Florence just ahead, once a Roman camp
Built on the Via Cassia, to connect with Rome
Now the Duomo crowns its architectural skyline
Florence before the Renaissance was just a place to move

Then it came, that moment in time when people and events crossed
All of Europe looked to Florence for brilliance blossomed there
The statute of David, the Academia, so many things
Florence was happening, the Medici’s wanted to run things

Now we’ve walked the streets and heard the lore
A city of beauty that offers much more
A love hate relationship with the Arno
Ponte Vecchio guarding the central shore

Lives can be like that, beautiful on the outside but old
We can live in what we think is perfect control, then one day
It all changes in the flickering of an eye, the world is that kind of place
You and I were born to die, this is a truth we cannot deny

The journey is up to us, we can follow the world and its lust
We can change and follow Jesus, putting others first
The joy of life is what we give, the more we give the more we have
The results of a life well lived is made up of people to whom we give

Clay Corvin


Riding on a railroad train, passing thru the vale
All around I see the things, the Lord has made so well
The world is such a lovely place, yet evil often appears
Those who ride these rails with me are special, Jesus cares

Special in a literal sense, kindness, charm and warmth
Special in an eternal sense, each made with care and grace
All around we see His work, some now old and grey
We know Him and He knows us, His sacrifice paid our way

Jesus calls each one of us, to love those that He made
A simple choice for us to make, His house rule to be obeyed
The choice of love is urgent, the world needs love so much
Jesus calls us to His way, His love an action we take

Clay Corvin


Population in this treasured isle has dropped more than one-half since 1966
For four hundred years the world listened to its guidance
Finally corruption had its way and the mighty Venice was no more
Today the average age of its citizen is over sixty

High cost, low expectations, children leaving, water rising, floods a way of life
It’s tough, such pretty buildings and breathtaking scenery
History magnificent and churches majestic, still some great hotels
Its glory is fading fast, its future will not last, it will be gone

What can we learn from this, life is quick, days are hard, without Jesus we don’t last
It doesn’t matter what we make, the history we unroll, death is sure
Our future is with Jesus, in Him we are secure
Build your life with others in mind, invest in all you can, giving is the key

Grab the future by giving up self and surrendering your confidence
Let the Lord have your heart and mind, give Him your ego
Develop your heart, love is blind, people need Jesus but they must see Him in us
Drop the façade, give all you have, living is in Christ

Clay Corvin


Yogi Berra noted that you can observe a lot just by watching
Venice can be like that, every block shifting, so when you go back it isn’t there
Mists and fog and unique streets seem as though there is always a block missing
But you are there and you see this and feel this and will always know the meaning

Life is so much like that, we have a handle on it and then the implement changes
There is a new challenge, unknown and foreboding willing to knock us down
So we surrender the moment to Jesus, confessing our weakness, Lord help us
What has and is may not be and yet Jesus is always the same

A new day in Venice, Bridge of Sighs, Council of Ten, Dogis’ Palace
So many new things to see and do, and probably even get lost a time or two
Hope is still there, we will sit down with Jesus one day and we will never wander away
It will be a day of joy inexpressible, time without end and we will be there

Clay Corvin


Five a.m. in Rome and we are preparing to go, foreigners in a beautiful land
People up and on their way, packed, snacked and to the bus
Short jump to the train for boarding and travel to the north
All around us people who belong, not seeing what we see
Failing to hear and see the opera of life displayed for us

Memories fill our mind, heart speak if you will, overwhelmed
Not knowing what lies ahead but encouraged by what we’ve done
This place of poet’s dreams, this land so often spoken of in God’s Word
Now here we are a part of its history already jumping in to its future
The train station big and foreboding, sounds, smells, unique

What must we do to accomplish the Lord’s goal for us?
So many at home depending on our presence and prayers
What can we see for them, take back to them and be for them?
Questions pull us away from the focus, we are to be
This is the time, now is the moment, pray, experience, enjoy

Romans will be our special experience together, where two or more gather
Daily devotionals will help us experience and see His handiwork
All of those we meet and rejoice with will change, Jesus is in us creating
Around the bend is an experience we can personalize in film and writing
The train is loading and we are on our way, backing, backing, away

The speed will be a new experience, we will laugh and talk and rest
Then we will arrive in Venice, off the train and onto the boat
An island paradise different than anything we have seen, beauty
Pictures, walks, talks, meals, shops, canals, cold, it will be our day
Our day, our time, the Lord is here with us and now it is Five A.M.

