The Lord remembered Noah and stopped the flood, HE remembered Abraham and saved Lot
He remembered Rachel and Hannah and gave them children
God remembered Israel and showered mercy on them, Jesus remembers you
He will not let you go, you will never disappear, Jesus loves you

David vowed to build God a home, God said no, be careful about what you vow
Our God is an awesome God, Jesus seeks us, Let Him have your heart
Life will change, no longer alone, Jesus will live with you
He will guide you, Jesus will equip you, the Lord has a plan for your life

Providence rules our day, we don’t know what will happen, the Lord does
Our community needs us, God indwells us, equips us to do His work
People need you, the Lord guides you, Jesus is our righteousness
Repent, change, be—-Lord hear us-we know He does

From the least to the greatest, we all come to the Lord the same way-through Jesus
Christ never turns us away, He takes us to the Father, He intercedes for us
Even when we are in sin, the Lord is calling us, come near, hear, Jesus is calling you
He wants you to know Him, He delivers us from our sin, let Jesus have your life

Bless us Lord, be with us today, outfit us to follow you, to serve you
Protect us in the face of great evil, tell us what to do
We know you Lord and we want to know you better, cleanse me from sin
Be with me Father, Use me Lord, thank you for being on my side, the Lord is good

Clay Corvin May 11, 2013


I am a child of God, Jesus forgave me of my sin, Christ lives in me
Jesus said not to worry, that He would take care of me, worry is a pain
Worry seeks to drown me, sideline me, upset me, abuse me, defuse me
Worry always says I can’t, Jesus says I can

I trust the providence of God, Jesus is Lord and Savior and I belong to Him
He calls me to live today and not become ineffective with worry
I don’t know the future but Jesus does and I can trust Him
Day by day, I confront my sin, confessing, changing, recommitting, redirecting my life

I count with Jesus, He knows me, what I need and cannot earn, where I need to go
I spend time with Him and He equips me for today, I find peace and joy in Jesus
Each day I begin fresh and new, thank you Lord for today, worry aplenty, salvation enough
I do what I do, I do it with the Lord, He works in and through me

People need me, everyone I touch has a need
It may be a smile, a listening ear, money, guidance, or prayer
I am needed, Jesus gives me value and worth, Christ controls me, Jesus leads me
Each day I am there, caring, helping, serving, as though the Lord Himself were there

How can I live free from worry? Trust the Lord
When I fail I will get up, when I am victorious I will be humble
Anyone that needs help I will give it, always giving more than I get
Day by day I will focus on Jesus, seeking His wisdom, doing the next right thing

Clay Corvin May 4, 2013

I’M HERE GOD (Thoughts on Psalm 131)

David cried out “my heart is not proud, my eyes are not haughty”
Don’t trifle with God, HE knows your heart, pride will out, think this through
He sees your eyes, Jesus knows you, every second, every look
Set aside your pride, life is a common experience; every person you see has value
God knows you, your boastful past, set it aside, pride of the present, bend your knee
Be yourself, not what you think others think of you, bend the knee to the Lord

Set aside the pride of life, self sufficiency, dependence on the world for your happiness
His GRACE is sufficient for you, do what you can, do it the best you can, rejoice in who you are
Those who wish to be everything will wind up being nothing, know your limitations
Mind your business, seek to help those around you, people need people, they need you
So often in wishing to be great we fail to be good, seek the Lord and His righteousness
Do His will and the Lord will see you through

Hope in the Lord, in things, every day, every way, hope in the Lord
We do not build value with things seen but it is those things unseen where we build value
Stop yearning for the world, do not seek position, or prominence, instead serve where you are
Calm your soul before the Lord and things will straighten out, appreciate the Lord’s presence
Look at your past, it warrants confidence, evaluate you present, it demands confidence
Hope in the Lord, our future justifies our confidence, I’m here Lord, I love you

Clay Corvin 4/13/13


Life is hard and getting worse
All around my world is bust
Deep inside a wary buzz
I’m guilty of sin, I know you’ve heard
I can’t deny, reply it, shake it, it sticks to my very soul
O Lord hear my cry help me before I die
I will change my way of living

