Look at you, standing tall, think you are the best of all
Powerful ways, strategic mind, lifts you above the fray

Who can lead, who can win? Never share your strength with men
Example for all, wars and strife, boot strap living is hard and nice

Jesus came, a servant to all, fully man alike us all
Different in His purpose, He knew the secret of power, serve one and all

God works different than us, the world is not a lure, He is all and in all
Bigger than we can think, He is God, a waiter to the least and the small

His hands can hold the universe, and an atom, and you and me
He seeks to give us direction, for a joyous life, a life of accomplishment

He says again, I would you do this, wait on others especially the weak
In waiting you will find strength, I will renew your faith, I will use you

In our failure seeds of victory are sown, watered by God, Christ in us
Our purpose is true, a slave and servant to man, Jesus is Lord of all

Clay Corvin 10/10/09


A tree is a thing of beauty, alive, productive, valuable
Providing many almonds for a hungry world
Requiring a caretaker, one who collects its fruit
The tree is faithful to always be an almond tree
Bearing its fruit in its season, always, regularly
Watch for the Spring, the blossom of the tree announces its arrival
It does it every year, consistently, faithfully

There is an example for us
An example for living, an example for serving
We are called to be faithful
Always reliable, we can be counted on
Awake and alert, we are to always produce fruit
Our master, Our Lord is our caretaker
He is tending to our needs, asking only for our faithfulness

There is a lesson for us about our Lord
Even when it seems as though He doesn’t hear
He is on time, The Lord is watchful over all we do
His promises are true, everyone is true
The Lord will fulfill His purpose in you
His plan for your life will be fulfilled
God is watching you

Clay Corvin 10/03/09


Called in his mother’s womb
God knew Jeremiah
Had a plan for his life
Before he began human life
God thought of us first
God is good to me

God is God and there is no other
He is sovereign and Lord
Calls each one of us to be like Him
We surrender, He molds us like Jesus
Giving what we need
Our life is before His watchful eye

Mission and ministry
We are all called
A work for us to do
A life for us to live
However hard it is
Jeremiah’s was harder

Jeremiah knew God’s call
He wasn’t a good speaker
Language wasn’t his strong suit
But God put His Word in Jeremiah’s mouth
He said to Jeremiah-Trust me
I am not limited like you

We want to know
Not to do but to command
Even the Lord did not think
God and His relationship was easy
We cannot know what THEY see
The Lord is good, He is good to me

All the problems we read in Jeremiah
No different than the problems we see
Christ is seeking to help us grow
Uprooting and tearing down my sin
Destroying and Overthrowing again and again
He is at work, molding Jesus in me

Clay Corvin 9/26/09


Controversy isn’t new
The world hates Jesus
They will hate you

Circumcision, prayer, miracles
It can be any reason
Whatever they make up will do

Prejudices, skin, parents
All convenient excuses
By grace thru faith in Jesus
Salvation comes to you

Confrontation done carefully
Getting the facts out in the open
Stating your position and living it
Will enable you to stand true

Jesus is a choice
That only you can make
Ask Him into your heart
Believe that His Word is for you

He lived a perfect life
Died on the cross
Raised by the power of God
Now He lives in you

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
God’s everything
What the world declares is a lie
Your relationship with Jesus is true

Choose now who you will follow
Choose to be saved
God died for you
Accept Jesus is what you should do

Clay Corvin 9/13/09


Birthed by Christ
Into God’s family
Remade complete
Christ lives in me
I’m a living stone
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord

Jesus is the corner stone
No other one will do
He is the only One
The Messiah
He holds all things together
We are eternal in Him

He is rejected by the world
It does not see
The Word of God is clear and sharp
The world doesn’t see
It is dead in its trespasses
God’s Word brings wisdom to you and me

Judgment comes
The world ignores
The Word declares
The Holy Spirit quickens our sight
Jesus is alive
He lives to set us free for eternity

We are His chosen people
Accept His gift for free
Ask Christ to come and live in you
Your life in Christ for eternity
He is calling you now
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord

Clay Corvin 9/6/09


Coming to Jesus
Seeking His love
He first loved me
My confidence from above
Precious in the sight of God

The very thing sought so long
Relationship and friendship
Christ offers to me
I am new in Christ
Precious in the sight of God

I have a new body
Unseen to me
Created by Christ
He died for me
Precious in the sight of God

Today is the day
Rejoice and say
Jesus is alive in me
I live for Christ formed me
Precious in the sight of God

Clay Corvin 9/05/09


John did what he was called to do
He didn’t gripe
The Baptist was faithful and true

He didn’t build buildings
Or raise a crowd
They followed him

He got in their face
“Sinner God is speaking to you
Repent, repent before life leaves you”

John got under folks skin
He was an irritant
He told them the truth

He upset the Orthodox
Tradition was not his way
He lived in the wilderness paving God’s way

Messiah was coming
Any day now
John wanted to be ready

John was excited when Jesus came
Christ knew his name
John baptize me Christ said

Then face to face in baptism
John heard God
He saw God’s face, Messiah had come

John worked
Herod cut off his head
John’s work was done, Messiah had come

Clay Corvin 01/01/09


What really happened in you?
A little shepherd boy found words
Cared for by God

Plink, plink, the rocks spoke
Their sounds said something is here
Scrolls where at hand

Two thousand years
Protected by the dry climate
God’s hand had written Words for today

What have we learned?

God can do as He chooses
His Word really is true

Promises made are promises kept
The Lord is still active in the world
Jesus is at work in our lives

Qumran, that place of sand and rock
Life was here
It was God’s protected Word

That life is the same life
Active in our hearts
Calling us to trust and obey

Someone is watching you
Their life depends on how you act
Jesus makes even the rocks speak

Clay Corvin 1/1/09


I had a dream as a little child
A man was beating down our door
Breaking up the living room and my mom
I awoke and it was true, I remember it as clear as now

I made my choices based on my own strength
Daring anything to pierce my ranks
My life was built on feelings and emotions
I was captive to the things I could see and feel

I didn’t sleep much, my dreams were always real
I didn’t care about anyone but myself, everyone else was a risk
I stuck it out and then struck out
My life was built on sand and doubt

Then one day the Lord came my way
I wasn’t looking for Him, He just stopped by and said hey
He wanted to know how my life was going, I said not so good
Christ said come with me and I will show you how it should be

I began my walk, I followed Him, read my Word His word to me
I read each day, read and read, so many things that stunned me
The Word of God talked about me, the things I would face, the things I would see
It was personal and present, it spoke in my heart and mind, I felt freedom all thetime

Everyday was a new day, Christ in charge and showing the way
Ups and downs and emotions raw, I still surrendered to the Truth
Jesus spoke to me and taught me how to stand in the face of my emotions
I was not at the mercy of the world, money was not my king

Day by day He built my soul
Guiding me to live life bold
Knowing that Christ had set me free
My belief is in Jesus and His love for me

Clay Corvin 8/22/09


I’ve heard of your faith, It moves me to thank the Lord
Mentioning you every time I pray, The Lord is faithful and true
Your faith encourages me, I see it by the way you love the people you see
This is a good thing, It is a habit for me and others to emulate

I have great joy in thanking Christ for you, You are special and close to His heart
Because you care for those who share, This life of faith with you
Your responsibility is impressive, United you live for Christ
Every endeavor is filled with Him, Jesus is Lord of you

I notice your prayers, They are always focused on Christ
He is Lord of life, Talking with Him changes you
Christ already knows what to do, Prayer helps you be you
His wisdom covers all you do, It grips your heart and soul

Equipped to fight, This world is an evil place
Your prayer dispels the darkness, Letting Jesus shine thru you
Every word, every work, Fills your place with Christ
This time of prayer, Enables you to live His victory in all you do

I know its tough, This world is a hard place to live
The victory is won, Soon time will be done
Stand fast in Christ our King, Let Jesus teach thru you
Heaven is real, Christ is waiting there for you

Clay Corvin 8/15/09