MS Prinsendam-Day 2-at sea in the Atlantic

We are settling in to a relaxing itinerary. Even though the time is passing quickly I’m getting a lot of things done. Just completed going through my Israel poems. I’m reviewing and editing them for an e-book on the Internet. That was the major project I had in mind for our sabbatical.

The seas are moderate and the wind is quite brisk. Beautiful sun so far. Our first stop will be the Azores on May 7. That is 5 more days.

I looked on the Atlantic map of shipping activity. There isn’t a lot of activity in the area that we are in.

Another good day. So far no sea sickness. Thank you for your prayers.

Day 1 at sea on MS Prinsendam

You can follow our progress at

Everything is working well. We are a long way from shore but only 1 day into 7 sea days. The wind is high, the sun is out and the ocean is beautiful. There is something about the movement of a ship at night. Our sleep was excellent.

This first day at sea has passed entirely too quick.

Clay & Carol’s European Adventure

We have spent a lot of time getting everything ready. Carol is packed. All of the necessary medicines have been put together and ready to pack. I will pack tonight and in the early morning. I’m finishing things at the office today. Tomorrow we will travel Southwest Air to Fort Lauderdale and overnight at the Airport Holiday Inn Express. I’ve really made sure that we squeeze every dollar a couple of times for value. I noted that the Euro is bouncing between 1.30-1.32 the last several weeks so that also is good.

I can’t remember us every being away from home thirty plus days (that of course would exclude Katrina when we were all exiled in Atlanta for five months.) I’m still a bit overwhelmed by the fact that we are taking a sabbatical. My prayer is that we will renew ourselves during this time away and be more productive when we return to work.

I hate to leave Jimmy and Retia here with us traveling. Usually they have traveled with us. Don Richard will make sure that they are doing fine. Don has been so great in going to see Jimmy just about every day. He and Trish have visited Retia regularly.

Our son Adam has been traveling in Turkey and Greece and will return at 10 p.m. tonight. He gets back just in time for us to leave.

Please pray with us while we are traveling from April 29 to August 3, 2009. I am praying that everything will go smoothly and well. That neither of us will get sick. No sea sickness as we cross the Atlantic on the Prinsendam. That Jimmy and Retia recover quickly. That NOBTS fall enrollment will be up. That Doc and Rhonda have a good summer. That the campus will be safe and incident free. That MissionLab have its best summer. That WBSN really does well. That Libby enjoys her new city and married life. That New Orleans will be hurricane free this year. That August would be cool and not so terribly hot. That you grow in Christ. Jesus is Lord. Blessings to you.


Herod and his soldiers mocked and beat the Christ
Sending Christ to Pilate, enemies became friends
Both treated Jesus with contempt
Rough soldiers beat Him like a conquered foe
All around Jerusalem people wanted blood
Crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Him

Before we get too smug
I must confess for myself
Everytime I sin I too am screaming crucify Him
We deny it and rationalize it
The truth is we do it and we do it a lot
We live like we are eternal but Jesus holds the keys to the kingdom

They marched Him to the cross
He was battered beyond recognition
It took every ounce of strength to carry His cross
He was carrying it for me and you
Every jostle was for my sin, my sin, my sin
He was weighed down with agony with our sin

Jesus was surrounded by pagans
They didn’t love Him
They didn’t care that He was doing it for them
They wanted blood, His blood
Screaming and shouting on His march
Jeering and shouting they followed Him to Golgotha

The soldiers stretched Him out on the cross piece
Hammered nails thru His hands
Placed Him on the upright piece and hammered nails through His feet
Jesus was in absolute agony now
Listen close as He prayed again and again
Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing

They elevated the cross and He prayed Father forgive them
Wham into the hole, ripping His hands and feet
Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
Soldiers cursed Him and rolled dice for His coat
Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
God’s wrath forestalled so that they could know Him

When things get bad
Listen as Christ prays for you
Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
He never gives up
Jesus sees us through
Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
Clay Corvin 4/25/09


I feel like a failure, when I am alone,
Wanting to do good, I try
Success runs ahead of me, just put of reach
I wasn’t, then I did, sin is in control

I have been changed by Jesus
He came looking for me and found me
He liberated my soul, gave me strength for every day
Christ united me with God my Father, I am in His family to stay

I heard the glorious gospel, it spoke to my soul
His truth brought light for living, Jesus loves me
I have received His forgiveness, victory walks with me
He broke my bonds of slavery, He gave me light to see, now I am free