Nothing happened except I feel different
I know I’m a sinner and the Lord knows every sin
I know that only Christ can wash my sin away
He has, I believe it
He heard me, He promised me
Renewed and cleansed
I believe that the Lord has forgiven me

I sit and wait with silent expectation
What will the Lord do with me now?
Waiting upon the Lord, time slowly ticks by
It’s never this slow when I’m doing things

No talking, only listening
Quietly Jesus responds to me
He reminds me
There is mercy with the Lord, exactly the amount of mercy I need
HE gives me redemption, I am renewed
Jesus has broken the silence and spoken to me
Praise the Lord, from whom all blessings flow
Jesus has saved my soul, unto eternity

Clay Corvin 4/6/13


Bearing His cross He went out
Whipped and beaten within an inch of death
The Romans were proud of themselves
The men enjoyed the sport of beating a prisoner
Every step Christ took was painful
It took all of His strength to walk to that place
Toting His cross to Calvary
That evil place of suffering – Golgotha

The soldiers laid Him on the cross roughly
The rulers of the world murdering whom they pleased
The nails slammed into His feet and arms
Pain beyond belief-the nerves violated screamed out in pain, pain, pain
Exhausted He could not rest
Sagging would stop His lungs from breathing
He knew my sin, He held on in this horrid pain for me
His blood spilled on the Cross, that evil place my place of rescue

He obeyed the Father
His work was done
He breathed His last breath
Thoughts of me on His heart
He knew the life that I would live, the pain I would feel
He took it all upon His heart and died to set me free
The perfect sacrifice, Christ saved me
Seated with the Father He prays for me-Jesus loves me this I know

Clay Corvin March 30, 2013


Italy Pilgrimage. Sunday -3/17/13
What a day! We traveled from New Orleans on Saturday arriving in Rome Sun. morning at 6:35am. Our larger group would arrive from New Orleans at 9:20am. We transferred directly to the Hotel Lancelot dodging the set up for the Rome Marathon and arriving at the hotel in good time. I needed to get our Roma Passes but the office was unreachable because the Marathon had it blocked off. Oh well something always goes a little amiss.
Chilly weather. In addition to the Rome Marathon there was a rugby match and a soccer game in town (it included the Irish and today was St Patricks Day) and of course the new Pope Francis had a public mass at St Peter’s. all in all the word was there were 1,000,000 additional people on the streets and we ran into a majority of them.
Carla, our longtime friend and guide met our larger group at the airport about 9:30am and took them to Ostia Antica, St Paul’s outside Rome and an overview of Rome.
We all met up about 4pm. All of us were worn out.
Bible study at 6pm with Dr Dukes teaching in Ephesians and Dr Nelson Price teaching about the Bible and the Papacy.
Great meal, many worn out folks chatting glassy eyed and now to bed. Big day tomorrow.
Clay. 3/17/13


Life’s hard, difficult to assess, tragedy lurks around the corner, no relief found
Evil comes a calling, it knows my name, stuff I’ve tried all my life, failure again and again
All around are people, they seek to tear me down, they know my name, my heart defamed
But I will not bend or break, success is just ahead, no fear in failure, victory is my name

Persecution will come, in unexpected ways, I serve the Lord, His ways are my ways
It makes me peculiar, the world hates that, but Jesus loves His people, His love lines my way
I can survive, Jesus loves me, I am without fear, eternity holds me near
Whatever men may be, whatever comes my way, God is good, God is just praise His Holy name

I do not wish ill on anyone, those that defame the Lord, will meet justice, evil will fail the day
When we love Jesus, we are a fanatic, we do what HE says, the world cries fool, odd, evil
Today right is wrong, wrong is right, God nullifies that kind of thinking, right is always right
Those who bless God are blessed, those who curse God are cursed, God always knows, everything

Quickly do the wicked disappear, soon ripe soon rotten, soon plotting soon rotting, justice
The wicked come to nothing, as they are flourishing they are withering, no one will profit from them
Their aim is bad, their work is worse, their end is the worst of all, they are cursed and never blessed
We do not rejoice, there is only weeping for the lost, people that slander the Gospel we dare not bless

Clay Corvin
March 9, 2013


Fearful world, chaotic mess, at war with the Prince of Peace
Reaching out destroying me, while it proclaims “hath God said”, evil trailing me
My life is troubled, my heart is sad, will rejoicing ever reach me
“COME, Jesus said, “Follow me”, my burden is light on thee

