I heard of your faith in Christ Jesus
I know the struggle you will face
Life is never easy
Our faith does not erase the pain

We seek to know the Lord Jesus
Knowing Him is life eternal
It reaches through our heart and mind
Enabling us to love our brother as ourself

When we love one another
Our faith will manifest itself
In the way we treat one another
In the way we act towards your

We want to be like Jesus
He fills our heart and soul
With joy and power to sustain us
Christ will be our daily goal

He gives us power
Wonderful Godly power
So that we might stand fast for the Gospel
Proclaim it with all our might

Power enables our patience
Be loving and kind to all
From the brawler to the servant
Christ has His hold on our life

Thanks be to our Holy Father
Jesus is in control
Thanksgiving becomes our motto
It creates holiness for our soul

CC March 27, 2010


What a time
An age of man
Rome ruled the world
With roads and pax Romano
Roman law ruled the land

This place is not our home
Our Father guarantees that
No matter how much syncretism
We are alive in Christ
The Gospel brings victory for our soul

Jesus lived, died, buried and was raised by the power of God
This is a blessed gift from the Father
No matter how bad I think I am
It is always my righteousness that condemns
Jesus paid the price and we live IN CHRIST

We thank God for His precious gift
We have a hope in heaven
Victory won we live for the Son
This life is but a vapor
Thank you God for Christ

Clay Corvin 2/13/10


Thank you for today
I thought I moved away
I caught myself in second guess
Thinking I was in charge
Commending myself to Thee
My righteousness is as filthy rags

Because I’m flesh and bone
The Spirit seems unreal
I cannot see across the divide
Eternity enshrouds me
Jesus set me free
I live this life IN CHRIST

I do have faith
Lord strengthen my faith
My hope grows strong
I now belong
Thank you for loving me
IN CHRIST I live and breathe

In Christ
In the Church
In the family
Living in victory
I bend my knee
Jesus be Lord over me

Clay Corvin 2/13/10


A letter to the saved
You must love one another fervently
It is hard to love the unlovely
This is required of you as an act of obedience
Love is not an emotion
It is a full time activity
In our surrender to God it is genuine

You are born again; a new heart beats in your body
Within you is a seed of the Lord Jesus Christ
Obedience provides the ground for this likeness to grow
It is Christ-like to love; it is an act of our new will
Jesus is Lord of our life; we live for Him
We choke out fleshly actions
We cultivate a new life of love day by day

Cultivate this Godly love
Carefully walk under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
Turn your sin over to Jesus; stay confessed up
Do not tremble but walk proudly in your close relationship with Jesus
Jesus will guide your actions every moment
Spend time with Him in His Word and talking with Him
Give Jesus your heart and your devotion for He loves you

Change is the requirement; become more like Jesus
Seek to know your weaknesses and let the Lord control them
Know yourself; constantly let His Word search through you
The Lord will touch your failures with victory
Each day you will become more like Jesus
Fervently love one another from your heart
Jesus is alive in you and you represent Him

Clay Corvin  2/6/10


I worked I slaved to be renowned
Gave all that I had
Just to achieve
The accolades of man
What more could I have done?

Along the way
My family died
Children I didn’t know
Times I was away
I did it all for God

Today I stand before my Christ
I survived my sacrifice
Although many others didn’t
I know that I have victories
I did it all for God

Jesus looked so hurt and pained
“All I wanted was obedience
For you to be a slave
Meet the needs of those you knew
Care for the hurting, search for the lost”

“Following me brings life
All around are those in need
I don’t love sacrifice
My call was to serve family, others and ME
What you did was for you!”

Jesus forgive me
I got it wrong so many times
When I am weak you are strong
“I forgive you of your wrong
Come into my rest you are home”


We have a living hope
Christ our Lord and King
He knows and cares
Our life is precious to Him
His love for us will take us to Him
He provided a cure for our sin
It was Him, His life for our life
Jesus is alive in me

We have a living hope
He knows everything we face
He faced and defeated sin and loneliness and limitations
All of those things that we let get us down
Jesus faced them and overcame them
We have Him as our example
The Father fought His fights
Christ’s faith was in our God, His Father, He was the Son

He is our future hope
An act that is yet to be
My life is pure in Him
He cleanses my heart
He is Lord and He will be Lord forever
By our faith we grab hold of our life
Christ is all we need
Jesus is able to save us forever

