Elijah came, Ahab’s prophets too, they believed Baal could do
What only a real God could do, reach His hand from heaven to you
A challenge, a day, finally Baal couldn’t be reached, God’s hand lit the wood
The slaying began, pagans galore, must have been blood, Elijah settled the score

Looking out over the Jezreel, breeze blowing through fragrant trees
How could the peace be broken, serenity if you please
All around the world is grim, Christians are murdered, justice is slim
The hand of evil is slaying good, what would you do if you could?

A fire is needed, a fire of love, a commitment to die for the Lord above
We aren’t rulers, His Word proclaims, we live each day in Jesus name
All around paganism rules, evil controls, people lose
Win the race, it will cost your life, Jesus in you will win God’s way

Clay Corvin
October 16, 2007


Jewish-Roman, syncretism to the core, one threw away principles-Romans scored
Leading city, wealth and beauty, may have been the city sitting on a hill
Five miles from Nazareth, never knew Christ, He didn’t matter, Romans led life
This is not a new thing, Rome had its own idea about God and what was important

Rome was then and we are now, not much difference, hell has the say
Babies murdered, millions slaughtered, hunger a great problem in the world
Rome/Washington/London still ignore God, Iran proclaims death to Jews
This is news? What does civilization say? Oil 89 dollars today!

Get the picture-the world needs love and care-so do we
Who do you love? Who’s in love with you? Is sacrifice a part of your
daily life?
Listen to the words on wealth-remember we are the wealthy
What can I do? I’m only one- Change begins with one

We do what we can where we are-we put away our privilege and serve
Think about who counts-what can you do? Pray- Do acts of
kindness-without thanks
Learn to care-really care, for those not cared for, those hurting souls
Speak out where you are, bend your knee to Christ, Listen to God’s advice

Clay Corvin
October 15, 2007



Hazor smug and replete, known at El Armana and Mari
Banks and merchants scorned defeat, you really thought you had it made
Time and time and money galore, who could ever set you aside
Jabin sneered at God, uniting others to fight Joshua,

Hazor was burned to the ground

Few cities have had your fame, certainly haven’t lasted as long as you did
Along the way of life, your life was synonymous with wealth and power
God proclaimed your demise, you’ve never been the same
Few even know your name, fewer visit your courts, your merchants are no more

There is a moral in this story, nothing lasts in this world
We are sojourners just passing through, we can choose which way we go
God doesn’t strong arm or demand, He listens and holds His peace
Offering us His gift of life, even though we are wealthy and satisfied

One day the world we know will be gone, a new earth in its place
I’m not sure exactly what all that means I just know that God said it
It will come to pass, I can be a part of it or not, it really is a choice
Hazor made centuries of bad choices, let’s choose Jesus, His life our goal

Clay Corvin




The first time I saw the Negev, I was surprised it was so brown
It was so flat and bare, hiding God’s miracle there
The Word of God declared His work, grace was more than enough
A million lived and flourished, God was active even though it was bare

Sometimes life is barren, Christ can change our pain
Victory is not in what we do, it resides in Jesus name
We change the place we go for help, Jesus shares our pain
He gives our lives meaning, His value enough to share

Never again will I see the Negev for the first time, every time will be the next
I declare with all my heart, I love God’s action there
A story so familiar, a life so threadbare
Jesus gives life where death has reigned, He fashions victory from our pain

Clay Corvin


Interesting the things I say, feelings unproclaimed
Acting like I rule the world, yet feeling far away
Emotion, fear and abstinance, clamor for control
I’ve done it all so many times, I harden what I say

He wrote my name, inscribed by pain, in the middle of His hand
I walked my way, I broke His heart again
The Father of my life and work, keeps calling out to me
I cannot live without His Word, Jesus lead me to Him

Jesus is my friend, He walks each step with me
If I surrender all to Him, He renews my faith

Clay Corvin 9/26/07


Created by love, a companion for God, just walked away, seeking my day
I did what I wanted, enjoying His care, my life was blessed, I didn’t care
Problems came, a fool each day, I thought I knew, others saw the error of my way
Still didn’t matter, loneliness came, still I sinned, self-centeredness my claim

Curses sent, blessings gone, every day worse, still walked away
Christ punished, I laughed, my sin felt good, it guided my life
One day it came, the end of my rope, I felt desperate, now pain and hope
Mercy came calling, held out its hand, walk this way, I love you, I can

Christ brought to my heart, those days of yore, I spoke His name, my life is gain
Confession welled up, my soul complete, love pushed out, new life I seek
Now I’ve changed, I love His name, He holds my hand, removed my stain
New life, new day, the Son in my heart, Christ is my way



Time, time is not mine, nor is it kind to us
Ringing out the years like days
Our youth is gone, our hearts not as strong
But our memory is not limited by time

Time, time is thirty-nine years, yet just like a day
So many things we’ve done and seen
Holding hands along the way
We are still living, living together today

Time, time, it ripens into joy and peace
Sharing untold stories known before we speak
Our minds run on parallel tracks and often intersect
Because we’ve focused our hearts on Christ and then on each other

Time, time no way to know what is left
I love it all with you, my life is filled with your presence
I love you more each day, more than yesterday
The best is always now you are my strength

Time, time Christ is in control of us
He has laid a plan for us, I believe it is together
Two are stronger than one and with Jesus we are three
His love will see us through until our life is through

CC 9/13/07


Hot humid day, life stands still
Heartfelt way, Change the day

Claim each hour, Cry to the Lord
Set my soul afire, Do not let me sleep

Spur me to faith, Fill my heart
Jesus is the way, the world is passing away

Forget the weather, let your joy loose
This is the day, heaven is watching you

Looking and longing, who will you meet
Sharpen your soul, bow at Jesus’ feet

Clay Corvin


Holy One, my King, my Lord
Help me see the land I’ve trod
With clarity and fear
Help me know Your way from here

Even as an ox can see
I want to know the One that owns me
To know the things that He requires
Living the life that counts

So often I forget my way
I scream and plot and blame
Inviting punishment I go my way
Father bring me back to you

Battered by the world around
Reeling from choices I’ve made
Help me know the way to go
Give me Your strength for real

Every day I face the world
Choices must be made
Fill me with Your Holy Awe
Help me choose Your way

Thank You Lord for sparing me
You could have let me go
Your hand is tight , Your hold complete
I pray my obedience will grow

Clay Corvin


Crying peace we do our thing
What ere we think we do
Seldom thinking is this God’s way?
We do and do and do

Blessings bless beyond our dreams
Our riches eternally glow
For we have dined at Jesus place
He has given us all we know

Blessings bless beyond our dreams
So many we fail to count
Instead we fret and plead our need
Poverty is our new home

All of us are guilty
Christ is not our heart
Our minds are full of worthy words
That drip on hands of blood

Name your pain, confess your shame
Jesus is calling you
Come to Him to cleanse your life
Give Him your actions too

His grace is great and meets our need
We cannot live alone
Jesus brings the life we need
His strength is our new home

Clay Corvin