Jesus proclaimed life for me, Christ died for my sin, His life brings peace
The Lord proclaimed: FEAR GOD AND FOLLOW ME
The world says no, Christians are fools, pie in the sky bye and bye
God’s Word says different, Jesus has the Power, Christ has the Say
He will give life, He will bring real happiness, not one day but TODAY

When we fear God, we obey God, in Christ we find protection and provision
God approves, we rejoice, Coming into the family of God, I have His favor
No more despair, No more fear, HOPE abounds, Peace in me
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, no other name we know, He is Lord of me

His blessing on my life, no matter how bad it was, I am changed
A member of His crew, a servant of Christ, I live for Jesus
He lives in me, His life blessing my children, Changing everything for them
I have all things in Christ, I can give Christ to everyone, people need Jesus
His Word is heard and seen in me, Fear disposed, courage now

Believe in Jesus, He will pour out His blessing on you, hope abounds
Everything changed, my walk talks, my life blesses
I’m set free, I proclaim Jesus, setting others free
No longer a nothing, now I am something, a CHILD OF GOD SET FREE

Clay Corvin Saturday March 2, 2013

UNLESS (Psalm 127-Nisi Dominus frustra)

Unless the Lord builds a house it is effort vain
Tomorrow unknown, each day pegged
We come, we see, we die all in the wink of an eternal eye
Why build a house you cannot use, effort wasted, stop, refuse
Without the Lord we are nothing, a dot of sand, forgotten before we are remembered

Unless the Lord protects a city, a watchman’s job is vain
Water comes and drowns the land, fire comes and steals the structures
We cannot stop what we do not know; we cannot see what does not show
Faith in Christ will pave each day; the Lord’s protection has eternal sway
Unless the Lord is in it we are wasting time, His protection is required

Unless the Lord directs our path, our journey is lost from the beginning
Our faith changes what we see; His love makes life be
More than marking time; each one of us are valuable
It’s not our job or our wealth that speaks our worth; Christ in us changes us
The Lord brings peace to chaos, life to death and worth to our life

Unless the Lord builds the family, the value of children is never seen
The world sees another mouth to feed, hard days of labor and no pretty please
The Lord rewards us with children they are our future; raising them our inheritance
Letting us do God work; teaching them in faith and practice to become like Jesus
The Lord is at work in His children; we are at work becoming what God created us to be

Jesus is real life; He came from the Father to pay our price
His offer a gift: membership in God’s family, eternal life by faith in Christ
Jesus walks through life with us; it is a hard road to walk; dangers all around
Jesus knows our sorrows, they are many, He gives us wisdom, mercy and grace
Today is His day, Jesus lives in me, Unless Jesus is in me all is lost

Clay Corvin February 23, 2013


God is always right, many bridle at His sight, HOW-WHY-WHO
Can God, quips the lost, I want to do it my way
The essence of sin, our will to win, we’re in a little place in the universe
World says it’s my, it’s mine, I want that
The Lord says it’s all about Jesus, it’s His, we can do it His way or no way

An evil dynamic controls this world, it woos young and old, blinding them to sin
Giving them a glimpse of the eternal, that does not exist, it is a lie
Enslaving body and soul, destroying and never making whole, despair rules
Chained wickedness, blind in sin, the world is a slavery camp
Jesus can make us whole, He destroys wickedness, He brings us into His home

No one understands the activity of God, He does as he chooses, He’s always right
Always good, the Lord seeks to give us a new heart, so that we can follow Him
His ways are the right ways, His life the right life, claim your life and follow Him
Jesus will take control, His Word will teach us, His hand will guide us
Never again will fear stalk our hearts, the Lord brings us peace, He gives us joy

We cannot do it ourselves, only Jesus can give us God’s life, Christ leads our steps
Standing with us in failure, Jesus assures us we have victory, Jesus is Lord
He knows our pain, His love gives us gain, His way is the only way for life
Whosoever will may come, He is talking to you, “Come take my hand”
His Word to you, “Do it now”, don’t hurt another day, accept His eternal life

Clay Corvin February 9, 2013