I want to be strong
Living my life with elegance
Others seeing me and envying my life
Behind the scene I’m not proud of my life
I do what I say I won’t do over and over again
There is power in the Name of Jesus

I wouldn’t admit it to you
God knows-He sees everything
But I seek to hide my foolish ways from Him
My mind doesn’t function well at times
I can’t hide anything from Him
There is power in the name of Jesus

Jesus gives me strength for living
He changes me
In the midst of my failure His love beckons me
Forgiving me – He has paid the price for my sin
His love gives me power to address my faults
There is power in the name of Jesus

My holiness is like dirty rags- I don’t have any
His holiness is a grace gift- I can’t earn it
Jesus has a plan for my life- He has called me
To do His work here and to do it the way He shows me
I have to stay in vital contact with Him to know what to do
There is power in the name of Jesus

Now is the time to let the Lord change my world
Tomorrow never comes, yesterday is a canceled check
Now is the time to pray, now is the time to forgive
Now is where I will always be-praise His holy name
I am surrendered to Jesus right now-change me Jesus
There is power in the name of Jesus

Clay Corvin February 2, 2013
[email protected]


Jesus lived under the same stresses and challenges we face
Yet He committed no sin, did what only HE could do
HE died for my sin, each sin, every sin,
Sin is ugly and evil, it separates us from the Lord
Jesus lets us know that God loves us so much that He will be our Father

Every male Jew was required by law to go to Jerusalem three times a year
Passover, Pentecost and Sukkot
Because of the distance by foot most only went to Jerusalem once a year
The village went for safety and to celebrate all the way from Nazareth to Megiddo
The Lord is long suffering, how about you?

Jesus love and honored His parents
He was fully man and fully God and did no sin
Yet God heard and still He loves us
As we plot for the moment not seeing the magnitude of sin in our life
Lord only your GRACE is sufficient- I will strive to follow you

Jesus equips us for three dimensions, His Word trains us the way we should go
My life was hard but nothing like the difficulties of the world
God is our Father and we are His children, and as such we are
Cleanse me of unrighteous and self-centered living
I want to move away from foolish living – Help me walk in your ways

The Lord is at the center of every situation in life
He is equipped to help each one of us See Jesus
We trust Him for every situation
The only person I am responsible for is me
Help me Lord to connect with the Holy Spirit

I would do what I have purposed to do, but it isn’t bathed in truth
Only God is good therefor from the depths of my soul I am praying
For safety, protection, wisdom, mercy and grace for you each on and everyone
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it
Father train me in the way I should go, YOU know everything

Clay Corvin


Our flight from the US was uneventful including Dr. Parker and Dukes just making the plane at JFK. We were about 30 min late but made it through customs and over to ElDan Car Rental timely and soon were on the road to Neve Elan where we will be the next three nights. We did stop at Latrun (SI) for coffee. The weather is very nice, chilly and clear. We arrived at Neve Ilan about 5:30pm and had supper at 6:30pm. The meal was a Shabbat recognition. There were about 300 people from the local area dining with family. Shabbat is when families generally have the evening meal together.

Neve Ilan is about 20 km from Jerusalem. We are in the general area for Emmaus.

We are tired. Our bedtime isn’t far away.


I love the land of Israel, The Lord does too
Arriving is always a coming home, departure sadness
It is an Eastern Culture, Much different than our own
I’ve read so much about it, That’s why it seems like home

When I am here the Bible is always in my hand, the Lord`s presence near
Thoughts of the Savior, Remembrances of prophets
Breathing Israeli air, Sustenance for my soul
The land of the Bible, Where we see God’s actions took hold

How about today, Is it really that important to visit Israel?
It enhances our understanding, When we see Scripture alive
We see the dust, the rustic browns and stunning blue skies
The Galilee is very special, We see The Lord at work, ministering to great need

Every time I come it is different, New People, an insight birthed anew
The intensity of our pilgrimages, Tends to hold my attention
When I go back home, then I will have time to think thru all the things I saw and heard
Israel is a place that will connect with you, Jesus loves you

Clay 12/28/12


What does the Bible say?
Jesus was a man
Grew up in Nazarath, gave His father a hand
Walked, talked, burdened with the world
He was a real man, a strong and able man
He was divine-filled with God- made God’s presence known
God in Human flesh

What does Jesus say about Himself?
Only way to God, no other way to the Father
With God from the beginning, since before time, Jesus was always with God
Required by the Father, believe in Jesus and live, reject Jesus and you are rejecting life
See Jesus you see God, know Jesus you know God, believe in Jesus you believe in God
Christ had a pure life, tested in every way, perfect Son of God
Died with grace on the Cross, Centurion said “surely this man must be the Son of God”

What does history say?
Jesus is alive today, alive in you and me
No peace without Jesus, no joy apart from Christ
Millions testify to His grace and mercy
Jesus is Lord over all things
He sits at the right hand of the Father
Jesus has the power of God in Him, indeed Christ is God

What do you say about Jesus?
Do you trust Him, you can
Are you convinced that Jesus is the living Son of God
Able to save your soul
Willing to walk each moment with you
Jesus is able to save you
Let the Lord have control of your life

CC December 8, 2012


Determination is my name
Convenience is my game
Crafting words and life complete
Fooling only myself
I rules my life

Surrender is my name
Life was once my game
I did those things that pleased my heart
Never asking Christ
If what I did was right