Clay Corvin    1/3/08





Colosseum looming large, built with the gold of God
Alleyways and Mithra days, this placed was charged with blood
On the edge Titus Flavius Clemens lived with his wife Domitilla a new believer
Who would suspect a Roman Consul, quietly believers met here

Clement, a freed Jewish slave preached with Paul and Peter
Lived with Clemens and led the group until the day he was martyred
From that day Domitilla led the group, it is hard to kill a member of the royal household
In the face of persistent persecution this titular house would stand, Mithra at its side

Three centuries pass, Domitilla’s faith was rewarded
This little home given to God, rose up a gorgeous church
Two thousand years it has watched man’s march, Christ still in control
St. Clement of Rome, a rose among thorns is one of the most beloved of all

Buildings do not a faith commit, but they are evidence of great sacrifice
This little place at Piazza San Clemente brings tears to my eyes
I can touch those ancient saints and still bend the knee to Christ
A privilege to be in Rome at an early Christian home

Clay Corvin 1/2/08



 Latium rises with the morning sun

We are arriving, our flying done

Ahead we think of streets and scenes

Rome is a mystery that we will see


Pastel shades, and churches of old

Developing word foretold

Paul was here and now we stand

This day is joy, our journey becomes our quest


There will be many days that are long

Meals and friendship and hearts entwined

For just this time we will be near

The activity of God in history


This is the day the Lord has made

We will rejoice in it and claim its joy

Our hearts are wedded to this trek

Feet and soul committed to Thee


Overview just ahead then on to the Lancelot

Roman review and devotionals too

This is a blessing for me

Rome is the place to be


CC January 1, 2008


Used of God to claim the day and herald Christ has come
From the lips of an unholy one the truth of God has come
Word and deed are all we have and sin is always here
But Jesus Christ, the lovely one, uses our weakness here

Used of God is not a brag, He works through humble men
The more I let Him have of me, the greater is His work
As I decrease, my Christ will grow, His work will go forth
This very moment He’s using me, Oh Lord I love you so

Used of God is a quest and a gift, patience is required
His work is spread from one to one, His Word declares our need
I seek to be the one that goes, letting Jesus use me as He will
Setting aside demands for fame, the Lord bestows great grace

Jesus came and died for me and died for one and all
The news he brings to sinful man is God loves you
He’s paid the price and brought Himself and we can lay aside fear
Christ is all and all in Him and He is always near

Clay Corvin
December 23, 2007


Every day I struggle to maintain control
I want to be in charge of my soul
Develop a way to monitor my worthiness
This sin, that sin, slothfulness in thought
It develops a pain inside of me that screams
You’ve not done enough today
You’ve failed in every way

I have an outer skin
That protects me from any intrusion
This façade I’ve built protects me
So that you won’t know me the way I know me
Seeing me in my sin, my failure so complete
I talk a wonderful game, see my spiritual feet
Watch how I do and say the right things

Then I’m alone again with just me
My prayers fall back from the ceiling
Lord how can You use me, I’m so weak
See how I did what I said I wouldn’t again
I forgot to speak to that one you nudged me to speak to
Woe is me, a man with unclean lips and heart and work
I am so good at sinning

Then I come to You in the midst of my great need
You remind me of Your love and interest in my life
You say that You will help me each step of the way, If I will but ask
I surrender my defeated heart, on bended knee I ask for help
I give my ego and pain to You and You comfort me
You remind me that nothing will ever separate me from You
My life is hidden in Christ with You Lord, Thank you

Clay Corvin
December 10, 2007


Life is not an easy journey, even though we seek
Joy is a goal for many, out of reach and hard to hold

Concealed by pain, bruised and lame, I keep limping along life’s way
Maybe today will be my day, joy my reward for pain

Over and over I come up short, no joy to find anywhere
Out of the blue comes heartache, my enemies are everywhere

Then the Lord claims my heart, I realize He is looking for me
I bend my knee, I give my pledge, Jesus is Lord of me

I read His Word, I discover His truth, this life is a journey of faith
Faith in Him and in His Word, His love has set me free

Grace and peace has covered me, His love my hope ensures
The joy I feel is eternal and real, My obedience is the result of His love

Day by day I walk His way, His strength matures with pain
When I give up my selfish ways, His love conquers my pain

Joy in life, joy in death, joy every step I take
My price is paid, my life is made, Jesus is all I need

Clay Corvin
November 30, 2007