I believed in Jesus, I asked Him in my heart
I surrendered myself, now Christ is conforming me
To God’s reality, He holds me in the palm of His hand
Nothing can ever separate me from Christ, the Lord is Lord of me

When I came into His family, God wanted all to see
The Holy Spirit took His ring and sealed me
God declared “this one is mine,” he is bought with a price
He promised love and protection, death must flee, eternity was poured in me

Christ is Lord of everything, Christ created me
Now He’s come to help me be
A son of God, living life free, the Spirit of God resides in me
Jesus set me free, obedience is alive in me,

His image reflected in me
Christ is real and lives in me, guiding me to grow in Christ
The Lord fights for me, In Jesus I’m made free
When I feel like a failure, I get the Book

Clay Corvin April 18, 2009


He was in excruciating pain, and His mistreatment was outrageous
They crucified Him, heaping great dishonor upon Him
The priests were so whipped up they forgot the start of the feast
At the third hour they were monitoring His crucifixion

He died on the cross
Joseph of Arimathea asked for His body
Instead of being buried with thieves
Jesus was buried in a nobleman’s tomb

Mary Mary came to make sure Joseph had properly attended to Jesus
They worried about the stone, but it was rolled away
They looked in the tomb and were astonished
He has risen the Angel said, Christ had defeated death

Celebrate His victory
Our lovely Lord Jesus has defeated death
Father, Son and Holy Ghost are One
Christ came to show us the way, His love changes us

Go and tell what you have seen
The Lord is risen indeed
He is alive and lives today
Seated at the right hand of the Father

Let this great victory excite you
Christ in you is true joy
His power in you is able
His victory is for your life

Clay Corvin April 11, 2009


She is a scholar, a princess, full royalty
No ostentation, quiet, unselfish
Gentle in the face of criticism
Never an unkind word
Schooled in the needs of people
Her credentials were earned at the feet of Christ

Her life is a living testimony
Children that are loved and admired
A brilliant husband, accomplished and gifted
Yet with all of that she maintains an humble life
Bearing testimony to Jesus by her words and deeds
She is a person who wears well and is always welcome

Her life was not easy
She has worked hard and never shirked a duty
Concerned about her friends
She never met a stranger
Everyone received her grace
Kindness was her way

Now in her greatest battle
She absolutely trusts the Lord
The outcome isn’t sure but she is
An indomitable will submitted to Christ
We know the best will be
We pray for her recovery

Clay Corvin
April 8, 2009


Precious life
Oft forgot
Today, tomorrow, plenty of time
Then it ends no fault or blame
Life ends and we had so much to say

Precious life
As a child so slow
Days were sweet
Nights would never go
Then we were grown and everything changed

Precious life
Fast paced, denied
Tomorrow would be the day of joy
Work, family, worship at a breakneck speed
Then children were grown and on their own

Precious life
Empty nesters
Tomorrow is today
Aches and pains defer the joy
Soon we say tomorrow will be today
Then a sickness or accident and tomorrow will never come

Precious life oh so sweet
What we had cannot be beat
While we were thinking about tomorrow
We were living precious life each day
We were so blessed and it passed so quick
Thank you Lord for a precious life

Clay Corvin April 5, 2009


Jesus is the Son of God
Fully man, fully God
Excellent in every way
The mind of God
Christ the heir, the Son of God

He has claim to everything
Sovereign king, Lord of Lords
He is the light of lights
The brightness of the Father’s glory
Christ the heir, the Son of God

When you have seen Jesus
You have seen the Father
He is the image of God
Eternal everlasting Redeemer
Christ the heir, the Son of God

Jesus made all things
Jesus sustains all things
In Christ everything exists
He upholds all things by the word of His power
Christ the heir, the Son of God

When His work of redemption was complete
The victory won
All in readiness for His return
He sat down at the right hand of the Father
Christ the heir, the Ruler of all things

Clay Corvin 4/5/09


Jesus gave His plans to me
There was no plan B
I could do the things I knew
His life was lived in me

His presence gave me value
My plans gave me trouble
I didn’t bend the knee or believe God’s work
This world held sway in me

Then one day He came to me
Come and follow me
I heard His call to do it all
Christ’s victory was put in me

My heart was filled to overflowing
Seeing with Holy Spirit Clarity
The world was done
His kingdom has come in me

Jesus is the answer
To know Him more and more
So that my mind would see and hear
Peace on earth, good will to man

He controls my schedule
Christ is number one
All else a distant second
My mortality is in His hands

His love compels my living
His heart lifts me up
Peace is given daily
The Lord is alive in me

Clay Corvin March 28, 2009