Tragedy carries with it great gain
Earmarking our lives with a date
Personal, lifelong, stalking our dreams
Katrina did that to a million plus
Now we relive all of those dreams
Each time a hurricane attacks the coast

There is an anger that wrenches one’s soul
The heart grows cold at the thought
Everything comes to a stop
Again, we’ve got to run again?
But we do and we will
We know the consequences of not running

Things can be replaced
We know that
But we cannot replace things that were part of us
Our pictures, our events, keepsakes and mementoes
For the rest of our life we will feel that loss
The pain of the dream of losing our hold is real and lasts a lifetime

Clay Corvin 9/2/08


How many miles does it take to make a life?
Can it be done in a day?
Wiling life away, a foolish idea or mistake
A life wasted never to reveal the plan
Written in at birth
By the Lord of value and worth

For me it is at least sixty years
Some days have been low mileage
Others have been extra ordinarily long miles
Rode hard and put up wet
Wringing all of each hour
At the end of the day my soul proclaims success

Competing for who is more important
I vow my strength, only to be taken down by flu
People are quite weak and foolish
I pray for ending well
No sad and evil tale
Life takes the miles we use

Pray for the poor, the widow and the tot
Disadvantaged lot
They look to us
What would God require of you?
Your life and the things you do
You count and Christ enables you to do your part

Clay Corvin 9/2/08


How quickly forgotten, lessons learned
Disasters fade quickly from the mind
Now old thoughts and pains
Revived anew to live again
I am just as scared as I was then
Maybe even more
For my age is beginning to show
Frankly I am depressed

Faith is called for
Memories of the miracles worked before
Yet our hearts know what a sordid sort we are
Doubt takes control and seeps into my soul
Now I’m just as scared as I was then
I begin to shake, rattle and roll
My life is all a mess, woe is me, why
From His heart He calls, come to Me and I will give you rest

My arguments begin as time unfolds
A long ride from the storm
Fears chiding my mind
What ifs taking my time
I have bequeathed control
To the one who would waste my soul
Stop I proclaim in Jesus name I am free
Taking my eyes off the world and putting them on You, Lord

Clay Corvin


There were days when all seemed well
I knew my place and the world acted according to plan
I prayed and walked and knew how things were
Maybe even some of my thinking was tinged with tradition
But I wasn’t afraid nor did I question the Almighty
Jesus was Lord and I had a big smile

My prayers were full of pretty ideals
I wanted to change, be useable, different and other thoughtful ideas
I prayed this way for days and months and years
Maybe my life had even become a smug form of Christianity
Suddenly everything changed and my core beliefs were challenged
Lord things are different, I don’t seem to be in charge

I had a depth of helplessness that I had never felt
It hurt and in some way scared me
I felt I didn’t deserve the current unrest and chaos
An abiding sense of worthlessness clouded my soul
I was combating anxiety at every turn
The future seemed distant and I wasn’t sure anymore

What happened to the old me, the sure me, the joyous me?
My life and work counted then, now I’m at odds and loose
I need a pick me up, I need prayer, I need something I don’t have
I cry out to the Lord, please help me, help, please hear me
My begging only grows worse, my future unsure and do I really hope for better?
What will change this kind of life?

My mind returned to Rome, to Peter and Paul and their situation
I opened God’s Word to First Peter and began to read… I am an alien
My unrest, my anxiety, my disappointment had a base, I was an alien
This world is not my home and I am not alone and Jesus is on His throne
The Lord is One, He knows me and knows my need, He is listening to me now
Joy flooded my soul, my heart leaped, my prayers were being answered from HOME

Clay Corvin 9/8/08


Holy God, Loving Father
I seek to hear You
I want to know You
I will spend time with You
My goal is to grow

A prayer place is required
A special place
A certain place
Where I can be alone with You
To the exclusion of all of those things
That daily batter my soul

My Father You are so unique and special
The plan you have for me
You came looking for me
You saved me and are saving me
I am special to You and I know it
My Lord Jesus is so wonderful, He is good

