We think about God in our terms
So limited – So disappointing
Why this and why that -God should do this
God doesn’t exist – God does exist like this
Did God? – How can God?
I can’t imagine God would – and yet we have no imagination
Our intellect is limited to words, even music is sorely limited
God will understand my little indiscretion
If someone else did it we would declare it a major sin
Oh Lord how poorly we think

Paul speaking for God to the Saints who are faithful
Declares GRACE and PEACE from God
Providing salvation for us prepaid
God sees me through this GRACE
Seeing my failures, faults and flaws
Declaring in Jesus I am forgiven
He gives me His peace – I’m part of His family

Satan and his evil minions may haunt the heavenlies
Our struggle is sin
Jesus has conquered sin including Satan and his minions
We are free in Christ
When the Lord assigns us a call
Before our first step begins – every resource we will need is already there
Jesus – Creator, Lord, Confessor, Savior, Healer and much more
Jesus loves you and me and each one of us as if there is no other
Christ is all, in all, first of all, Lord of all and He loves you and me

Clay Corvin August 16, 2014



Do you believe God?  Do you believe Him for your situation?
We need to move from knowing about Him to knowing Him
To understand that His 7,000 plus promises in the Bible are true
They are written to me and you for guidance in our daily life

I believe you God, in the midst of the fire of life I believe you
I trust you Lord, my actions show how real you are to me
So many say it is hard to read your Word, it’s dry, it applies to others
It applies to me 100%, your Word is a light unto my feet, a strength for my heart

Lord your Word is there for me to know
Knowing your Word equips me, enables me to stand in the face of evil
It picks me up when I am down, it takes my frown and turns it upside down
Let the light of your Word ready me for today, this is the day that the Lord has made

I will meditate on your Word Father, letting it soak into my soul
Inscribing its letters on my heart, that I might not sin against you
I know You know me and I want to know YOU better
Time is passing by, redeem the time Lord and let me be your servant

I believe you Lord
I believe you can change those things wrong in me
Outfitting me to do Your work, helping those you’ve put me with
Every promise in your Word is YES and AMEN, Jesus loves me, this I know

Clay Corvin   August 9, 2014



I grew up there-with lions and tigers and bears
Mysteries abounded-yet it sheltered me from the unknown
Deep in the recesses of my mind-it is a place I’m known
And loved
Throughout victories and defeat-I was welcomed as me
Warts and all it was where I belonged

Something happened as a teenager
I roamed-seeking new places
How to belong
Wanting to make my own way-to build a home
Make someone belong
Together we made our way-husband and wife

Children came, jobs and age went by
Our home, our place
Wanting to provide what we once had for our children
Acceptance and forgiveness are important
Listening without criticism, we love, they count
Christ in our hearts shaped our life and guided us in leading our family

Home is where the heart is
Christ has my heart, now when I hurt I run to Him
He reaches out and forgives me I need this the most
Jesus encourages me, loving me thru my remorse and fear
That loathing of self that sin brings-Jesus loves me
I belong to Him, my heart seeks His shelter, I belong

Clay Corvin July 19, 2014
[email protected]


Cool at 88 degrees, breezy and low humidity-Birmingham weather on Thursday July 3, 2014. I’m sitting at a Starbucks in Brookwood Village nestled against a low hill with a nice shade over the parking lot.
I’m not sure what I thought it would be like to spend ten days in the city of my youth. I’ve been back here only for a day or two at a time since then. I’ve actually spent more time in Israel in the past year than in Birmingham in the last thirty five years.
This morning I was confronted by 2 Kings 22. I was overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility and guilt. Am I as lackadaisical about my actions towards God as Israel was? The truth- I think I may be. Lord forgive me.
Three quick ideas:
1/v.13 Josiah asked the priest to go to the Temple and speak to The Lord for me
I don’t think anyone has to speak for me but the idea from this is the distinct understanding that we are in community. Each one of us had our responsibility and priority. Josiah the King was aware that he needed help as he wrestled with serving The Lord and doing what The Lord said. He hadn’t done such a good job and knew that all of them needed help in their relationship with The Lord. I’m making a big jump here but one that makes perfectly good sense to me-Jesus intercedes for us. We don’t have to go to the Temple but we do need to go to the Father and Jesus is our intercessor. Lord thank you that you are. As I listen to Jesus interceding for me I realize that I must be committed to doing what The Lord expects of me. Half service is no service and Lord I understand this. LORD I WILL DO WHAT YOU SAY FOR ME TO DO AND I KNOW WHAT THAT IS.

