God is good, God is great, His wonders are incomparable, sing His praises, God is great
See His wonderful miracles, tell everyone about them, our God loves us, Jesus is His name
No other name by which mankind is saved, Jesus, Jesus the Lord, Lord God Almighty
Seek the Lord, Seek Him everyday, Seek Him every waking moment, He is worthy
We are needy, Jesus the Lord meets our every need, Seek the Lord
Write down what Jesus does, keep a list, Remember it, Share it, Jesus the Lord is Wonderful
The Lord calls us His children, not just as a group, He knows my name, He is my God
Jesus makes us 7,000 plus promises in the Bible including a covenant promise, He is our God
He will Keep each promise, He will not forget us, His love for us is all consuming
Jesus protects us, While we are awake, While we are asleep, He is with us all the time
Jesus is our Savior, He came for us to live among us, He died for us, The Father raised Him from the grave
Jesus paid the price for our sin, He gives us the free gift of relationship in God’s family, He saves us
He is actively involved in my life, Involved in your life, Nothing can separate us from Jesus
Jesus the Lord is God, Fully God, Fully man, He is coming back one day in judgment, Fear the Lord
Christ created us, He created us in His image, He created us in love, Jesus loves you and me
God is worthy of all HONOR AND MAJESTY, He shares with us His strength and joy
Our God is strong enough to save us unto eternity, Nothing surprises Jesus, He knows all about us
He knows what has happened in our life, He knows what will happen in our life, Jesus is Lord
He reigns, He is king of the universe, Over all things, Creator of all things
O Lord God Almighty, Wonderful God, Mighty God, Save us, make us your children forever, AMEN

Clay Corvin July 14, 2012


Forgiven by Christ, empowered by God, filled with the Holy Spirit
Speaking as God wants, living life to the fullest, each day knowing His presence
Christ is the only true God, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, three in one, the only ONE

Once enemies of the Lord God, blind to the Spirit, dead in my trespasses and sin
Christ gave new life, His life, on-going and constantly renewing, never to be taken away
Jesus is Lord, Lord of the past, present and future, He will never leave me alone

God rules by grace, He is our friend, the Christ centered life is daily growing
Seeking to know Him more, seeking to be used by Jesus, seeking to partner in His work
What Jesus does is what we can do, He loves His creation, making all things new

Fear is constantly receding, there is no fear in Jesus, and Christ gives us confidence
Instead we are controlled by love, giving is our mindset, how can I help is our watchword
Let His work begin with me, Use me up Lord Jesus, an offering of sacrifice to the Father

His love comforts me in the difficulties of life, failure is ever present, victory is our foundation
My time with Him increases, devotional time my strength, He speaks and I listen
His Word, His presence, His promises empower me, His righteousness my peace

Cry out Christ says, tell the world, my yoke is easy my burden is light
Let them know that Jesus brings meaning and value to life, Christ is the bright morning star
He is praiseworthy, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, kneel before Jesus

Christ is the wisdom of God, we are a chosen race, forgiven and birthed in His world
Earth is not our home, we are just passing through, all of us are called to tell about Jesus
We are reliable witnesses, changing the world with God’s Word, Jesus is coming soon

Clay Corvin July 7, 2012



Jesus Christ rose from the dead

A sinless life to pay my debt

He is alive today and will show us the way

Repent and be baptized and follow Christ’s way

Is the Gospel relevant?  What is your life worth?  

It is a way of life, coming to Christ, following the Creator’s command


The Word of God stands true

Christ is the truth and we can follow Him and His Word

When we were dead in our trespasses and sin Christ died for us

Jesus is our sure foundation, HE alone died for us

His way gives us life and truth: He values people

We know the Lord and He knows us: Jesus is the only way to the Father


For God so loved the world that He willingly gave His son for us

Just like Jesus we are called to suffer for a dying world

We spend more time with Him

Jesus builds us into a Godly man or woman, Christ desires our growth

He gives us a purpose for living

A glad heart, His praise upon our lips, His hope nourishing us


Now thru a glass darkly but one day face to face

Our hope is in Jesus, He never leaves us, Christ is with us

We have joy in the midst of our troubles

His power equips us to stand in the face of evil

Consistently giving us what we need and cannot earn, His grace is always new and fresh

God the Father has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son: the relevant Gospel


Clay Corvin      June 30, 2012


When trouble comes, it will and does
What will you do, to survive and move forward?
Will you rely on family ties, money, job, or fame?
Will you pray?  Will God answer?  What would God say?  

Our Father, God, has spoken in Jesus Christ
He is the way, the truth and life-Jesus is the only way to the Father
He says He loves us and will stand with us
To prove His love He died for us so that we might have forgiveness for sin

Christ is our Savior and He brings us mercy from God
Mercy is the Lord’s characteristic way He deals with His children
The Lord speaks comfort to us-He will bind up our wounds-He cares for you and me
When trouble comes Jesus seeks to comfort us in our affliction

Jesus is our resource when trouble comes-no matter what kind of trouble it is
Jesus seeks to help us-His comfort comes to us-Greater the problem-Greater the comfort
He provides the resource we need so that we can glorify the Father
As we go forward we will comfort those in need as we ourselves were comforted

Will trouble come our way?  Yes
What do we do with our troubles?  Turn to Jesus
Jesus delivers us from our trouble or He will see us through them
When trouble comes the only way is with Jesus

Clay Corvin    6/23/12


Destruction is certain for the leaders who say all is fine
They rewrite God’s Word and speak soothing refrains to one and all
They see no reason to bend the knee to Jesus
They say there are many ways to God
Sitting in jaded seats they write and teach
Outside the children are dying and going to hell
Who will feed them? Who will care for their needs?

