Our world is overwhelming-times are hard-all around rebellion-people do what they please
Jesus calls us to come aside-learn His ways-we are aliens just passing through

Sin is a choice-you, me, all choose to sin-the action of our flesh-sin, sin, sin
It ruins our testimony-our actions identify our father-stop sinning-choose change-follow Jesus

We are newborn babes-His strength will sustain us-If we choose not to sin-we won’t fail
Remember we cannot do it on our own-Christ makes us His home-we choose to let Him in

We can draw aside because Jesus is so precious-He is God’s everything-He saved us
His love came looking for us-He found us when we weren’t looking for Him-He is Lord

He is alive and giving life-a living stone-our foundation-our place of strength and life
Discarded by the world-He is the pearl of great price-give Him everything you are-He is worthy

We will be like Him-we too bring life-everywhere we go-our testimony-our actions
We are becoming like Him-spending time with Christ-listening-doing-being-He is our Lord

He calls us to focus on Him-Jesus is the center of life-giving us everything we need for life
Our position is secure-not an insurance policy-a call to be a Holy nation-His possession
Owned by Him-Unique-eternal-on a journey home to be with Him-we will see Him face to face
Sing-rejoice-He is our peace-His grace is sufficient-He will meet every need-He is Lord

Separation is required-the world will never love us-hate is its forte-wickedness its province
Be like Jesus-deal with your sin-give it to Him-let Christ control your days-He is Lord

His goodness is absolute-ours relative at best-we live among the lost-testify to His love for them
Know they will hate you-As they hated Him-God will take care of you-Jesus is Lord of all

Clay Corvin February 28, 2009


All power in heaven and earth given to Christ
Declared by God, He can do all things
He chose to let us choose, His power is absolute
He is high above all things and lives in us

He became sin for us satisfying the price we owe
Jesus is our forgiveness, our life, our all
Sovereign over hell, ruling in heaven
Christ is able to forgive our sin

He is the heir of all things
Freely giving us sonship, that we might share with Him
Jesus is everything and we belong to Him
He is our life, focus is our strength

Jesus gives us mercy, joy and peace
When we surrender our self to Him
He pours out His mercy afresh everyday, our joy grows
His peace watches over our life

He dwells in us richly, the more we know Him
His power leads us as we grow
This is the day the Lord has made
Jesus is Lord, know Him and the power of God in your life

Clay Corvin 2/21/09


Un-weighable, unseeable, pure force, Jesus is Lord
Existing before there was anything
He holds all things together
Jesus is God’s everything

In the beginning Christ was with God
Before there was anything, Christ was
The universe began and He was there
His testimony is that He is in control

He is the eternally existing God
He came looking for me
He said He had a gift for free
It cost Him everything and it just fit me

He is the first and the last
He is here for me
Good, bad or indifferent
Jesus will always protect me

No detail too small
No problem too big
I cannot see Him
He never loses sight of me

Clay Corvin 2/27/09


A desert landscape view
Committed as Israel’s foe
Kill them, don’t let them go
Their idols had no strength
God’s hand moved
Moses conquered

Solomon rebuilt Arad’s strength
Built an altar, a high place of worship
His pagan wives knew
Arad was their place too
Baal, and RA and Asherim and others
This was mixed with a little bit of God
They said He was there

Solomon lost his way
The evil they would do
Offended all of Heaven
Broke God’s heart too
He loves obedience
They loved doing their thing

God is looking for a heart
That hungers after Him
One that is surrendered
The world isn’t its friend

The hand of God rules kindly
Always in truth
His patience once depleted
Man’s failure is viewed

Clay Corvin January 1, 2009


A fortified view of a desert landscape, Israel was Arad’s foe
Couldn’t let them pass, they had looted Egypt, Arad could be next

Canaanite idols could do nothing agaInst Moses, a victory for God
Solomon sent soldiers, they controlled the roads to Edom and Elath

Arad became a hideout for Solomon’s wives, it was a fortified place
Baal and Ra and other gods were worshipped, along with the one true God