Servant is my name
Jesus leads my way
He brings peace and life
His words light my path
I do those things that honor Him

Victory has claimed me
Christ the Savior of my soul
He walks with me and talks with me
People profit from my walk
Jesus loves thru me, Christ has set me free

Clay Corvin. Written at Christ Church, Jerusalem


I’m here Lord
Standing in the need of prayer
A new day dawns in Zion
Our journey of discovery begins

We aren’t newbies
The land itself is known to us
But I want to know you more
We seek that wisdom that only You can give

Bible study, daily devotional and site commentaries
Lord speak to us as we tour
Open our eyes to see You
Enable us to grasp Your insights

In doing this pilgrimage
We will let You break down our barriers that an ordinary life erects
Align our heart and our head
The end result of our pilgrimage will be You

Clay Corvin. 11/16/12


Israel cried as a nation, hurting in their captivity
O Lord fix this mess, how could it have gotten to this sad state?
All at once the captivity was over, overwhelming, Israel was saved
They felt as if they were in a dream
Exile to ecstasy, banishment to joy

Now they sing, from the depths of their soul
How great our God who delivered us
Nothing was more unlikely to happen than this miracle
Babylon to Jerusalem came in a flash
Now they were home, what are they to do? They sing to the Lord of Hosts

We find ourselves in a fix, that thing that destroys our church
Sears our soul, burns our minds, scares our heart
So many have been left behind, I’ve been saved in Christ
What about mother, brother, sister, father, child, that friend up the street
Nothing is too hard for God, O Lord save our church, our nation, the world

Just like Israel we weep and mourn for the lost, they are our charge
We need them to complete our joy, heartbreak and mourning dog our steps
We sow in tears, we walk Jesus’ walk, we talk as sons & daughters of God
The Lord hath done great things, complete in us what you have started
On that day our mouths will be filled with laughter, our song for eternity

Clay Corvin 11/10/12


I trust in the Lord, He is for me
This world is insecure everything is passing away
Life flees; no one is safe except those who trust in the Lord

My life belongs to the Lord, He is alive, and Jesus saves me
I can trust Him; He cares for me, Jesus watches over me
He guides me in the places I should go His love surrounds me

All the days of my life I will experience trouble Jesus is with me
He talks with me, Jesus feels my pain, and He knows my name
Every step I take, Jesus the Lord is protecting me

I am secure in Christ even when I am beat with the rod
Jesus is with me, the pain of life is for a moment, and Jesus gives me peace
I will be with the Lord forever and He will never let me go

The ungodly surround me, I tell them about Jesus, and some hear, most don’t
The end of the wicked is destruction; they are at war with God
The end of the righteous is life in Christ; He paid the price for my life

Remember me Lord, Jesus will not forget
Life will try to upset us, it will but the Lord stands with us
Jesus is Lord, He gives us life and peace and we will be with the Lord forever

Clay Corvin November 3, 2012


Nothing but Jesus’s power and wisdom saved me, evil is a powerful foe
The Lord is on my side
He is my defender
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Evil rose up to fight my faith
Mankind is against me, evil accuses me
Hatefully, hopelessly, cowardly
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Eager for my destruction, evil wants to destroy me
Jesus declares –that cruel throat can’t swallow, fire will not destroy
The only reason I’m still here is that Jesus is alive, Christ is here with me
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Trouble is here to stay, it is always around
I am tossed around but not drowned
The world’s enmity spares nothing, Jesus alone saves me
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Mankind is haughty, scornful, embittered
Pride and contempt seeks to destroy God’s people including me
If Jesus had not intervened I would not have survived
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Nothing can destroy us
Jesus owns us
He will never give us to our enemies
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Like a bird I am easily enticed into the snare
I am weak and foolish; easily defeated by evil
What great mercy for one so weak, Jesus keeps ahold of me
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

The ground of my confidence is Jesus
In all trials present and to come
Jesus my Creator and Preserver, He that fashioned us will watch over us
I shout- praise the Lord for His great mercy, Jesus saves my soul

Clay Corvin, October 27, 2012
[email protected]


Lord you know me, the ins and outs of me
I fail and blame others but the act was mine
I need your mercy Father I look up to you and cry out for mercy
We have walked many miles together I know you are there

I believe that every thought you have for me is good, my thoughts are often not good
When I think about how wonderful and amazing you are, Holy and lifted up
All knowing, all seeing, majestic, loving Father, Holy Spirit, Son of God
You know me and You know what I need and when I need it

The ungodly do not believe in You they do not see the edge of eternity we walk on
The choice is ours, believe in You or Our self Lord I believe in You
However long I need to wait I will wait, I know you hear and will act
The Lord is gracious and patient, I will be patient, trusting the Lord will give me mercy

Every day we need mercy, kindness in the world is in short supply
The Lord is overflowing with forgiveness for us; He has abundant mercy to meet our need
We will patiently consider our blessings, letting gratitude be our attitude
Joy is our watchword, Jesus brings joy to us and pours it into us

We see you Lord, Your promises are with us, thank you for working in our life
We focus our life upon You, obedience and hope in You
The world is never going our way, we claim your mercy Lord, come help us
We will stay right here before you until you fix us, help me Jesus I need you

Today I’ve had it up to here, we all have days where the last straw breaks
Jesus I need Your mercy, Your healing, your strength
I trust Your love for me, I will expect Your mercy Lord
God’s mercy is accompanying me, Jesus is alive, He lives in me

Clay Corvin October 6, 2012