Twenty seven hundred years ago Ezekiel said the Shepherd was coming
He would heal the hurting, feed the poor, care for the broken
Christ would lead God’s children home, He was the Shepherd
He came two thousand years ago, the Shepherd is here
He is alive today, He came for you
His children hear His voice, He will care for them
Jesus is Lord, He will care for you, He is our Shepherd

How about your life? Is Christ in charge of your life?
If you ask Him to forgive you of your sin Jesus will save you
He will never forget you, He will not leave you alone, He gives you life eternal
Christ calls us to gather together in the Church, His bride
We become His hands and feet-He is the great Shepherd
We are His hands and feet-we care for the poor, the sick, the lost
Our job is to profess Christ every moment of every day-Jesus is Lord

God’s Church-the Body of Christ-is different than the world
If Christ isn’t the Head it is simply an organization
Christ calls us, pushes us to care for those around us
Someone in need is our responsibility
We pray, we study, we worship, we grow in Christlikeness
Everyday we live we care for others as if they were us
We are the Shepherds-Christ our example is our Shepherd

Clay Corvin June 9, 2012


Jesus came to preach the Good News
“The time has come
The kingdom is near
Turn from your sins and believe this Good News”

A word of hope you can believe
If you stand firm
Assuring you of what you’ve heard
Christ has come, God’s presence is here

A foundation of peace
To prepare our way
Everyday we will experience God’s peace
Quieting our hearts, comforting our souls

A life filled with love
The Lord has overwhelmed us with His love
More than 7,000 promises in His WORD
Jesus died in our place freeing us from slavery to sin-God loves you

We have a new life-no longer under the stain of sin-
By His grace we are saved
Death cannot harm us-we have eternal life in Jesus
Christ has come and taken the sting out of death-do not be afraid

Now we are partners with Christ - spreading the Good News
Christ has made us part of God’s family
Our old life is gone-all things have been made new
We can do the will of the Father-Jesus is our Lord

Clay Corvin      June 2, 2012

THE BIBLE-Psalm 119:1-8

A song of Scripture instructing us, live this way for joy and peace,

Keep your focus on the Lord, His law, His word, let obedience be your way

Love the Lord and His Word will draw you like a magnet, pulling you to fellowship

Strengthening, encouraging, guiding, enlightening, the Lord will walk with you


Bend your knee to His law, making sure you are following His path

When you know Him you will know His way and walking in it will be your way

His will, your hearts desire, you will not hesitate from the right way

Easily living filled with the Lord, His Word echoing in your heart


Know His law, Know His way and walk in it and His light will shine on you

The Lord will carefully equip you as you do His will, holiness your companion

It will be natural, life giving, others will seek you out, watching your obedience

Choose God’s way, surrender to His holiness, let His light shine through you


Humility is a characteristic of a holy one, God’s presence calls us to learn

We seek to know Him more, our love for Him creates love for others

The true picture of a holy one, Christ on the Cross dying for you and me

True holiness equips us to live and die, the world is cold and lonely


A song of Scripture calling us to grow in Christ, suffer with Him

By His strength we will endure, by His stripes we were healed

Lord I do believe, help my unbelief, Christ is King in us and for us

Know the Lord, Come Christ calls, come and die with me


Clay Corvin   May 26, 2012




Life is not forever
Every life will end in death if Jesus tarries
Live life to the fullest each day
Remember that death is coming
Faster than you know
As surely as day follows night
Death is on the way

Don’t treat each day as your last
Live each day knowing you will one day die
Do what matters
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Let go of yourself and see the need people have
Meet that need
It will energize you, the Lord will see you thru

Death is not forever
If Christ has your life
Death will result in life
Eternal life, lasting beyond forever
The Lord will be with you
When death rears its ugly head
Christ will reach out to you and real life will begin

Clay Corvin 5.12.12


I want riches, friends, the good life: what do I do?
Seek first His kingdom & His righteousness
All these things will be given to you as well
I’m all alone, no one cares:
Jesus died for you that you might have life
It’s too hard:
He will wipe away every tear
Don’t let life toss you aside,
Give your heart to Jesus and He will abide
You will never be alone
Where ever you are will be home
No one can destroy you
Nothing can take you away from Jesus
Keep the Son in your eyes,
Darkness will not overwhelm you
Take Him all of your cares
Jesus will take them from you and heal you
Every day with Jesus,
Is sweeter than the day before
Let Jesus have your heart
You will never have a broken heart
Tell Him your troubles
Jesus will walk thru the fire with you
The Lord be with you
The Lord be with your spirit

May 6, 2012


The Future is anchored in the present
We seek to do and be
Reaching out to dreams and visions
Filled with ernest desire
Lord what should I do?

Live your life based on God’s rule
Knowing His commandments
Writing them on your heart
Using them to evaluate life
Love the Lord with all of your heart

Chaos comes calling so often
His Word gives me strength for today
Building a solid foundation
That I might live with Him
Letting the world know I belong to Christ

Joy will walk with me
In good times and bad 
Riches will overflow my life
Prayer will change me
Bringing me closer to Jesus

The choice is mine
Do the next right thing
Jesus is Lord
Christ be Lord of my life
I surrender to YOU

Clay Corvin 5/5/12