Solomon’s strength grew, his heart turned cold
Arad was a place of worship, but not the Lord High God

Arad’s worldly power was evident, it had a fortified view of the Negev
As an outpost of the people of God, it did everything but serve God

Pray for the church of America, it’s worldly power is great
It purports to be an outpost of Heaven, but it doesn’t worship the Lord

Clay Corvin February 8, 2009


Solemn oaths, eternal promises, a well dug in peace
Touch this place, God promised Isaac, Abraham lived here
Our drama begins at the well, Promises must be acted upon

Christ will speak, are you walking with an open heart?
God wrote His promises to you, they aren’t in the land
They’re vested in the Living Lord, Jesus is at hand

All of us have wells of promise, Christ is looking for you
Waiting for you to camp with Him, His promises are true
Time is not an issue, eternity is our stage

When God’s hand is active, surrender is His child
Prepare for this moment, as Beersheva comes into view
A lifetime of faithfulness, begins with a promise and you

Clay Corvin, 12/31/08


Keep on going-even without answers
We want life to fit-it doesn’t
We live in the unknown-facing twists and turns
Make up your mind-push ahead-it works-keep on going

What ever you face-do the next right thing
Don’t let emotions turn you aside-live it right side up
Life can pass you by-determine to live this day-in spite of
Return to the fray-let this setback go its way-keep on going

Grief can trip you up-feel it-own it-then stand up
In the face of the storm-one more step-one more step
The storm will pass-you must not-live it every day
We come this way but once-keep on going

Faith lives with the uncertainty life gives
Knowing that the One we know does know us-where we are
Confident that the good times will return
Life is always changing-give it a chance-keep on going

Clay Corvin February 7, 2009


A word to you-don’t panic
When life gets hold of you
Don’t panic
Christ has a hold on you-He has you in the palm of His hand

This is life for you-don’t panic
The Lord is with you-you are one of a kind
His love is assured-let the storm rage-don’t panic
He is alive for you-His resurrection paves our path

Remember you’re on mission-not in charge
Let go of what is troubling you-stand still
Even though the earth moves and shakes-your world changed forever-don’t panic
Christ is in charge-this hasn’t caught Him off guard-your life is important to Him

Whatever happens, however long it lasts
No matter the grief or strife-don’t panic
In face of the storm-hold on and believe
This too shall pass-Jesus is alive and well-You belong to Him-don’t panic

Clay Corvin February 7, 2009


Know Him, Christ the King
Came to heal and save, the Unseen
Freed the slaves, from Satan’s hold
Christ the King, loves us all

In the village, in the town
Rich and poor, evil and wrong
He is seeking each to save, let Him have your heart
Christ the King, His love will reign

Everyone has sinned, including you and me
Our need is greater than we think, the unknown reigns
Then one day, the King will come
Evil gone, only Christ will reign

Stop your hurting, end your pain
Heal your troubles, in Jesus name
He is the One, we heard will come
Let Him have your heart, before this world is gone

Clay Corvin


You need to know that Jesus is coming soon
He isn’t limited by our time, no hours, days and weeks
Since Christianity began the testimony has been
Be ready, Jesus is coming soon

What you do and can do is important
Our lives aren’t measured by anything but Jesus
Jesus is God’s everything and He created you
He has a purpose in life for you that only you can do

Think about your salvation
Who led you to Christ?
How many others have come looking for you?
Where would you be if that servant of God hadn’t come to you?

Do not waste time by complaining about your plight
Whether easy or light
Or heavy with no delight
God has a job for you and it counts with an eternal weight

Your job must be done now
It must get done before then
Then will be too late
Jesus is coming soon

Don’t short change your family
I’ve been there and done that
Lift them up to Christ, as though their life counted
It does and so does yours

Treasure your friends
They are a gift from God
Our best tool against discouragement
Stay close to friends, they will help you complete your task

You have exactly the right amount of time
There are no mistakes in Christ’s family
Don’t let the enemy get over on you, Jesus loves you
Jesus is coming soon

Clay Corvin (written in Jerusalem, Israel) Jan 9, 2009