, cleansed-eternity bursting forth into our life
Victorious Christ reigns in our life
His kingdom on the Earth – now

Yet it is still to be-our victory-our translation to be with Him in Heaven
Jesus gives us an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled that will not fade away
We live in His kingdom now-His promise gives us possession
His faithfulness equips us to say-what can this world do to me?
Still we sin – this world we live in is broken

Everywhere we look are limitations
We go to bed at night well; rise in the morning deathly sick
Loneliness – Divorce – that abomination abortion – accidents
What will we possess right away?
His Hope, His promise -He died for us – He lives for us

One day soon we will see Him face to face
This Hope in us is imperishable and it cannot be taken away from us
It is undefiled by taint of sin
It does not fade, it is not temporary, it is forever and ever
Jesus saves us, Jesus protects us, He is our Hope

Clay Corvin February 5, 2016

Christmas Three Ways – Luke 2:1-20

God chose His way-a baby was born-His name was Jesus
He is God with us-God’s way-a process He chose
Prophecies detail His birth-Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah and others
A descendant of Jesse, a descendant of King David
The birth of Jesus was not done in a vacuum

God was concerned about our Lostness-all have sinned-all fall short of God’s glory
We are desperately in need of a Savior-dead in our trespasses-blind in our sin
An amazing thing that God has done-coming to Earth to save us
The World is a callous place-people hurting-society a disgrace
Jesus came that everyone of us might have life-an abundant life-but we must choose

Jesus born in a crowded place-dark streets-dark town
Kids, livestock, people coming and going-noise of the ordinariness of life
No one knew what was about to happen-it was just another day
The crying child Jesus heralded the way-proclaiming I’m here
Shepherds, sheep, conversation then the Angel-Do not be afraid he said

The shepherds cringed with fear-Good News for all man-a savior born in Bethlehem
Suddenly the Heavenly Host Appeared-Glory to God in the highest
Let us go straight to Bethlehem the Shepherds said
Along the way looking for the child-to all they said the Messiah is here
Retelling a hundred times-the story of the Angel and Heavenly Host

Finally they found the child-He is here-born in a manger
Good news for all of us-God has come to save us-they really didn’t understand
But they told everyone-declared to all-our Savior is born in Bethlehem
Glory to God-Glory to God-Glory to God-a ragged group of believers
Everyone was stunned at what had happened-they would talk about it for decades

Nothing like this had every happened – Bethlehem a little backwater town, out of Jerusalem’s sight
Scripture foretold this event-not a surprise to those who sought God
The fact that everyone in the story is ordinary-just folks-blinded the sight of the wise
Messiah has come-Jerusalem the city God loves did not know He was here
Pivot of history-everything changes-God is here-God is among us-WE ARE LOVED
Clay Corvin December 19, 2015


Jesus knocks, we ask Him in, He is alive in us
We reside, He provides, Spiritual sustenance we desperately need

Waiting, impatient though we are, we forget-forget-forget
He provides, His timetable, We desire and wait

So much happens, We in anger and frustration throw it out, Disappointed
Jesus calls us to Himself, Why are you angry? Why did that frustrate you?

Do you not know, I have your interest at heart, cultivate thankfulness
Learn to be still, Know me, Listen as I talk of My love for you

Anxieties, Depression, Hate-all a result of demanding, fast paced lifestyles
Learn to wait upon Me, Let me teach you to be gentle, willingly live with your uneasiness

We straddle two worlds, This world smacks us down, His world beckons us to come to Him
Patience is a virtue, Waiting develops nerves of steel, Gratitude nourishes as we wait

Look to Jesus, Let Him show you the way, His love encourages and strengthens
You cannot do it on your own, Waiting requires a focus on Jesus, Developing a confidence not seen

Faith in His Word, Life in His presence, Waiting upon Him
We grow, We serve, We love, Jesus uses us and it enables us to see Him in our waiting

Humble fear, the Holy One is near, Come Lord Jesus
We rejoice, Your birth, Your life, We hear YOU

Looking beyond our comfort, Caring for the alien and stranger, the orphan and widow
Blessings shower us, Service, Purpose, Praying, We know You better as we are waiting

Sin and death surround us, Who can deliver us, Only One-Jesus
He uses us as we are waiting, We are lost in our service, Working out our purpose

