What to do
Help me God
If I knew
I could follow You

“Read My Word
Put to work
Let Me lead
It will not hurt”

Thank you Lord
I’ll think it through
Tomorrow comes
I’ll know you

“Wrong approach
Don’t change yourself
Bend your knee
Just follow Me”

Thank you Lord
Yes that’s good
I’m not sure
I’ve understood

“Listen, be
I’ll set you free
My load is light
I’ll be your delight”

Thank you Lord
Wow how great
I know just the thing
To keep me straight

“I love you
You count with Me
Come and see
Just be with ME”

Clay Corvin


Praise God
Weak and great
Praise God
His pathway straight

Creating, loving
Praise His cleansing peace
Jesus brings joy
And us to His Father’s knee

Praise God for His concern
For His heavenly smell
“Follow ME” declared
“I always leave a trail

Praise God
He suffered and died
So that I could be
A child set free

Praise God
Who sets us free from failure
Heartache and pain and evil
And all its hideous pain

Praise God
Jesus is my Lord
An offered hand
He knows my pain

Praise God and Praise God
Lifting me up
Stands me at heaven’s gate
Then brings me in to live with Him

Clay Corvin


Dead Sea travel
Northern bound
A lot of noxious sulfur smell
Oozing all around

Thought about the Romans
Many thousands strong
Hard nosed and charging
“More” their constant song

All around is desert
Death has a hand
One day green and blooming
Fishermen abound

How can I change something?
I start with my life
Commit to help another
Bend my knee to serve

Giving’s a foundation
Listening hastens growth
People are important
Serving will bless my soul

God loves people most of all
Jesus uses me
When all of my life’s focus
Gives up its ego plea

Hands and feet for Jesus
Help all that I can
Change is not a position
It is action as God’s hand

Clay Corvin


Some of us lead blessed lives. Too often we see that blessing as a right. If we are not careful we begin to see ourselves as better than others. ONE truth important for us to know, “but for the grace of God there go I.” Recognizing our dependance on the Lord simply helps us to maintain our balance. Life is not all bad or all good. It changes quickly. We are seldom in control even though we delude ourselves into thinking that we are.

I encourage you to pray for those around you. Give to the needy. Be faithful with all that the Lord gives you. Do something for someone else that will bless them. Out of your service to others you will discover a tremendous blessing in your heart. We cannot fool ourselves. Rejoice for today is the day the Lord has made.


Ancient land at Tel Arad
Evil came, controlled the mob
Once a place of trade with all
Now today just dust

Built a town to do their thing
Made a place they called God’s name
They did it their way
Now today just dust

Copied things of God
Inserting the ways of man
Declared it wonderful
Now today just dust

Tel Arad renowned
All the world knew
They controlled their god
Now today just dust

Do you think you run your life?
Overcoming fear and strife
Walking as a god
One day you’ll be dust



Aaron came with Israel’s names
On the breastplate before the Lord
He prayed for sins unknown to him
Asking for their release
Seeking their best good

Now today I’m asking for you
Lord forgive us all
You know our sins and things we’ve done
They pull us down and hurt
Release us from our fall

Life is long with trouble deep
But short on joy and peace
Today my Lord give us your peace
Fill us with your love
And make our joy sweet

Clay Corvin


Anticipation stirs my soul
Today the world is new
A quiet night refreshing
We see this day anew

Corinth gently beckons
What does it reveal?
Soon on streets that Paul walked
The Holy Spirit thrills

Countryside scenery
Breathtaking to behold
My heart beats for wisdom
Jesus is my goal

Then to ancient Mycenae
Evil was its boast
4,000 years it’s sitting
Civilization been and gone

Crossing then to Delphi
Empires came to ask
Wanting to know the future
Paying treasures for a word

Just another day in Greece
Etching in my mind
Life and joy; peace and thanks
My heart is overfull

Clay Corvin


Traveling ___at best relaxing
Covering civilizations
Minutes make up centuries
We walk in ancient footsteps

The trip an experience
A cross section of events
Overwhelming our senses
Sorting them out in a few days

Yet we will be complete
Stirring scenes to report
As we study hard
Filling in a lifetime of dreams

Foundations built on Jesus
Touchstones fill our minds
Teaching from the dawn of faith
Beckon us to come and see
To think about what we can be

He gave His life for me
God prepared the time
This thought drove Paul
So that I might be free
Ancestors pointing to me
Telling me that Jesus loves me

Preaching and teaching in the world we see
A world overcome with sin and strife
Are their lessons here?
I seek to know and be clear

His calling is right now
As difficult as it may seem
We face the very same evil
That Paul spoke against
In Christ I am free

Clay Corvin


Trust in Jesus
He is waiting on you
Trust is a choice
Jesus is true

Trust in Jesus
As opportunities dim
Claim His love
Christ will see you through

Trust in Jesus
He paid for your sin
You will walk with Him

Trust in Jesus
In times good and bad
This life is passing
You will not be sad

Trust in Jesus
He and the Father are one
Speak to Him daily
And you will be won

Trust in Jesus
Focus your view
See the spiritual
Jesus is helping you

Trust in Jesus
Your life counts
He will be in charge
Of all you do

Clay Corvin


Iter of Rome
Brought the soldiers home
Provided ease of access for forays out from Rome

Iter of Rome
Birthed in Satan’s home
For war and control
Filling Rome’s coffers at home

Iter of Rome
Conceived and enthroned
By man’s hard work
Emperors’ thought the idea their own

Iter of Rome
Reaching out to Greece
But used by God
Spreading the Gospel to all

Iter of Rome
Pax Romano’s own
Pushed the Gospel free
Across Europe straight to me

Clay Corvin