It’s His blood that cleanses me
By His sweet grace
He blesses me
He is thinking of me now

He gave His life
Thru evil’s blow
It sought to stop
The love we know

A blow it sought
To wreck God’s plan
His love and joy
Offered to man

What a surprise
At Calvary
The blood He shed
Was shed for me

It bought my peace
He paid my price
That gory tree
On Calvary

He saved me on that dark day
His love dispersed for all to see
Reconciliation and peace spread around
Evil’s world turned upside down

Now I live alive and free
By His shed blood on Calvary
Joy and peace provided free
Jesus blood was shed for me

Clay Corvin 8/2/08


I loved you from eternity
I created the world for you
I gave you a stage to act on
A play written just for you

I sent you 7,000 promises
Written in my Book to you
Protected throughout the ages
Delivered for you to use

Yet you cry and murmur
Oh my poor life
Waddling away with evil
Each day filled with strife

Adultery is your specialty
Your life is overfilled
Why would one so fragile
Spurn the God who gives?

Forgiveness is available
Ask and you shall have
It requires a turn from evil
Obedience required to learn

Ask and I will bless you
Seek and you will find
Trust and obey and walk my way
Your new life is begun

Change is a given
Praise is a part
The world is a place of darkness
Salvation is from God’s heart

Clay Corvin 7/26/08


The Gospel message: proclaiming Christ
Jesus is the only way
Declared by God
Life begins His way

All of us have our own ways
This and that, and how we say
But God, in His infinite wisdom
This is MY way and you walk in it

God speaks, if I listen I will hear
His Word to me is change
Set aside my ego, stop sinning
Trust Him and obey

Called of God and filled with Christ
Our life becomes a beacon
Calling all to hear His voice
Jesus is the way

Then trouble comes
All of us will suffer
Life is hard and then you die
The Holy Spirit quickens our heart to follow Jesus Christ

Suffering is no longer a deterrent-I know it will be there
But suffering pulls me close to Christ
I hear His words and comfort
Reminding me to walk His way

Service, service, service, service
All around so many needs
Take our eyes off troubles Jesus
Help us to follow thee!

Clay Corvin


Dead in sin
Alive in Christ
A choice I gladly made
Jesus brought His grace to me
Christ died on Calvary

He lives today
Alive in me
Changing my miserable life
No longer fear or desperate ways
His love recreated me

My life is His
I’m lifted up
To stand and deal with my sin
In Christ I’m strong and equipped to change
Sin no longer controls me

Seated at God’s right hand
Jesus offers me a seat
His victory won
Each day a journey for me
Jesus redeemed my life

Clay Corvin


I have all I need in Christ
I am equipped and able
Ready to serve, and I serve
Prepared to give my life

Encouragement is a Godly tool
Pulling the hurting through
To where the light is new
Helping them see

It makes a difference
In what they can do
Enables them to grow
To see life they can know

Encouragement grows me
Changing the way I see
The strength of God’s design
And that others count with Christ

Claiming grace
Controls me
Undergirds and holds me
Putting my faith to work

Pulling me to be
All that Christ calls me
Restoring His control
Jesus is my goal

I have all I need
Victory is my place
Standing firm in Christ
Jesus is my life

Clay Corvin


The world cannot control
The gift Jesus gives
Equipping me to go
To care for those I know

I am not deterred
By ifs or shoulds or could
Serving as I go
Do what I know

Sitting in victory
Surrendered in the Lord
Equipped to serve
Lack cannot destroy

I have what I need
He is alive in me
Guardian of my soul
Jesus works thru me

Visions come and go
Ministry may seem slow
Eternity has no time
Life is a gift to grow

Courageous soul
Do what you know
Caring as you go
Ministry depends on you

Jesus is the key
Learn at His knee
People count with Christ
Service is my life

Clay Corvin 6/28/08


I begin my work today, living, laughing, time to play
Knowing that my faith is sure, Jesus has a hold on me
Looking toward the future goal
Standing fast, living bold

I have this in my, something I can’t see
Moving me ahead, even with my dread
Straining to be His child
Letting go amidst life’s woe

Being where I am, holding out my hand
Helping others grab a hold, Jesus uses me
His glory beaming free, by what I do
It is His place to change, my place to be

Thinking oft what might have been
Trouble calls, I think again
Jesus heals my heart
Calling me to His reality, I am His

This is what I do
Jesus working thru
Pulling me to grow
I am His servant, this I know

Here I am today
Useable Jesus way
His heart rules my hands
Obedient to His command

Then upon that day
I’ll already be near
My journey at His feet
In that instant His face I’ll see
Clay Corvin 6/21/08


I always thought
I was perfect
No one agreed
Creating strife for me

I tried to grow
Did all I know
Inside of me
Fear cried “not free”

Jesus saved me
Setting me free
For service and
Friendship with Him

My surrender
Taught me
What I needed
Christ gave me

Now I see
Perfection in me
It’s name is Christ
His life leads me

Clay Corvin 1/5/05


New heart
New life
Alive in Christ
Anointed to serve God

Changed from me
Serving in change
Trusting Christ
For life today

What I say
What I do
Completes the life
I live for you

Useful now
The Father calls
My hands are His
I give my all

Troubles come
Stretch my soul
Bond servant life
In Jesus Christ

Clay Corvin 5/2/08



We needed this break from the day to day and it has been just that. I must say that we accomplished a lot of rest and relaxation this week and that was our goal. Tonight we are packing everything up to get an early start on our return to the ordinary tomorrow.

Last Saturday and Sunday were like dessert mostly because Monday wasn’t a work day. We broke out the books, went out to eat, grocery shopped for the week, and laid out a basic plan for the week-unstructured.  A relaxed structure for me includes a stack of books, my computer, and staying up until early in the morning. It is amazing how quickly 3 a.m. comes. It comes very quick when the books are techno-thrillers or good mystery stories. I started three on Saturday and Carol focused on one at a time. She stayed up late with me one night, until 11pm and then back to her normal time for bed.

The weather was beyond expectations. Cool, windy, clear and superb. It wasn’t like I was out in it but the weather did create good emotions and provide pretty landscapes.

We explored our surrounding area several days, shopped, had some excellent meals and from this vantage point are ready to return to the real world encouraged and relaxed. We profited from this blessing of time and relaxation.

Back breaking days with pressure and pain, reminded of our vulnerability
Some weeks happening in a day, this problem means its Monday

Time away arrives, the break, optimism and joy in equal parts
It happens and it is as good as imagined, better even

Minutes, hours and days that wouldn’t register on a time card, gratefully
I’m not even sure of all that I did, I just know it was enjoyable

The break is over, the memory is good, I actually like my work
Monday morning when I return, I will be fresh, ready, it will be a joy

Clay Corvin 4/25/08