We are our brother’s keeper, We accept the burden of pain life brings, Waiting
Waiting fully confident that today is the day, Waiting knowing that He fulfills every prayer

Lord Jesus come and be with us, Be my brother Holy One, Be with me as I struggle with my sin
Make me holy and pure, Create in me a clean heart, I am waiting Lord to be with You
Clay Corvin December 12, 2015


2015-11-25 10.13.55Genealogy is for mankind, to prove the relationship of Christ the Messiah
Written from Joseph’s side, Jesus the adopted son
Descendent of Abraham, Descendent of David

Tamar the assertive one, unconventional, demanded a child
Er and Onan died, Judah lied, Tamar showed up on the roadside and conceived Judah’s child
God can use you, do what must be done, leave no stone unturned, Jesus is the one
Judah confessed his sin, Perez and Zerah born, God remembered Tamar

Rehab the harlot protected the spies, Salmon a prince of Israel took her as his wife
God’s grace transformed, Boaz born, the line continues, God is in control

An outsider came along, Ruth the Moabite, an evil nation, an incestuous Lot
Boaz married Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse the father of David
A living testimony to faith, Ruth’s loyalty rewarded by God
The outsider has a home, remembered by you and me

David knew Bathsheba, murdered Uriah, offended Ahitophel, the child dies
David punished, Solomon the second son, the grandfather Ahitophel inspires a rebellion
Israel suffers, too often the many suffer for the few, the geneaology continues
Jesus is born to an unmarried woman, Mary the Virgin, Joseph adopts him

God always keeps His word, we operate with a clouded view, God sees through
Godliness is never inherited, Godly Fathers have evil sons
Salvation is a choice, we must choose His free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ the Messiah
God loves you, He loves you with an eternal love, Christ is calling you, now

Clay Corvin,
December 5, 2015

GOD AT WORK (EPH 1:13-14)

God at work, His universe, His laws
Unchangeable, immutable, before creation
The Father chose you, Christ died for you
Lavishing grace upon grace, the Holy Spirit moves upon you
But you must choose, you must receive, you must repent

You have heard the truth, not philosophy, not attitude
Jesus came into this world, to show His love, to live a perfect life
Jesus is God’s truth, He died on the cross to pay your price for sin
The power of God, raised Him from the dead, His love declared for eternity
His love gives you a new heart, a new life, eternally adopted into the Father’s household

You were a murderer at heart, everyone is dead in their trespasses and sin
No one can solve their sin problem, we need more than a little cleaning up
We need Jesus, His free gift of eternal life provides forgiveness and life
Now in Christ we are alive, evil can no longer destroy us, sin bondage broken
Jesus pardons us, He gives us liberty and freedom, salvation in Him

Do you believe? Belief in Christ is the requirement
You must believe for yourself, I cannot do it for you
Belief changes you, it conforms you to God’s law, His reality
Jesus is looking for you, He is seeking you to give you life and light for living
What will you do? Have you believed? When you believe you are immediately in God’s family

God declares we belong to Him by Word-the Holy Spirit brings this Word to life
We were bought with a price, that price was Jesus and His sacrifice
The Holy Spirit is the witness of God’s ownership – He seals our relationship in Christ
Inheritance guaranteed, not based on us, God will not disown us
Jesus blood and sacrifice, saves a wretch like me, like us

Clay Corvin November 7, 2015


Hear me child of God- Jesus is Lord
He is Lord of everything-that includes you
He is the king-he created all that we see, and feel and know
Above the hills – above the sky – Jesus is Lord
Christ is my help – whatever predicament I find myself in
He has a strong hand – a deep love – Christ died to save our soul

Jesus Son of God – maker of heaven and earth
Knows the problems we face – each one of them – all of them
He will not slip as He keeps track of us – He is here with me and you
No hesitation – His love is relentless – His memory is faultless
Jesus knows our thinking and He knows what is right
His watchful eye is upon us – He does not slumber nor does He sleep

There is no weakness in Jesus – He is able to stand firm
He knows what is going to happen and He prepares us
As we pray, as we work – Jesus is imparting His strength to us
Remember –we are always vulnerable – from anywhere and everywhere
Claim God’s precious Word – through it Jesus guides us – where we will go
As we come under attack – Christ is with us providing wisdom, mercy, and grace

