He lived our life of pain and strife, knowing what we face
Jesus was our sacrifice; He paid our price so we would have life
He died for us, raised by the power of God, He lives for us

He is our living savior, ministering to us, living in us
Interceding with the Father, forgiving us
Calling us to be partners in ministry, we are His hands and feet

We are not alone, all our troubles Christ will own, He knows our pain
He gives His life, peace, love and hope; a different way of life
Life eternal, no shadow from our past, confidence today, no fear for tomorrow

Christ abides, equipping us to change, to be like Him
We will suffer, Christ suffers with us
Life will be worthwhile, Jesus gives us His victory

Nothing can destroy us, we belong to God
Christ is our elder brother, He is our strength, He shows us the way
Hope becomes real, life has a purpose, we live because He lives in us

Great is His faithfulness, He never wearies of our life
Jesus is Lord every minute and it isn’t based on our deeds
Christ is our living hope, Jesus is alive, He is alive in you and me

Clay Corvin 4/7/12


Jesus is God’s final word
He is the A to Z
The alpha and omega
Christ is the one
He is God’s ONLY ONE

He created all things-everything starts with HIM
All worlds
All matter
You and me
Jesus knows what we need

We begin with Jesus
We grow with Jesus
Jesus guides us through our life
Jesus will never let us go
One day we will return to Christ our Lord

Jesus is the Son of God
He always was with God
He is the exact image of God
He was there with God before there was anything
Christ is Lord

We worship Jesus
He is worthy of all of our devotion
He is the ONE
We are to serve Him
He gives us the value and worth we are seeking, He is God

Jesus is behind all things
He knows all things
He gave His life for us
He rose from the dead by the power of God
He loves us and came looking for us, Jesus saves
Clay Corvin 3/31/12

TRUTH Eph 1:3-12

New in Christ
Raised from death
I belong
God has a hold on me
Jesus is my Lord

His truth echoes throughout eternity
Christ is His way
Christ is His truth
Christ is THE savior
Jesus is my Lord

God is a gracious Lord
He gives us all the grace we need
His grace overflows us
His grace indwells us
Jesus is my Lord

Bought with a price before the foundation of the world
Redeemed from Satan’s hold
Beyond the Evil One’s reach
Jesus has won the victory
Jesus is my Lord

United with Christ, a member of God’s family
Speaking to Him so that I can deal with daily strife
Giving my heart to Him, He knows me and cares for me
He marks my path, He provides my victory, His way is LIFE
Jesus is my Lord

His work is done in me
Growing into Christ likeness is my joy
He uses me, to be His hands and feet
I am the only Jesus many will see
Jesus is my Lord

One day soon I will stand face to face
Christ will hold my hand
Father this is our child Christ says
Welcome the Father declares
Jesus is my Lord

Clay Corvin March 24, 2012


I am willing Lord
To be
To serve
To suffer for thee

Now about that suffering
I’m not crazy about
Encourage me thru it
Let me know I’m not stupid or weak
Yet I am willing to be a fool for You

Purge my mind
My eye
My heart
So that you can use me
Being a be is tough

The world has us in a trick bag
We just can’t set aside our ego
Attitude is admired
Weakness is abhorred

I love you Lord
That laser focus
Equips me to see through my sin
And bend the knee to you

Lord you are so wonderful
To me and my family and friends
Let me keep that thought
Hidden in my heart

For I am willing
As weak and foolish as I am
I have strength and victory
In you Jesus and you alone
Come Lord Jesus.

Clay- on the way to Rome. 3/11/12


Hello it’s ME
I was thinking about you
How much I loved you
I’m here for you every time you need me

I know you need me
Much more than you realize
Chaos and trouble will follow you
Things your brain cannot synthesize

Call me when you need me
Yell as loud as you want
I will respond instantaneously
You never have to fear I won’t

When you cry out
I will touch your heart with knowledge
You will know I am there with you
You will experience a knowing you cannot explain

It seems like a miracle to you
Sometimes you may doubt that I will come through
I will I promise you that I will answer
Pray to me now and later and tomorrow and all the time

I will tell you what you need to know
You will have a deep understanding of life
Here it is: I am in Control and you belong to me
Real confidence, nothing can take you away from me

One more word to you
I will never turn my back on you
Take the uncertainty of life with all of its chaos and set it down
Spend time with me so that you will know what to do

Every day with Jesus
Is sweeter than the day before
Every day you are stronger
To face your life where you are in Jesus way