2/V.13… for the Lord’s great anger is burning against us- all around me are the lost. They have not gone about their day thinking about doing things against God, in fact most lost people comfort themselves with the vague thought that they aren’t as bad as so and so and will probably be fine if there is a God or they believe in God they just don’t believe the way that The Lord proscribes our belief-they have a cafeteria mindset about their faith. A little of this a little of that and I’ll be fine. Tragically they will not be fine. Separation from The Lord God will be an eternal desperate situation to be in and it will happen not because God is doing something but in fact because they’ve never chosen to be in His family.
Sad that we live in a society in which the current generation is turning against their heritage and faith. The end result is a choosing the wrath of God instead of faith in Christ. Israel knew about turning from God. They had done it so much that they couldn’t return to The Lord God and had earned HIS anger, a burning anger. That literally scares me. This is not an anger that will be soon turned away but is the type of anger that is earned by a final turning away, an absolute refusal, and they were proud of it. This is not unlike today. Our leaders believe that wrong is right and right is wrong. They scurry to sin. They announce their sin proudly before the world spurning God earning His burning anger. LORD SAVE US FROM OURSELVES.

3/v.13 We have not been doing everything it says we must do. Josiah had a good heart and wanted to do the very best he could but when he was confronted with the Word of God he realized that even as a follower with the best of intentions he wasn’t doing what the Word of God said.
We do not know the heart of God, we don’t understand the ways of God because His ways are totally different than our ways. He forgives sin. HE loves us even when we were dead in our trespasses and sin. Jesus came looking for us. HE died for our sin. The Lord loves us with a depth and breadth that is hard for us to imagine and we have a very difficult time believing Him therefore we need the repetition of His Word. He speaks to us in love. His thoughts towards us are only thoughts for good. Jesus loves us this I know because the Bible tells me so. God is love. His love is unbreakable and everlasting. LORD THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE!



Life is a surprise
It fetes us and forgets us
Sometimes overwhelming us
Today it adjusted me

I wasn’t looking for an insight
Quietly it seized my heart
It was just a daily devotional
2 Kings 22-Lengthy kingly stuff

I was actually thinking of Paul
Acts had my mind
Josiah spoke across the years
The Holy Spirit quickened me

Are you doing what I said
Defensively I said of course
Reading on-I was stopped
No you aren’t

The world is hurting
Who have you loved today?
What are your prayers about?
Have you sweated blood?

Hurting grows
The world is darker
My evil foes revel
While you worry about clothes

Spend time with ME
Listen as I call their names
You are the one to love them
Your hands and feet proclaim

Jesus loves
You are loved-you count
God is good
His love is everlasting

Clay CORVIN  7/3/14

IT ISN’T HARD (1 Kings 8:1-66)

It isn’t hard to ignore the Lord, we feel so accomplished and complete
Hurting all over, ignoring our defeats
We maintain a sense of eternity, no rational reason for belief
But we do believe, Jesus is our strength-HE is God’s everything

Night rolls into day, time flies by-leaving our good intentions high and dry
What was that I purposed, evil disrupts our thought flow
I once thought I could serve the Lord, but so quickly old
Now it must be done, it is deceptive how easily I forget

It isn’t hard to ignore the Lord; the Bible is so straightforward
Promising good to me, How the Lord can use me
But so often I miss the intent, like the Apostles my heart isn’t heaven bent
Walking with Jesus I miss the AWE, Christ is all and in all-HE LOVES US

