Imitate Christ, in all you do
You are His, He loves you
He has filled us with love- Jesus gave His life for you

Love Jesus with all of your heart, one another as yourself
Walk in His love, as you go let the Holy Spirit guide your actions
Love the lost, share His love no matter the cost

Set aside the lust of this world, you do it, Jesus says to you
His strength available, His Word tells what to do
Forget the world, it lies to you

Claim His strength, Christ works in you
An attitude of gratitude, enables Jesus to respond through you
Satan lies saying you need this now, in Christ we have everything we need

Radiate the light, you are filled with Christ
Claim His life, He is alive in you
Change, change change a daily mantra, let the world be the world

Do what Jesus says, the Holy Spirit will direct you
Remember the Lord is speaking to you, yes you
Read the Word, pray, love one another, forgive, and repent-Jesus loves you

1.17.15 Clay Corvin


Babe of Bethlehem, Born in a manger, scorned by men
Poverty His choice, He was committed to following the Father
All around the Romans ruled, their way or the highway or worse

Mary great with child, Joseph devoted
Traveling to their ancestral home, Mary came due
Jesus was born, it says that Mary gave birth

How strong are you today? Are you willing to serve God
Will you let your morals be questioned by everyone?
Obviously and apparently condemning you even to death?

Mary stood in the face of accusations, her pregnancy condemning her
Joseph believed God and loved Mary, His faith was strong
What love, what devotion, two great servants of the Lord High God

Jesus came into to this world, born of a woman
Both of His earthly parents were radical believers in the Lord
By faith they conquered the slings and arrows of fate

Jesus is alive today, Seated at the right hand of the Father
The Babe of Bethlehem grew up in the house of Joseph
His life is God’s example to us of how we too can live a life of faith

Clay Corvin December 20, 2014


I want joy-my heart my soul yearns for joy

A constant search through the activities of life
Fear stalks me-running so hard to stay ahead
Today tomorrow the next day joy takes a back seat
Life overwhelms me and mistakenly I claim
Success as the key-it’s not- simply sidetracked me
Power sought- claimed- acquired-so empty it burdened me
Fear stalks me-running so hard to stay ahead

I heard an old old story-it reached the marrow of my soul
About a Savior born in Bethlehem-He came for me
God stepped into my world, our world and identified with me
Sin overwhelms me and mistakenly I think I can deal with it
Today sins my neighbor tomorrow its my landlord
Jesus came to set me free-to set each one of us free
He is Lord, Lord of all, victor, conqueror, deliverer: He loves you and me

I want joy-my heart my soul yearns for joy

Jesus points me to His Word-He speaks of joy 365 times
Jesus knew I needed salvation of my soul
His salvation brings joy to me-to us
I asked Him into my heart-He forgave me of my sin
He lives in me-His peace pervades me
All the days that lie ahead-my heart is filled with Christ
He has all power in heaven and on earth-the victory has been won
Nothing can separate us, nothing can defeat us- Jesus brings joy to my life

I have joy- Jesus is alive in me

Clay Corvin 12/13/14

Alive in Christ – Eph. 2:1-10

Once dead-born that way-chose that way-going that way
Just like the world-every single person a slave to sin
Separates us totally from God-HE abhors sin
Causes us to walk according to the spirit of the age
Anything His Word says is true –we despise and refute

Deluded-we were utterly dead to spiritual things
We didn’t care about God’s way
We created our way and was glad in it-a form of religion devoid of God
Hostile and regimented against the things of God-denying His authority
We wanted what we wanted when we wanted it-might makes right

Disobedient-we had no relationship with God
Our very nature was disobedient-by culture and refinement we sought to rule
Just below the surface lurks a malevolent evil that stands against God
Completely and totally rejecting His way
We create our own God and he is us

Defiled- a natural depravity that controls us
Doomed from birth-we feel it but cannot identify it
We are on the road to perdition and are planting flowers along the way
What a beautiful life we lead-death has a fearsome hold on us
But for the grace of God go I

But God in His amazing Grace and wondrous love came looking for me
He died for me saving me from my sin-breaking the chains of bondage that held me
Giving me new life for free and His eternal grace poured out on me in Christ
Jesus gives me everything I need-no longer doomed-I am alive in Christ
Jesus loves me-as if there is none other than me

Plucked from the tomb-His life is alive in me
Placed on a throne- in heavenly places I live with Him here and now
By His grace I am saved thru faith
His love in me changes me-new birth recreates me
I am in His family, I have a relationship with the Father and Jesus is Lord of me

Clay Corvin November 1, 2014


Satan’s kingdom is one
It is not divided
Every thought is evil
Every act has destruction in mind
Evil, evil, evil-no holding back

The focus is your failure
Blinding your heart
Covering your ears
Making you not smart
Every action by the Evil One is towards your destruction

Depression and misdirection
Has God really said?
Putting doubt in your heart
Pulling you aside
Sarcasm and snide-a weight of heartache abides

Satan destroys everything he rules
Fools and slaves obey his commands
Bend your knee to selfish demands
Your life in your hand-slipping away like sand
Evil commands suffering, insignificance, the end

Clay Corvin October 31, 2014



I love Jesus He walks with me
Jesus is within me
He comforts and restores me
His love nourishes me
His presence conquers my failure
Jesus is my peace
Jesus is my victory
Jesus is beneath me, over me, behind me, the Lord covers me