He is our future hope
My sin is so very big
I do sin so well
Even when I declare my innocence
Sin has a hold on me, whispering “I’ve got you now!”
I declare in Christ who is my hope
Destroy that sin in me and set me free
Jesus cleanses me and cleanses me

He is my sure hope
No on can take Him away
His peace and grace fade not
His kingdom is for now and forever
He is alive and well in me
Jesus is here to stay
His glory is perfect
He gives me just what I need-courage to be free

Jesus is my sure hope
He protects me He hears my plea
His protection heals my soul
Yea though I walk through the valley of death
Jesus is here for me I am to glorify Him
When I fail miserably
Jesus is still here
His power protects me, Christ is in control

Clay Corvin 1/30/10


All would be peace if left to me
A life of ease filled with glee
Joy enough for every day
No one hurting, just sunny day
It’s obvious to me almost every day
It’s not left to me to design my way

Suffering occupies so much of my time
My bones, my muscles, each step I take
Adding to my tale of woe
The heartache and grief of a life on hold
Tomorrow we will do this
If only I didn’t face this I would do great

This vale of tears is but for a short time
We are training for eternity
When all things will be beautiful
This alien land I live in seeks to swallow me whole
But I refuse to be defeated
Jesus Christ is in control

In suffering my faith is tried
I reveal my sinful side
Christ is able to tutor me
Preparing me to be the one He created
Helping me to look up and step out
When I am weak He is strong

I rejoice not because my life is easy
His life lives in me, Jesus alive setting me free
Every step of suffering lets me see Jesus at work
His world refuses to know Him but I know Him
He is working each instance of suffering
Shaping me into His image, I see His face from the cross

So I am suffering with Him
Knowing the pain and emotion that Christ felt for me
I am partnering with Christ so that everyone might know Him
As I suffer the spotlight of heaven shines on me
Angels look with awe at His amazing grace
Once again His grace renews me and keeps me free

CC January 16, 2010


Every Israel Pilgrimage has a character of its own. This is my 27th trip and the first time my wife, Carol, has come with me to Israel. This is also the first time I’ve been sick on an Israel trip, that is sick enough that it knocked me out for a whole day. Tough stomach virus and it affected my wife and me. We missed the first day in the Galilee. I’m looking for the lesson.

Today sure made up for our lost day. We began the day at Kursi, the place of the demoniac, then on to Chorazin, Sepphoris, Nazareth Overlook, En Harod, Bet Alpha (6th century synagogue) and ended our tour day at Bet Shean. It was a torrid pace and I’m worn out.

I think the thing that impacted me the most were our devotionals. Dr. Dukes spoke on the Lord’s Prayer as we began our day. Students spoke at most of the sites. It was a day of teaching, touring and praying. I noted at the end of the day as we turned towards Maagan there was a lot of laughter and joy. Praise the Lord. Thank you for today. Blessings to you from the Galilee.


Rejoice in Christ
We have the favor of God
Christ has paved the way
We receive His grace and peace

Do not worry for things you need
His grace is sufficient each day
He is actively giving His peace
This will change the way we live

No longer prisoners of darkness
We live in the light of His love
Our fellowship with Christ
Equips us to love one another

Do not fear or slink away
Face each day with confidence
You can be like Jesus
Look to Him for your strength

Rejoice in your life
Live it with love
Fellowship where you are
Christ in you is your hope

The Lord is near
He has placed His favor on you
Your life is real and worth a lot
Shine like Christ where you are

Clay Corvin 12/26/09


Pray for those you know
Pray for their peace and joy
Pray that they will have a good life
Pray they will grow in Christ
Pray for their health and well-being
Pray they will be partners in spreading the Gospel

People count with Jesus
He died to set us free
He lives to serve and help us grow
Gratitude for our life is a start
We stand upon what we are
Thank you Lord for the life you give us

Rejoice for our Lord has come
He lives to give us life
He has a plan that we can work
He has called us to a partnership
We are fellow workmen in the Garden of God
The Lord chooses you to be His agent

Rejoice in victory
Rejoice in defeat
Rejoice when your feet hurt
Rejoice when your life isn’t neat
In all things and every way rejoice
Jesus is Lord and He is Lord of us

Clay Corvin 12/26/09