Change happens while we are living life, it sinks into our pores
As we go we listen and learn, as we go our thoughts spring from His heart
Action is key for thinking isn’t doing, get our heart, hands and feet involved in service
The Lord wants us to be a help to all we see, service and obedience hand in hand

It isn’t hard to ignore the Lord, when I understand the Bible is as current as today
I read His Word closely, knowing it was meant for me as a guide for living
Lord change me, no longer ignoring the Lord – He speaks to me
“Love one another, bend your knee in service” Christ counsels me

Clay Corvin June 11, 2014


Kind words
Precious living
Time enough for worry
Let’s focus on the good
All around are lights from the Lord

Think on these things
Jesus is Lord
We serve Him
We glorify Him
He loves us

Rest as you face adversity
God is in control
His Word is a light unto our feet
A lamp that guides us
We are never out of His love and care

Work hard
Live humbly
Risk caring
Give generously
Think of others as the Lord thinks of you

Remember you belong to Jesus
Call upon Him frequently
Spend time with Him
Get to know Him
Be Christ to a dying world

Clay Corvin 6/3/14


Life is a journey, some old some new
Always voices pulling at you
Famous last words predicting our path
We must learn to think and make good choices

Who will we listen too?
Daniel Webster ridiculed the purchase of California
Today if it were a country it would be the 5th largest GDP economy in the world
Decca records dissed the Beatles, 10 years later Decca was gone

The Apostle Paul saw into the third heaven and his last words call us to
Be faithful in our duties
Hold onto sound doctrine
Guard what you say and do
Be willing to suffer persecution for the Gospel
Work hard at what God has called you to do

You are just starting out in life
Everything looks exciting and new
Listen to Jesus and He will tell you what to do
Trust and obey and Christ will be faithful to you

In your life there will be hardships and failure
But never, never, never quit
Failure isn’t permanent, you count and Jesus loves you
Make good choices and the Lord will deliver you

Clay Corvin May 16, 2014

GOOD NEWS (MK 15:42-16:8)

Sin has overwhelmed us
Each one dead in their trespass and sin
Christ has made it possible for our forgiveness
God has met our desperate need

Joseph of Arimethaea a member of the Sanhedrin
Had covertly followed Jesus
At the Cross Joseph changed
He knew the sacrifice Jesus had made

Defying his fears
Joseph asked Pilate for the body of Jesus
Pilate marveled that He was dead
Joseph laid Him in his own tomb-grief stricken Joseph rolled the stone in place

Sunday morning the women came to anoint the body of Jesus
The stone was rolled away
Looking in the tomb they saw a young man sitting to the right-DO NOT FEAR
Jesus who was crucified has risen-go tell

Good news-my Savior died for you and me
A perfect life-a perfect death
Raised from the dead by the power of God
Jesus is alive and well-Good news for you and me

Clay Corvin April 19, 2014


Jesus submitted Himself to the establishment
Abused by the leaders who swore to do God’s will
They lied and cheated the system
Abusing Jesus they convicted Him and delivered Him to Pilate

Jesus knew what would happen
Willingly He accepted the road to the Cross
He knew our sin; it destroyed Him
His heart near bursting as He paid the price

We couldn’t pay the price;
We would scream our innocence
Innocent of this charge but guilty of sin
Only Jesus could win our freedom; Christ would die for you and me

Thursday night they rigged the trial
Early Friday morning He endured the Sanhedrin
Then to Pilate and Herod and back to Pilate who judged Him innocent but was afraid to free Him
They beat and beat and beat Jesus and walked Him to the Cross where He willingly died

Christ stood the test
His life a sacrifice; His death a victory
Buying our pardon; His work offers life for free
Judged by God; guilty of love

Clay Corvin April 12, 2014


Held a prisoner
Info to come
Walking daily by faith
Knowing His way
Believing He’s won
No matter the outcome

Holding on
A prisoner no more
His victory underscored
Info has come
We will walk another day
Jesus is my ONE

I know what victory tastes like
I know how darkness feels
The Lord never left me
His presence heals and sustains
The ultimate outcome
I’ll be standing with HIM

Clay CORVIN March 21, 2014