Know Him more each day
Read the Bible
Think about what you read
Put what you read to work in your life
Apply His wisdom to everything you do
Bend the knee to Jesus and He will guide you

Let the Holy Spirit guide your steps
Be sensitive to Him
Knowing that He will always lift up Jesus
You will too if you follow Him
As you love Jesus more and know Him better
He will put those around you on your heart

People need Jesus
They will see our Godly life
They will get to know us
We will love them and help them at every opportunity
The Holy Spirit will guide our Words
When people trust us they will try Jesus

Be prepared each day
Jesus is coming back soon
Live a life that will lift up Christ
Be ready for His return
Live as if He is coming today
Even though it may be many days from now

When we love the Lord
Grow in knowledge daily
Let His wisdom guide us
We will love Him more
We will love people around us more
Christ will be proclaimed in all we do

Clay Corvin 12/26/09


Shepherds are often lonely
No respect for what they do
Caring for the Temple’s sheep
Cold, wild, trying their very soul
They took care of the sheep

Shepherds didn’t fear anyone or anything
They were struggling
In the world and full of it
Many dark nights they were as scared as their sheep
Strange how our mind works, fear respects no one

A young man appeared out of nowhere
Brightly shinning, lighting up their place
Fear was their immediate reaction
The young man, an angel, spoke to their hearts
Do not fear, I bring you good news

A Savior is born in Bethlehem
Wrapped in cloths lying in a manger
He will save you from your sin
You will no longer fear
Your redeemer is alive, He has come for you

The Shepherds heard the young man, an angel
They believed his words A Savior is born in Bethlehem
The responded by going to see the Christ Child
They believed, it changed their life
They rejoiced glorifying and praising God

CC 12/19/09


Life is hard
fear is deep
no one sheltered
the world never sleeps

Christ came on Christmas
fear not the angel said
God has come to His people
no more dread

Stop all of your cringing
not me you say
any number of conditions
will make you cry today

Christ came to people
especially those unloved
His love changes us
each and every day

A new heart
a new life
peace like a river
fear no longer has a place

Rejoice and sing
to the newborn king
Christ is here
He has come to you


Foretold for 3,000 years
Someone is coming, the lamb of God
He is the Son of God
Creator of all – come to mankind
Born of a virgin, in a manger, in Bethlehem

His mission was to save us
We couldn’t save ourselves
Our days are harsh and unfair
Jesus changes all of that-He saves us
Salvation gives us a relationship with God

God’s precious Son came into our world
Lived under our rules and restrictions
Totally submitted to the Father
His faith was perfect-His life perfect
His journey was for you and me

Jesus, Son of God, brought truth and life to us
His light was for our life
Giving us what we need and cannot earn
His grace was more than enough for each of us
Always overflowing from His heart

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life
Giving us a seat at the banquet table of God
Making us children of God
Equipping us to spend time with God
His forgiveness is the gift of life

God is with us- we are no longer alone
His salvation equips us to live life now
Our future is secure, nothing can separate us from God’s love
Our past is no more, Jesus gives us a new heart-a new life
Today becomes the best day-Jesus is Lord in me

Clay Corvin 12/12/09


Do you believe in angels?
Created beings
Serving God
Sometimes appearing to mankind

Mary didn’t know a thing about angels
Gabriel appeared
Mary trusted God
The angel didn’t scare her

Mary, you will give birth
He will be Jesus the Son of God
How can this be?
Mary listened and thought

God said Mary was a favorite
He sent Gabriel to clarify
She would birth the Messiah
Mary surrendered her life

Trust and discipline
Her character was critical
Counting herself a servant
With childlike faith she believed God

This was a real event
Experienced by real people
The presence of the Lord God
Witnessed by Mary

Cultivate a humble heart.. claim God’s grace for your life
Think on His Word-meditate day and night
Believe in the Lord, He will deliver you
Submit your way unto the Lord – He will not disappoint

