Despicable to Greeks
The cross was God’s method
To free you and me

Christ was crucified
We nailed His hands
Our sin must be handled
Jesus was God’s man

Despised by Jews
Spit upon by Greeks
The cross split His heart
Upon Calvary

Crushed by our sin
His breath quickly gone
Romans drew blood
Forgiveness Christ’s song

Three days gone
His body entombed
On Easter morning
God’s power shone thru

Risen, risen
The Lord is now here
Freedom from evil
We are very dear

Praise and honor
All glory to Him
Eternity is among us
In Christ we can live

Clay Corvin 4/6/07


Died on the cross
Rose by God’s power
Paid the price of sin
For you

Claim His gift
Let Him in
Give Him your heart
Start now and live

Holy Spirit power
Victory in every breath
Equipped to claim His goodness
Let others see Jesus in you

He has a plan
Made just for you
He gives His power
Because He loves you

You count
People count
Do unto others
He will do for you

It’s all about Jesus
Wonderful Lord
You are His blessing
Surrender your sword

Take Him your troubles
Take Him your life
Focus your actions
Trade peace for strife

Glorify Jesus
Do what He says
Your path will be joyous
Live for the Lord


Praise God
Worthy and great
Praise God
His pathways straight

Creating, loving
Cleansing, peace
Jesus is joy
At His Father’s knee

Bringing to us
That heavenly smell
Follow me
You can see my trail

Suffering to death
He died for me
So that I could be
A child set free

Free from failure
Heartache and pain
Free from evil
And its hideous pain

Jesus my Lord
You see my gain
An offered hand
You knew my pain

Lift me up
To heaven’s gate
That I might live
A life like Thee

Clay Corvin 11/19/06 on the Sea of Galilee


Saved from evil’s
Cold dead hand
Sin so rampant
Wants to murder me

Reaching up
To take Christ’s gift 
Alive and Free
Victory in me

Fearing God
Who can condemn
Now I’m saved
I belong to Him

Listening with an open ear
Ego sacrificed each day
Speak Lord
Show me Your way

Focusing all on Christ
He guides me in my life
Learning how to serve
I seek to share Christ’s love

Power raining down on me
Gives me strength to be
Surrendered in all of me
Walking in His way

He is all to me
Giving me His life
As I walk to paradise

Clay Corvin 3/16/07


Living well
My desire
What to do?
Of the Lord I inquire

Read MY Word
Let it grow deep
A work of grace
Your life will keep

Memorize to remember
List my laws upon your fingers
Health and peace will hold your heart
As your grow in Christ

Take my Words
Let them control
Daily urges
Seek to hold

All you do
In chains and bonds
Christ control
Will free your soul

Watch your mouth
Don’t say those words
Cover your eyes
Don’t idolize

Let Him have each thing you do
Including time with you
Restrain yourself
Or you will lose

Living well
A choice each day
Christ will lead
Each day for you

Clay Corvin



Today in our world Christians are persecuted as much as the worst persecutions in our history.  You and I are called to follow Jesus.  We are called to change into Christlikeness.  Following and changing is in direct opposition to the direction the world is traveling.  What will we do?  Will we speak out against the problems of the day?  Every era has its own particular evil.  Sin is so pervasive. 

When Christian’s speak out against the evil of the day they will be persecuted.  Abortion is wrong and yet it is a specific example of evil in the majority.  It is such a simple problem.  Murdering babies is always, always, always wrong.  Self-centeredness permits evil to be in control.  Christianity is living as Jesus would live.  Our faith prospers in persecution and is destroyed in prosperity.  When we are weak Jesus is strong.  When we serve Christ is honored and glorified.  

I challenge you as I am challenging myself this moment.  Are you in the majority?  If your life were held up for scrutiny is their anything in your life that would identify you as a Christ follower?  If you were to die today do you know for certain where you would go?  If you do not know where you would go; go to the Word of God and in Romans 10:8-13 you will find the answer.  Jesus is Lord. 


Say it loud and clear

Jesus is Lord and Lord of me

Claim His name

By the things you say and the way you live

Tell all that you meet

I live at Jesus feet

Eternal Christ alive in me

His love compels me to be

A servant with a gift

For giving of myself

That you might see the Lord

And know He cares for you

Knowing now I’m free

Because He lives in me

I proclaim the truth

Jesus loves you

Christ is all to me

I prove it by my acts

His servant I’m to be

The Lord will set you free


Clay Corvin


What I do I do for you
Lord God king of kings
Kneeling now in faith I bow
My life is not my own
Jesus in me at home

I look to see the things I do
Checked against God’s Word
How I am in daily life
Defines thy use of me
Jesus in me at home

This life is passing fast
My heart severely used
Often only things for me
It must be cleansed by Christ
Jesus in me at home

He has begun in me
His work to free
My life for Thee
Telling all I see
Jesus in me at home

My witness includes
What I say and do
This life is weighted with grief
His strength healing my fear
Jesus in me at home

Weakness is pervasive in me
I do the things I would not do
As a servant often I declare
I’m in charge and I’m not
Jesus in me at home

Salvation strong and eternal
Giving me what I cannot earn
Pulling me to Thee
Each day in your victory
Jesus in me at home

Clay Corvin


God has a plan
You are it
What you do-can change it
What you don’t-shortchanges you

God has a plan
He loves you
Died and rose-because He knows
The pain you have-the world is woes

God has a plan
It’s made for you
To help you grow-your heart made whole
No more fear-Jesus is always near

God has a plan
His plan equips
You to be-what you know is you
His wisdom-guides you to be His

God has a plan
Who do you love?
Choices determine-what you’ll be
You determine-if you’ll be free

God has a plan
Focus on Christ
Declare His love-at every chance
Thanksgiving for Him-His gift to you

God has a plan
Life comes quick
Be with Him-eternity begins now
Don’t waste time-Love Him now

Clay Corvin   2/1/07


I think I know
I want to know
To know what I know
I presume to seek
And know infinity

I look around me
Bending my weak knee
Asking about God
Answering my own question
Look at me I THINK

What I think
Is the best of me
How I think
Is the worst of me
Infinity cannot be described

Jesus knowing this
Standing at the side of God
Father let me show him
Infinity in human form
So he can think of me

Love walked into my life
Love gave me infinite advice
All He asked was my trust
Giving me the strength to give
Infinity was here in the flesh

Love is the best I can know
His love is the best He gives
Claiming His love I live
To be with infinity
Infinity makes me free

Clay Corvin  1/15/07