Peace, peace
Each of us looking for peace
Seeking it in strength, money, goods, friends,
There is no peace in the world
Peace is impossible without Christ
Jesus makes all things possible

Jesus is our peace
Bringing us near to God
Christ broke down the wall of barrier
Walking through it reaching for us
Go and speak the Good News
Christ has come with new life
His shed blood pays the price of sin
Uniting us with the Father in the church

Christ is our peace
Speaking peace to mankind
Jesus walks with us and talks with us
Christ is alive and well
He knows our pain and our sin
Yet gives of Himself
Suffering for us so that we might have life

His gift is life
Power, truth, and joy
Peace comes from Jesus
Christ will make sure we understand
Living in Jesus is the right choice
Thru Christ we have access to the Father
Jesus indwells us
Let Jesus have your heart

Clay Corvin, October 8, 2011


Complex the world says
You can’t do it
Look at what you’ve done
Who do you think you are?
Disappointment, failure and heartache
Life’s theme
Nothing has worked so far

Jesus came seeking you
“Ask me in and I will heal you”
Curing your sin problem
Giving you a new heart
His death on the cross paid the price
A price you could not pay
Jesus is the way

I accept right then
Salvation complete
Focus on Jesus
Follow Him
He will tell me what to do
Every day is new
Each morning, “Lord what do we do?”

Jesus fixes me
I talk with Him
My heart is filled with joy
I spend time with Him
He is the focus of my life
Christ calls me to be
To be with Him, To be like Him

Every time I fall down
Jesus helps me back up
My heart desires to be with Him so much
I read His WORD seeking to be with Him more
I discover HOW MUCH Jesus loves me
I’m amazed HE loves me
My heart is overwhelmed by His love

I wake and ask Jesus “Lord what do we do today?”
He tells me
I walk that way with Him
We go about His business
I end the day with Him
Thanking Him for this day
I sleep knowing Jesus is with me
Clay Corvin October 1, 2011


I want to
I don’t
God is king
I’m not

I live as though
I knew my world
Knew something about
What would happen today
Truth is I don’t know
Life is a surprise-good and bad

I need the Lord
As much as I need air
My soul suffers
When I am living on my own

The Lord claims first place
Or no place
My busy life
Betrays my lack of faith in Christ

Stop the world
I will not be distracted
The Lord is looking for me
Jesus loves me

I will look upon the Lord
My soul will be nourished
Today is my day with the Lord
He is in control
I surrender my worries
I need His power-to live my life today

Clay Corvin September 24, 2011


Forty three
You and me
Some were tough
Some were joy
All have been a blessing

Always you by my side

Always exactly what I needed

Your love has nurtured me
Brought me from there to here
God used you to carry me
It’s taken a long time for me to see
You have blessed and bless me everyday

Thank you for your life for me
Thank you for protecting me
Thank you for forty three precious years
Thank you for completing me
Bless you as we celebrate more


Clay Corvin
September 14, 2011


Praise the Lord in everything you do
Jesus is alive and He loves you
Express your joy by how you live
Rejoice every day
Singing to God our Father
In a multitude of ways

Power in His Word
Read it, remember it, respond to it
The Word of God is our guiding light
Powerful enough to fix our life
Claim His Word, Surrender to His will
Nothing can separate us from Jesus

Nations are in the hands of God
The headlines express their power and might
The Lord laughs because He knows the truth
A nation in rebellion against God will lose
A nation under God will survive
Do not be confused for God will not be surprised

Come children of God and hear
The Lord is near
Your life is in His hand and He loves you
Live free and serve the Lord
Live wisely and it will go well with you
Hope in the Lord for He is worthy of all of our Hope

Clay Corvin
August 13, 2011


Just a guest
Filled with blues
Jesus came
I cannot lose

All the ways
I choose to live
Does not change
The strength God gives

I’m HIS guest
My life HIS gift
With value and worth
I cannot miss

Inside I cry
For all I’ve lost
A foolish thought
For I’ve been bought

The price was high
The payment complete
Christ gave me life
He set me free

Born for love
Distracted quick
Too often scared
I forget HIS stick

His presence near
To heal my hurt
Building life
Removing the dirt

Swifter than a breath
Suffering He’ll remove
A relationship with Jesus
Will defeat this world’s blues
Clay Corvin 5/31/06


Time is in my hand?
Why would I think that?
I have no control over anything
Including my birth, my life and my death

The world seeks to claim it knows
It absolutely doesn’t
Look at the role of history
Lurching from battle to battle
Fear and ignominy on the loose
Evil with the upper hand
Mankind working under a burden of desperation

Jesus appears on the scene
He says He is God
Miracles, service, perfection, God’s wondrous Son
Dies for my sin, your sin
Resurrected from the grave by the power of God
Jesus says He changes everything

No longer are we in slavery to sin
He breaks our bonds and sets us free
Evil and desperation put to flight
He gives us His joy and peace, His righteousness
God our Father welcomes us with open arms
We have relationship and fellowship with Him

Jesus will direct our path
He gives us value and worth
His confidence permeates our life
No longer alone, we belong
Christ has a plan for our life
We don’t know the day or the hour but Jesus will be there when we die
Christ will take us into the presence of God our Father
We will live in eternity with Him

Clay Corvin July 30, 2011

PROBLEMS? 2 Sam. 22:1-20

Jesus deals with our enemies
Crack, stealing, lying, hate, fear, loneliness, etc.
Enemies all and conquered only by the power of the Lord
Do not think that you can do it by yourself
Only Jesus can conquer the enemy

The world says I can do it
Be strong, suck it up, walk this way
You can for awhile, but worldly strength fades
One day you will walk where others take you
One day you will go to the grave

Jesus saves us from the violence
The enemy brings
So common everywhere
Troubles have no care
Destroying far and near

Christ steps in and gives us a protected place
We can live His way
He is our rock He protects us
He is our shield He is our only hope
Jesus is our Savior, He loves us, He values our life

Today go to Jesus
Ask Him to help you know Him
Build your relationship day by day
Spend time with Jesus
Christ will draw near to you

What do you need today?
If you know Jesus He can help you along life’s way
His love, power, mercy and grace will carry you
Get to know the Lord
He will rescue you every time life attacks you

Clay Corvin
July 16, 2011…


Wisdom and truth stand the test of time
Great the one that listens
Seldom far from Jesus side
The godly man is blessed

The wise one
Does not listen to the ungodly
No matter how curious their offer
The ungodly do not know what they are doing

When evil comes calling
Do not walk with it
Run away
For evil will soon have you

Avoid the perils of those who hate God
Do not act like them
Do not accept their view of the world
Ask the Lord to give you the right view-God loves you

Learn to rejoice where you are
Let God’s Word have your full attention
Claim God’s promises
Read God’s Word-His wisdom will guide your steps

The wise one will lead a life of prosperity
His life will be filled with abundance
Worry will not come calling
Life will be God’s adventure

The foolish one leaves God out of his life
He ignores God and trusts in his own understanding
Evil pervades all that is done
He is at the mercy of the prince of the power of the air

His way is doomed
His life is lost
Eternity will not be known
He will perish as the grass in the sun

There are two ways
The way of the cross-the narrow way
The way of the curse-the broad and popular way
Be careful how you choose for your life depends on it

Jesus says “no man cometh to the Father but by me”
When we accept Jesus we are numbered with the Godly
Christ will direct our path
The way of the Godly shall not perish

Clay Corvin July 9, 2011