Clay Corvin 12/05/09


Unclean, unclean my heart declares
My hands and feet agree
All the sin my life has spawned
Has made a leper out of me

No you can’t see the festering wounds
They encircle my heart
Hidden from sight the sores of life
They move me into the night

I’ve worked so hard to find my way
All my steps my own
Even as I declared my faith
The Lord said he is on his own

I worked harder trying to please
Almost there my sin would reveal
The thing that Lorded over me
Self, and self and self again, only Jesus can save me

I kissed the ground at Jesus feet
Oh Lord I’m desperate to be healed
Only you can save my soul
Jesus please forgive me

Jesus Christ the Lord of life
Reached forth His nail scarred hand
Be healed my son and follow me
Jesus gave life to me

Clay Corvin 11/28/09


Evil done, repented, sung
Jehoahaz thought of God as a servant
Calling for help against Aram
Dying as he lived, doing evil in God’s sight

Where O’ Lord can we hide?
Why should I think my evil will escape your sight?
But I do, for my ways and days are evil
Thanks be unto God, Jesus is my salvation

Oh how sweet to say His name, Jesus
The joy of His voice fills my soul,
No other name can save us
He is the One and only, God’s son, Jesus

Today my soul is sad
I have recounted all my sin
Knowing I have missed some
Praise God that Jesus has saved me

I know how sad my sin makes Him
It is a burden, a mark on my soul
Cleanse me of my wicked ways
Jesus, lover of my soul, make me whole


Organize your life-God is first
Rid yourself of trouble and woe
Know Him, King of kings, Lord of Lords
The Lord is God and there is no other

Do those things only you can do
Stop your evil lies
Set aside your gods of pleasure
Bend your knee to Jesus-He is the way the truth and the life

Put on His righteousness-let His light cover you
Walk in faith-God loves you-He will do what is right
Know Him-make allowance for others
God chose you to represent Him in this world

Spend time with Jesus
Get to know His ways by reading His Word
Talk with Him about the Word-claim His promises to you
The Lord is God and there is no other

When you know Jesus
You will have a different attitude about life
God’s will is what you will be seeking
Christ in you is your hope of Glory

Daily reading of His Word
Many times each day in prayer
Moment by moment service
Jesus is with you

Trust God-let Him change your attitude
Living a life that expects the best
Requires Christ in you
The Lord is God and there is no other

Clay Corvin 11/7/09


Fear resides in my soul, creeping up to take control
Christ is king and Lord of all, He wants a relationship with us

God makes His plans, made for you and me and all of us His people
Christ is king and Lord of all, He wants a relationship with us

God’s plans are for us, He is seeking our best good
His plans were set before there was time, these plans give us a peace and hope
Pessimism is our natural state, stop now and listen to me-His plans are for your good
Christ is king and Lord of all, He wants a relationship with us

His plans are gracious, full of grace and peace, giving us what we need and cannot earn
Abundant grace, provided by His shed blood for me, His gracious life was complete
The Lord of all sets us free, trust in me He says, fear not for I am with you
Christ is king and Lord of all, He wants a relationship with us.

His purpose in His plans, beyond our wonderful eternal life
The privilege of having a relationship with the Father, Jesus is the way the truth and the life
He brings us into the presence of God, right now He is calling me and you
Christ is king and Lord of all, He wants a relationship with us.

Clay Corvin 10/31/09


Walk like Jesus
He calls us where we are
I plead with you
Walk like Jesus

Walk like Jesus
The world is wrong
Bend your knee to God
Walk like Jesus

Walk like Jesus
Worthy of our praise
In humility and kindness
Walk like Jesus

Walk like Jesus
Diligent in His Word
Seeking unity and peace
Walk like Jesus

Walk like Jesus
He is our hope
He has called us
Walk like Jesus

Walk like Jesus
One God, One Father of all
Jesus is the only way
Walk like Jesus