A vision from God for David to see
Temple worship of God by His people
Solomon built the Temple, God’s love bubbled over
Jerusalem was the place to be, God’s joy to see

An excitement that didn’t fade, joy in anticipation
Joy in the journey, joy in the activity
Go to God, so you can see
The Lord is at work in you and me

Things are not always what we see, the Lord sees our heart
In His presence there is joy, joy for us
We receive it and carry it and share it
Bowing our head in adoration, praise God our source of joy

Praise the Lord who sent His Son Jesus
Christ died and paid the price for my sin
I struggle still with sin in me, but Jesus has cleansed my heart
Joy is in me, Christ has forgiven me, and Jesus has a hold on me

Pray for our church, pray for our people, pray for His work
There are souls to be saved, people to be loved
The Lord is calling you and me, Come I have work to do
Jesus will not lose you, Jesus gives us peace

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the world is aflame
The Lord is here with us, praise His name
His joy for you straight from His heart
The Lord is here with us, praise His name

Clay Corvin 9/29/12


Mankind seeks to find a way to live and do whatever he wants
Stuffing down the anxiety of the future
Overwhelmed by the failures of the past, claiming they will last
Tiptoeing by the graveyard, death is ever present, evil dogs our path
Crooning Hell’s motto, “I did it my way.”

Society soaked in drugs anesthetizing life’s pain
At the peak of success imploding
Do these idiots in the news really believe the stuff they say?
I need help, I need help to live, I need help
Jesus enters in; “Come follow me and I will walk life’s way with you”

My resources are so limited Lord, but YOU are unlimited
I have a hard time remembering an appointment, YOU forget nothing
Self-sufficiency and autonomy are a myth
A common cold can bring us to our knees
A little blood clot can kill us-forever- I need help

What I say, what I do, teach me Lord
Every time things turn on me, I raise my gaze to YOU
My help comes from Jesus, He is Lord of everything including me
All my troubles are in His hands and He will walk with me
Jesus offers me wisdom, mercy, grace and strength

The Lord never breaks a promise
He knows everything past, present and future and He knows all about me
Jesus loves me, not what I can do or what I have, Jesus loves me
His wondrous presence has to be toned down so that I can spend time with Him
I am so limited and foolish, Lord hear my plea, HELP me, I need help

Jesus will not permit my foot to slip
As I pray He prays with me providing that very thing I’m not asking for but need
The Lord leads me every day of my life in His glorious way
No sin, no attack, no evil can take me away from Jesus
Praise the Lord, His help is just what I need.

Clay Corvin September 22, 2012


O God heal my lying lips, my heart is hard, I protect myself
Failure never my fault, it’s him or her, my upbringing
Never would I admit, mean spiritedness, selfish devotion to sin
It’s always someone else, never me, can’t you see how I’m wronged?

Lying tongue be quiet, God speaks, it is your fault
Where you walk, who you are with, selfishness is a false foundation
Addiction is a convenient way to disavow responsibility, it must be something else
You live in a world bent on disaster, you cause you pain, bend your knee in Jesus name

Woe is me, can I get an amen, don’t you know my hard story?
Judgment comes without my plea, God knows the truth, my heart is hard and cold
Jesus can set you free, He loves you and me, claim Christ’s gift-a warm heart that’s free
O Lord I need you, you are the only way to be free, Come Lord Jesus and deliver me

Clay Corvin 9/8/12


Peace requested, peace proclaimed
All around revile His name, there is no peace without Jesus
He is peace, peace is one of His gifts to His children
The Lord is not short of peace, mankind seeks for peace
Refusing to acknowledge Christ the Lord, the search will always fail

See the cities soaked in blood, the babies littering boot hill
Nations war with instant death, exclaiming it’s for our health
Who knew I needed their pain, my life creates enough for me
Jesus said His burden was light, He gives the gift of real life
Undergirded with peace, Jesus sets the captives free

All the wise want to control God, listen to what they say
Everything that is good for us, comes from edicts they play
This is good and that is bad, Has God really said
Listen my friend, GOD has spoken in Christ
Today He seeks you, one day He will return with judgment

Peace requested, peace offered in Jesus name
Christ will change your heart, your life belongs to Him
No longer at the mercy of the world, this life is passing fast
Jesus will equip you to live, meaning and value from Him
Every day we walk His way, we are one day nearer to the Lord

Clay Corvin August 31, 2012


Once a chaotic life, filled with vagaries and fear of the future, then Jesus came looking for me
I remember the good old songs and stories, life was better then, heartache so far away
He saved my soul, Christ made me whole, His love overwhelmed me

It was an exciting time, I spoke to everyone, my life was brand new
God’s Word lit up my heart, His strength cleansed my soul, I was on fire for Jesus
Great and mighty is our God, His wonders to behold, write them down they will free your soul

Day by day life wore me down, His activity in me seemed so far away, one day like another
The ordinariness of life overwhelmed me, my prayers no longer reached the sky, Lord help me
Sin creeps, my heart is weak, excuses gain control, where did I go wrong

I know in my heart what has happened, I have sinned and walked away from God
He is still my Father, I am still His child, woe is my life, strength gone, sin has a toe hold
Repent child, turn back to God, PEACE like a river restoring your soul, Jesus in control

His love is remembered, His presence sought, time with Jesus refocuses my walk
Talk and think and live in Christ, striving to surrender my life, Jesus LOVES me
Life wore me down away from Jesus, Christ encourages me, HOPE and FAITH renew me

Clay Corvin 8/25/12


Crying out Lord why, I station myself to watch, to see what the Lord will do
How can He deal with evil, this place of tears and woe, evil shows
Good is bad, and right is wrong, people openly defying God, is there no fear?

