Joyful living andhow can it be? Where I’m living I must be set free
All around are trips and traps- How can I deal with circumstance?

Jesus lives in me- Christ sets me free- Only Christ could possibly
Face the world that troubles me- every time I choose I lose

Remember when- I swore I would change- this sin would go
Yet here I stand in sin again- why is all this sin having strength over me?

I know it’s possible- I know it’s meant for me- help me I plea
Focus, focus, focus is the key- Jesus is alive in me

Struggles always win- I bend my knee to Him- Jesus works in me
Facing life in my body- using hands, feet and mouth- Manifesting His life in me

Magnify Jesus- My soul declares- All my strength is Him
Conspicuous love and joy- breaking out of me-magnify Jesus in me

Even in the midst of unfairness- I do not panic or flee- every day His grace is new
Taking all the things I do- working out my life for me- every moment victory

Holy Spirit filling me with Jesus- ahead of my need- knowing me
Impossible circumstances- healing salve applied- Jesus knows me

Alive is Christ and dead with Christ is gain- whatever it will be
I claim Jesus- every minute ever day- Magnifying Jesus in me

Clay Corvin – July 13, 2007


Who am I? I feel so alone— rejection is my home
I cry to youexpecting you to say?
I’m the one that lives my life
It happens every day
Better to have lived and tried
Than whine I just can’t do

What am I that I should claim
This painful heart and broken name
Oh, I was medicating pain
Now my confidence flew
I’m sad and feeling blue
Jesus I thought I knew You

“Stop and hear the Lord declares
I made you for My joy and blessed your earthly form
I’m giving you a chance to claim
All that you need in Jesus name
Stand and be My child
I will grow your faith”

Everything you see is Mine
I’m never lost or confused
I will be your guide—reminding you I care
All you do is bend your knee
Claim your life in Christ
I will listen and give you advice

Now my heart is filled with joy—No longer am I blue
Jesus cleansed my soul
He put a heart in me
Now I am free and know what I’ll be
A servant of the Lord—proclaiming Christ has come
All can have God’s peace—He loves you and me
Clay Corvin


Blue to do– I hold at bay—not by my own strength
I turn to Christ and claim my life—Jesus saved my soul
And walks with me along life’s way and every moment, every day
I have His joy in me—Evil will have to flee—Jesus lives in me

Today I felt as if I could—the joy overflowed
And then the world in all it’s woe—dumped a load on me
Stop I said —In Jesus name—there is no harbor here
My life is very dear— every moment counts—Joy overflows

In Christ the war is done—the victory has been won
Each day a new found peace—victory everywhere Christ walks
He talks His steps in me—No child of vanity—as I sit at Jesus knee
Life is new in me—Jesus is God’s way—Hallelujah everyday

Clay Corvin July 6, 2007


I sit today and think of You—You’ve filled my heart and stopped the blue
Agonizing in the dark—which way and why will not deny
That life is rough and tough—declaring a negative worth
Reach out my heart and seek His way—Jesus I love you

Life is time and time is quick—what can I do to make it stick
Claiming days that waft away—my heart is blue and I love You
Even when the way is hard—I grow and feel Your hand divine
Remember me my Lord—Your gift of life is all I have and I am Yours

Speak to me in words that live—I have only me to give and that is not so much
You died for me and gave me gifts—Evil seeks to grab those gifts
I know they are meant for me—I cannot decree or change what I have
Only if I lay it down and I know that isn’t me—Jesus set me free

So what is it that stalks my path? Not a word from Thee
It is my enemy —seeking how he can slay me
Joy and peace are gifts you give—Your children have a right
To claim this bit of life—Today I claim for me Your offered victory

Clay Corvin


Put on the Spirit
Give Him your life
To be directed
To Jesus Christ

Compassionate heart
Live in me
Caring for others
Strong and free

Kindness first
In all I do
People need Jesus
Reflect Him in you

Humble in action
Humble in thought
Jesus is king
Defined in my walk

Gentle to people
The good and the bad
Our life as a leader
We follow our Dad

Patient -forgiving
Of others and us
The key in living
Is Jesus first

Love completed
In truth and act
People need Jesus
This is a fact

Put on the Spirit
Give Him your life
To be directed
To Jesus Christ

Clay Corvin


All those nights in agony
Your crying made me steel
I heard your pain
It helped me fight and live
I scrapped each day and fought my way

Hearing your courage song
Within my heart I knew
My courage came from you
Too young to know so many things
Your will taught me to survive

Out of poverty to serve
Poor and helpless souls
Through all the nights of pain, alone
I sang your courage song

Now your life is nearing Him
Days are short and hard
But just remember every day
You shared His courage song.

Clay Corvin


Pain, pain it knows my name
Starts and stops and failures chop
It’s awfully hard to breathe
Evil is looking for me

Lean upon the Savior’s strength
His love will heal my soul
Joy grabbing hold
Jesus comforts me

Trials come and go
Days surprising toll
Jesus changes me
Salvation sets me free

Fear no longer controls
It has lost its strength
Jesus will not fail
His heart alive in me

Life is everyday
Never two in one
Today is what I have
Tomorrow never comes

Jesus take my life
Remind me how you love
Knowing all of me
Carry me in your victory

Clay Corvin 5/11/07


God has called on me
Account for my time
All around the needy
Yet you still whine

Be the best that you can be
Face each day with joy
I love you and you love me
Your life is my pride and joy

Show your faith
By how you live
Show your strength
By how you give

Stand with those in need
You are blessed and true
Lift your hands to Me
I will take you through

Tell Me what you think
I will listen and hear
You have My Word
Use it to overcome fear

Every time you hurt
I will come to you
Every time you think it’s lost
I will encourage you

Victory is your companion
Victory is my pledge
Eternal life, eternal love
I’ll always be with You

Clay Corvin


Wise and smart
On our way
Seeking to control
The One who is above and all

Beginning with
Who He is
And how He’ll rule our way
Even what He will say

Enough He said
Today I’m dead
Resurrection done
Now do you see My way?

As light to you
An image too
You have seen my face
Will you still live in disgrace?

Rescuing you from evil
I died to save your soul
Giving life new meaning and hope
Eternity has broken through

Now we can be friends
I’ve done the work for you
Ask me in and give Me your heart
I will take care of you

Clay Corvin


God has a plan
It’s personal too
Exactly fitting
Me and you

Taking account
Of the gifts we have
Using the best
We are and can do

Waiting ever waiting
Jesus listens
For us to hear
He wants us near

Not hiding what He wants
He calls and calls
All we have to do
Is believe He loves us too

It may not seem important
It may not impress
Jesus plan for me
Is better than the rest

Stop worrying
Bend your knee
Jesus Christ will use you
And you will live free

Don’t, worry and can’t
Condemn you to pain
Will, be and now
Declares His value in you

You count
You can
Jesus holds your plan
Let Him have your hand

Clay Corvin