I love Jesus
Jesus is my light
Jesus is my life
Jesus knows all about me
Jesus will never leave me
Jesus is greater
He is the only way to the Father
I live for truth and Jesus is the truth

I love Jesus
He is remaking me one incident at a time
Jesus is my focus
Jesus is the subject of my call
Jesus is Lord of all and He rules my life
Make it so Lord Jesus rule me
Equip me to make good decisions
Jesus changes everything-He loves me

Clay Corvin, October 23, 2014


Gezer Water System 2015 Dig
Posted: 13 Oct 2014 02:53 PM PDT
Gezer Water System Expedition
May 24 – June 11, 2015
Tel Gezer, Israel

THE PROJECT:Participate in the excavation of an ancient Canaanite water system at Tel Gezer in Israel.

DATES: May 24 – June 11, 2015. Volunteers should plan to arrive no later than May 22, and those working all three weeks should plan departures for June 12 or 13.

COST: $1800 for the 3-week season, or $600 per week (Extra days $100/day) + airfare. Costs cover room, board and weekend travel. Preference will be given to three-week participants. Participants are responsible for their own flights to and from Israel. The dig will arrange airport pickup.

WEEKEND TRAVEL:The expedition will arrange several field trips covering key areas of Israel. Weekend travel costs are included in the excavation pricing.

ACCOMMODATIONS:Volunteers will be housed in air-conditioned rooms at the Neve Shalom Guest House, with three to four persons per room.

ACADEMIC CREDIT:Undergraduate or graduate course credit for up to 6 semester hours is available. Additional tuition fees apply.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Dan Warner ([email protected]) or Dr. Dennis Cole ([email protected])

Sponsored by New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s
Moskau Institute of Archaeology/Center for Archaeological Research
and the Israel Nature and Park Authority


Aging is:
Losing sleep
Losing a child
Losing a step
Losing a dream
Losing vitality ounce by ounce
Losing a best friend
Losing a wife
Losing a job to retirement
Losing time
Gaining heartache
Getting ahead
Seeing the foolish things you thought important pass by
Knowing what’s important twenty-five years too late
A child coming back to the Lord
Peace with yourself
Painful achy days
Spending time with Jesus
Seeing heaven just over the horizon and looking forward to it
Missing trips you’ve waited all your life to take
Learning there won’t be any more walks on the Seine
No more long trips in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

But most importantly it is sharing Jesus with the people you meet
Telling others of the victory the Lord has in your life
Expressing the joy you feel as you sit with your Bible in your easy chair
Experiencing His presence as you read His Word
Feeling Him at work in your heart, wiping away your tears
Seeing Jesus guide you step by step
Telling Him I love you Lord, I love this life you’ve given me
Quietly listening as the Holy Spirit rejoices in your presence
Thanking the Lord of all for all you have: JESUS IS LORD OF ALL

Clay Corvin age: 67 October 9, 2014 New Orleans, LA


Amazing, unbelievable, miracle
All things I think as I consider what we have done
Forty-six years together
Each year a gift of grace
We forged a partnership-it required unselfish devotion and forgiveness

You have given 150% and taught me to give my best
Trust has been a benchmark of our faith in each other
Jesus saw us thru many tragedies and triumphs
He never let us go – we cling to each other
I need you and gratefully you need me-thank you

We have years of memories-sad, bad and glad
We have created a history-the Lord knows its worth
We cherish and celebrate that history today-a very special day
Forty-six years together and now we have much more
Daniele, Adam, Leslye, Jeremy, Kelly and Louis-Alexis, Elianna and Isabella

Our family is strong, our future is bright
Forty-six more would be wonderful
I will be grateful for each one-I love you
Thank you for the memories and love you’ve shown me
Happy Anniversary-great years and days ahead-YOU ARE THE BEST!




Praise the Lord, His will is perfect, He is always good
The Holy Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the source of our blessing
His blessings showered upon us in the heavenlies, where Satan roams
That prince of the powers of the air may haunt the heavenlies
Rest assured that Jesus Christ has already won the victory
Calling us to trust and obey-walk in obedience-claim this gift-He gives it for you

We are beings caught in time-I was, I am, I will be
Jesus is timeless-before Abraham I am
If the Father hadn’t chosen me before the foundation of the world He wouldn’t choose me now
He removed all of our sin-He saves us, He sanctifies us, He gives us His righteousness
The Father sees us in Christ, holy and without blemish, making us His sons and daughters
God made us His beloved, it wasn’t our idea

Christ forgives our sin by the riches of His grace- divine and human
His grace providing for our need-we don’t deserve it, it is free to you and me
We are loved and He loves us because He chose to love us
He does what He does because He is what He is, God is love
One day all things will be summed up in Jesus
Jesus is God’s everything-beyond anything we can imagine

The Holy Spirit is seeking to enable us
He doesn’t bless programs and performances-He blesses His Word
It speaks to us, giving us wisdom mercy and grace, speaking salvation to us
Witnessing to our belief, guiding our faith-Active in me
We are sealed by the Holy Spirit, nothing can separate us from Jesus
In Christ we are free, He loves you and me, to the praise of His glory

Clay Corvin August 23, 2014