Clay Corvin August 28, 2010


Praise God for He is worthy of praise
He seeks to protect me
He is my rock, my fortress, my savior
I can know Him and fellowship with Him
Strength comes from knowing Him
I will follow Him every day

Life jumped on me today
My heart melted in my chest
My feet felt like cement blocks
Oh Lord destruction has seized me
My God hears me cry out
He responds to meet my need

One moment I’m overwhelmed
The Lord responds to me
My heart is encouraged
Nothing has changed except
I know my Lord is in control
He will not let destruction sweep over me

Jesus is my Savior
His presence in my life is real
Greater is He that is in me
Than the one that is in the world
I am not alone, I have value and worth
The Lord is looking out for me

My life is a choice
I can throw up my hands and deny the Lord
Suffering will never leave me, evil seeks to control me
I can bend the knee to Jesus, my savior
He will uphold me, He will spend time with me
Jesus the Lord will give me a life of joy and peace, My life is a choice

Clay Corvin February 26, 2012


Enemies cannot conquer you
JESUS is our rock, our stronghold, our savior
You choose to lose
If you take the road of violence
Vengeance belongs to the Lord

Failure will not claim you
As long as the Lord is your shield
He will take you on the road to victory
Shepherding everyday
Holding His shield over your head, you will win

All around the world implodes
Evil has a stranglehold
Yet it cannot take you down
Jesus is able and He will deliver you
Do not fret or fear for Jesus is near and He loves you

There will be hard days
Sometimes it will look as though there is no way out
Darkness cannot defeat light
Christ is the light, He shines in our life
Showing us the way, one step at a time, He is our light and life

Enemies will come and go
Heartache will always be with us
Do not fade away, stand strong in the Lord
He will help you every day
Jesus is our victory

Clay Corvin February 25, 12

HANG IN THERE (1 Cor 4:2)

Surrounded by the enemy, no place to hide
Bloom where you are planted, let Jesus stand by your side

Refuse to live like the world, where right is wrong
Wrong is right, hard for the Godly to abide

Don’t blame the world, it always acts like the world
Evil comes on gilded wings, hate seeks to rule

Fear not those who destroy the body, even though they inflict pain
Fear the Lord, He can destroy your soul

Obedience is where our walk begins, grounded in humility
Looking for God’s plan, surrendering claims the world holds

Love one another, as the Lord loves you
Forgiving those who hurt you, pray for their soul

Love the Lord with all of your heart, He loves you
Seeking time with our precious Lord, so you will know

Know the truth, it sets you free
Live in truth, His Word will organize you life

Withstand the evil one, by praying at the feet of Christ
Put aside all rancor, for the way the Lord controls

Build His work every day, the Lord will change you
Work hard, proclaim the Word, Jesus is the Way

Clay Corvin    April 4, 2012 

FOOTSTEPS (1 Pet 2:21-25)

What do you do to share His love?
How do you become like Christ?
Observe His life
Do what He did

A God first loyalty
In the life of Christ
The Father was His focus
For the things He said and did

Prayer was consistent
Every day in many ways
Jesus spent time with God
More pressure, more time with the Father

People count with Jesus
Especially little children
And the unlovely
God’s value system is different than the world

Pure in mind
Pure in speech
Pure in action
The perfect man, the perfect son, Christ our Savior

Jesus endured
He lived His life on the road to the cross
He never wavered, faithful to the end
He functioned with a Godly persistence

Jesus was the good news of salvation
He healed the broken hearted, and delivered us from bondage to sin
He gave sight to the blind, and freedom to the downtrodden
His footsteps are before us, FOLLOW HIM



Them bones are dusty and dead
Nothing stirring
No life anywhere
What is it that God says?

Hear the Word of the Lord
Live and breathe
I, the Lord will make you whole
Give you life and a soul

God made the difference
His Word
His breath
Life restored-Renewed-alive

Is there anything too hard for God?
Dry bones are knit together
Breath comes
Bones put on the power of God and come alive

All have sinned
The wages of sin are death
The forgiveness of Christ
Cleanses us from sin and we are alive in Christ

God’s Word infuriates the lost
His message to mankind
Ask Christ to forgive you
Indwell you and reside in you

Ezekiel obeyed God
Just as we are called to trust and obey
We can do nothing without Christ
He is God’s everything

Today too many have no spirit
Just like the dry bones they are empty at the mercy of the world
Christ died for you, that you might have life
Let the Lord fill you with His Spirit
Christ in you is your only hope

Clay Corvin 1/14/12