I’m listening, listening, listening, a word, a sound, a direction
Spying out God from my quiet place, a watcher on the wall, I’m waiting
God speaks, it caught me off guard, He didn’t answer me, God directed me

Tell it, tell it all, in letters big and tall, even the runner can see
The JUST shall live by faith, friends with Christ, every step protected
His hands on my life, His heart calms my strife, eternity visiting me

His right, my sight, responding to my Father, He loves me
His righteousness, a grace gift to me, assuring me
My life, your life, is valuable, because we belong to Him

Live, He promises life to us, now, tomorrow, eternity
Live by faith, His plans, His love, His power
Hang on, Jesus will show you the way, wait upon the Lord

The JUST shall live by faith, never doubt in the dark
What Christ has said in the light
No matter the storm or plight, We will survive, firmly anchored to Christ

Clay Corvin July 28, 2012


Problems all around, I try to fix them but fail
Chaos reigns and it seems as if I’m at war, my heart sinks, will things ever change?
Just when everything is right, everything goes wrong, over and over again
All of my life the solution has been just ahead, 16, 21, college, marriage, a child, a job

Jesus has the answer, He brings peace from God to troubled lives, He shed His blood for me
Died on the cross for me, raised by the power of God to set me free, His love changes me
Life will still have its ups and downs and challenges will never cease
But Jesus brings God’s peace to me, His hand a calming touch

Christ changes the setting for mankind, His gift brings God to us
What we have been looking for all of our life, we find in Jesus
Peace with God, no longer at war, we belong to Him, Jesus is Lord of our life
No more separation, He has reconciled us to the Father; we are part of God’s family

We can talk with the Father, Christ lives in our heart, and the Holy Spirit guides us
Jesus is our focus, we rejoice in Him, know Him, worship Him, serve Him
His love guides us to care for others, we love because we are loved
Surrender and obedience our charge, Peace real peace is in our life

Clay Corvin 7/21/12


Once I was dead, now I’m alive, Jesus rescued me
His blood was shed, His body dead, The Father raised Jesus from the dead
Now at the right hand of the Father, Jesus is alive and leading me

First Christ brought me near, near to Himself and near to the Father
He sent the Holy Spirit to be by my side, the Lord guides me
To the pathways I should walk, In the way that I should live

Jesus made peace for me with the Father; I am no longer at war with God
No longer excluded from God’s family, I am a child of God
Grafted into His family, Jesus is my elder brother, God is my Father

Peace leads me to care, His peace equips me to share
I am loved and filled with care, Jesus meets my every need
A dead and dying world, Christ sends me to be His hands and feet, telling all I meet

I am in Christ, He is in me, loneliness is long gone
I know Him, daily I seek to know Him better, my focus is on Christ
Gentleness a new found trait, His peace guards my heart

Anxiety banished, I go to Christ with all of my needs
He listens to me; Jesus gives me wisdom, mercy and grace
I give my worries to Him, Christ welcomes me in

Everyday I consider His ways, I meditate on His Word,
My life is hidden in Christ with God, the world cannot control me
Everyday in a multitude of ways, Jesus outfits my soul
Clay Corvin 7/21/12


Peace proclaimed… In Jesus name
We crave the calm… His heart we seek

Lifting hands to heaven… Bending low to weep
This land of pain and sorrow… Suffers at Jesus feet

Life and strength offered… To face the deepest hurt
But people dead in sin and strife… Have ears that have not heard

My actions must proclaim Him… Christ is life and light
Reaching out to people… He calls me to sacrifice

Give with celebration… The lost need what we have
They will see my Jesus… If His life my life declares

Do not faint through failure… Our flesh is weak with fear
Proclaim His love with all you do… Jesus Christ is here with you

Let Him have your minutes… Give Him all of your mind
Hands and feet proclaiming… He gave His life for mine

Clay Corvin 8/6/07


Peace peace, there is not peace
While sin controls a heart
Dead and cold with life on hold
Sin destroys, denies and controls

Desperate for an end to chaos
We seek some kind of relief
Seldom a day of joy and hope
For those deny Christ’s plea

Come to me Jesus says
He will give us a new heart
A cleansed soul
And PEACE like a river flowing from the heart of God

In Christ we have peace
No longer at war with God, He is our Father
We are His children and the focus of His love
We are one in the bond of love

Jesus paid the price for our peace
Jesus broke thru the destruction of sin
His act destroyed our separation from the Father
Uniting us in Christ with God

Peace is now our possession
Christ has given it to us for eternity
Claim His precious gift right now and each day
Know that the Lord is good and He gives us His peace

Clay Corvin October 16, 2010