As I pray I pray for souls
Asking for wholeness for those I know
Especially those who don’t like me
For the needs of those You entrust to me
For each moment of each day I ceaselessly pray
You’ve asked me to do this and I do

I love you and will not quit praying
I pray you will answer me
But if you don’t I know You love me
And You love those I know
Love is an action of Yours towards us
Love is who You are

Clay Corvin 8/23/08


I know who God is
Jesus named Him Father
He was looking for me
He found me
Now I belong to Him
He cares for me

Measuring my life
I come up short
Limiting what I can do
Condemning things I think
Causing me to fall short
Sometimes cursing the day

Faith lays a hold of me
Bend your knee
Believing and living are inseparable
Stop your unbelief
Change your ways
Get up and follow me

God is here
My life shows it
God is dear
My persistence extols it
Life is real
Jesus rewards my zeal

The daily things of my life
Honor and glorify Jesus
The daily things are proof
My walk is a walk of faith
My faith pleases God
The Lord is alive in me

Clay Corvin 8/23/08


Church today
With godly men
Filled with pain
Forgotten gain

Living life without a net
Responsibility bereft
Because of mental loss
Or burdened by their cost

Addictions galore
Their dead at the core
Speaking Christ to them
Giving them a chance to win

Judgments set aside
Life disgusting
With all its bribe
To stay the way they are

And yet the chance is here
The homeless can find a way
To gain a renewed say
In what they do each day

Their value is in Christ
Not in how they last
Equipping them to change
To claim a life with gain

Gain that values them
A life that’s free of sin
Everyday is new
Responsibility grew

And then one day they are new
The journey often confused
But Christ is always here
Giving the will to win

Whole and clean
Christ is king
Life is renewed
The Lord will use you
Clay Corvin 3/12/05


I want to change to be like You
That involves giving up my way
Surrendering myself to You
Asking You to forgive me

Also there is fear
What will be the transient cost
The only cost I can conceive
Give me eyes to see eternity and forget cost

Help me take the I out of my requests
Knowing that so many are in need
Use me to cry out for them and rest in You
Your love and care and presence are sure

Thank you for these thoughts
They are important to me
Seeing what the future brings isn’t a must
But doing what You call me to is required

Obedience, grace and mercy are never far from my thoughts
Even as I am disobedient, obedience calls on me
Thank you for this blessing of oughtness
Joy and peace claim me and You Lord love me

Clay Corvin August 17, 2008


I have everything I need in Jesus
Life to come
Life right now
Filled with joy and peace
Seeking to become a godly servant
Not a façade but who I am and will be

The world seeks to blind me
Too often I forget to ask for His help
His promises more than I can believe
These promises assures the life I live
His divine power available for me
Limitless and free if I will only ask

His creative power is here for me
Unseen but creating all things
Used for me to accomplish His plan
I can be and will be by your power
Lord it humbles me to experience Your power
I know the restrictions on my life are placed by me

Your glory is available for me
Your presence is so needed and available
I kneel and cry out to You Lord come and be with me
You promise you will be here
And when I realize You are here
I am overcome by Your love for me

You bring me into Your presence
I accept this by faith and surrender to You
I am yours and You belong to me
Lord you are so great and wonderful to me
Guide each moment in me and take me thru life
Jesus is Lord and He is alive in me

Clay Corvin August 16, 2008


The Lord is thorough, true, constant, stabile, firm
He is faithful
It is His nature
He is faithful to you-He died for you
His faithfulness is your success
He will be your constant companion
Jesus has His eyes on you

He will guide you from where you are
Giving you life and a plan for where to go
His Word is living and giving
Through it He will lead you by your hand
Creating peace and joy as a gift
You life will be renewed and renewed
His hand will guide you

And He calls you to discipline
So that you can survive
In order to claim His life in you
His power and strength shining through
No longer are you at the mercy of the world
Jesus is alive-He is walking with you
Discipline will equip you to be you

Out of His faithfulness
He will build community by you
Teaching you of your worth-Jesus loves you
Letting you experience the joy of Christ in you
As you face each day with its problems renewed
This journey of life will bless you
Christ is Lord and Jesus will use you

Clay Corvin August 9, 2008