Boom, boom, something hit the ground
Seems it was my heart, questions all around

Did I do the right thing?  Is it failure again?
Will my life bear witness?  Or am I not God’s friend?

So much hurt and failure, impotent to change
I thought I was His shepherd, does heaven know my name?

And then I felt His presence, “I am here” he said
“Peace is not deliverance, it only conquers pain”

“Worthy is my servant, precious is your life
I’m there when you are failing, people can choose their life”

“I will carry you in heartache, the world will sputter along
Hurt and pain will come your way, feel it when you pray”

“Pray with fullest knowledge, I listen to what you say
Know that you have victory, when you let Jesus have His way”

Clay Corvin

O Victory, O Victory

O Victory, O Victory, dogging my steps
I’m hurt and weeping, give me thy help

O Victory, O Victory, the promise is clear
Things I see can’t conquer, only Jesus is here

O Victory, O Victory, peace and joy complete
I am part of God’s family, His love makes me replete

O Victory, O Victory, though mountains fall
Let the rivers rise, His plan will not see defeat

O Victory, O Victory, my work is done at Jesus’ feet
His purpose is my guidance, His Word renews my strength

O Victory, O Victory, love will never fail
I have wisdom for living, out of the ashes Jesus’ church will prevail

O Victory, O Victory, Jesus rose from the dead
His Spirit is my victory, my life is in His hands

Clay Corvin


Backslider, backslider where do you belong
God is not your leader, the world is not your home
Throwing off the wisdom, given from above
Creating your own religion calling it peace and love
Forming Gods that do not hear, that abuse at every turn
Because the only wisdom is the law that you have spurned

All around is gold and jewels, you are starving on your wealth
Resulting in destruction of all that you hold dear
Trickling down in fearful fits, destroying what you thought dear
The wealth is ripping our your heart and stepping on those near
Causing hate to rampage, the poor get poorer still
Yet you can’t see the poverty that is sneaking in your ear

This sin and evil living, chants drugs and booze and sex
Until the day the lights go out and evil has its sway
Lives drift by each day, acting out a dance of pain
Nowhere is there a place that you can get relief
But there is one near that knows your name
He is looking for you to heal your pain

Backslider, backslider bend your knee and confess your shame
Jesus is calling to you, come you who are heavy laden
This is the path, walk in it, there is only one way
I paid the price to save your soul, I’m calling out your name
Let Me have your heart and I will replace it with a new one
You can live and call on Me and I will know your name, I will give your rest

Clay Corvin 8/24/07


Jesus is Lord He loves you
See your life as He does
Forget the slights and lack of
See your life as He does

Today is tough and life unfair
See your life as He does
Someone hurt you He is there
See your life as He does

Failure rears its ugly frame
See your life as He does
Looking at your life you feel pain
See your life as He does

Rejoice in all things
See your life as He does
Focus on the good
See your life as He does

You are eternal
See your life as He does
You belong In Jesus name
See your life as He does

Clay Corvin  8/10/07


Used abused disposed
That’s the way of the world
No hope no help no value
The deceiver blinds us this way

Renewed healed worthy
Jesus brings sight to life
Hope help value
That’s a fact in Jesus Christ

Choose the way you live
Each action has a result
One day the verdict is in
You choose your worth

Spend time with Christ
Give Him all your heart
Recognize His presence
He is here for us

Clay Corvin  8/10/07


Good bye Israel our journey was so good
Walking, talking, touring in God’s neighborhood

Day by day we read God’s Word we saw it on display
Everywhere we looked His Word was seen in 3-D

Faith was listed by Your hand Working through many men
Some we called the prophets including Moses and Abraham

Recounting works and actions at least four thousand years
Joy leaps and people seek To know Your blessing here

Goodbye Israel each moment stored in me
For using in my life and faith and live Jesus showed

Clay Corvin


Barren desert arid land
Water needed to farm and stand
Wisdom found to stretch their stock
So little water creates a lot

Buildings built for living here
Negev is their place to honor God and claim their fate
Hardy souls testing life
Sacrifice great but here they toil

A land of milk and honey given from God’s hand
The desert is not easy it always challenges man
Moses came this way now faith is on display
People come with hope and prayers from a promise made by God

Clay Corvin


Peace proclaimed In Jesus name
We crave the calm His heart we seek

Lifting hands to heaven Bending low to weep
This land of pain and sorrow Suffers at Jesus feet

Life and strength offered To face the deepest hurt
But people dead in sin and strife Have ears that have not heard

My actions must proclaim Him Christ is life and light
Reaching out to people He calls me to sacrifice

Give with celebration The lost need what we have
They will see my Jesus If His life my life declares

Do not faint through failure Our flesh is weak with fear
Proclaim His love with all you do Jesus Christ is here with you

Let Him have your minutes Give Him all of your mind
Hands and feet proclaiming He gave His life for mine

Clay Corvin


Peace proclaimed In Jesus name
We crave the calm His heart we seek

Lifting hands to heaven Bending low to weep
This land of pain and sorrow Suffers at Jesus feet

Life and strength offered To face the deepest hurt
But people dead in sin and strife Have ears that have not heard

My actions must proclaim Him Christ is life and light
Reaching out to people He calls me to sacrifice

Give with celebration The lost need what we have
They will see my Jesus If His life my life declares

Do not faint through failure Our flesh is weak with fear
Proclaim His love with all you do Jesus Christ is here with you

Let Him have your minutes Give Him all of your mind
Hands and feet proclaiming He gave His life for mine

Clay Corvin


Together we stand in Christ
On our own we will not survive
Because we need a guide to help us behave
More like Jesus everyday

People count we make it so
Remembering the value Christ gives our soul
I am responsible for how I live It’s what I do that counts
The key is to be Yielded in service to Christ

Glorifying Jesus is my life It fills my vacant life
Making all I do and say Important in my life each day
Instilling hope in the life I live Knowing soon I’ll see
Jesus standing before me Well done my friend Well done

Wisdom comes from knowing Christ The Word begins the way
Experiencing truth is critical I let Him control each day
Pointing out my sin Each error on my way
Then I will change Walking HIS way this day

Glorifying Jesus is my life I talk to all I meet
Best with hands and feet Becoming more like Christ
Jesus is the focus of my life Telling His story by sacrifice
Living a life like His Setting aside my claims I live in Jesus name

I am me Each of us will be Where and what we are
That is more than great That in Christ is all we need
His gift forgiving me for eternity bringing me into His family
Changing the world through me As I live in reality Jesus is glorified

Clay Corvin 7/20/07