Evil abounds – all around – constantly seeking to devour us – abuse us
Sin is a sleeping volcano within us – ready to destroy us
Our hearts are desperately wicked – Jesus forgives and heals
He knows how to deal with evil – the Holy Spirit gets our attention
Turn to Jesus and let Him heal you and remake you – whole again
Hear oh sinner – Jesus forgives – kneel before Him

Jesus protects us as we go out as we come in
In the highways and byways – Jesus can deal with real life
He prepares us – spend time with Jesus – think, pray and be
Our goal to be more like Jesus – our challenge is to remember His lessons
Hands and feet and heart need a guide – Jesus is the One
Surrender your life – and Jesus will guard your way

Clay Corvin October 31, 2015


Oh Lord help me
Fear and loathing shadow
Fear for what I’ve not done
Loathing for the things I’ve done
I’m often paralyzed by my sin
Blinded from the Godly path
Truth is that’s a lie
Just an excuse-any work

Oh Lord help me
Laziness is my bent
Failing to spend the time required
To stand and face the consequences
Sin always at the ready to assert itself
Me weak and blinded by my ego
Pride demands its due-I’m in charge of you
My cries lay it down-deaths cold hand is all around

Oh Lord help me
Like Jesus I would be
My heart urges in the best of times
Go and spend United time
Letting Jesus fill your mind
Changing the way you deal with time
Letting Christ have his way
To train your hands and feet and mind

Oh Lord help me
I am weak and addle minded
Foolishness my bane
My past the pain
I want to know you, the fellowship of your suffering
With a pure heart, hands that work righteousness
A mind that runs to God
That’s my prayer sweet Jesus

Clay Corvin. October 25, 2015


We follow God
With a wink and a nod
Surely He will listen
As we plot and plod
Never sure of what we want
But always sinful

He speaks real loud
We act real deaf
That’s not quite what we want
We grimace and strain
Ah we display our holy face
Our hands reacting with disgrace

Horrified at the pain that comes our way
Why would God do this?
Yet plainly the Lord has told His way
Come walk with ME He says
We walk our way
Talking, talking, blah, blah, blah

Stand and listen child of mine
I won’t accept your actions
The heart is deceitful beyond your understanding
The discipline I demand is for your good
Step out of the world
Stop going to Hollywood for your ethics

Live peacefully with ME
Do for others as I do for you
Forgive those that mistreat you
Take care of the poor, the prisoner, the widow and the orphan
Stop demanding your way
Spend time with me and let Me show you My way

Clay Corvin October 22, 2015


Be strong in the Lord – He knows all things and has already won the victory
His power not yours – we live in Him
Turn over your weakness
Accept His strength – Evil cannot win
Surrender, obey, trust in Jesus
He never wearies – Stand in Christ

Be strong in the Lord, He is our protection
Take up the full armor – just pieces will always lose
Never underestimate evil – its power will overrun you
Put on God’s armor deliberately – know what you are doing
Strap it on thoughtfully – His process involves your surrender
Prayer and presence – wisely claim Jesus name – He loves you

Be strong in the Lord – you need Him every moment of every day
Evil is a wily force – Satan’s minions are all over and everywhere
Seeking whom they might devour – you are on the menu
Let the Lord guard you – you have a new heart
New strength and new ways
Claim Christ’s power as you face the evil ones deception – obedience to Christ is key

Be strong in the Lord – we live on the battlefield
We are not fighting people – although they lie, cheat, hurt and even kill us
We struggle with principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits
Multiplied millions of fallen angels, living and working on earth with very little opposition
They are here, powerful and real
Only those alive in Christ can deal with them – You stand in Jesus

Be strong in the Lord- These evil ones are seeking to destroy you
Take up the full armor of God- gird your loins with truth – it holds your armor in place
Put on the breastplate of righteousness- it will protect your heart
Feet shod with the Gospel of peace- Jesus is the only way- He is God
Your shield of faith will extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil ones
The helmet of salvation protects your head, your mind- believe in Jesus

Be strong in the Lord- He provides for you to succeed in every battle
The sword of the spirit enables you to attack
Read His Word, Pray His Word, Remember His Word, Use His Word
Every lie of the evil ones are easily defeated by His Word
Know the Word, let it marinate in your soul
Stand in the Lord and you will not fall to the evil one- Jesus is Lord

Clay Corvin October 10, 2015