My life is real
All the things I do
And God loves me

Where I am
And for what I am
Jesus has set me free

He has plan
For you and me
A plan of value and worth

Not to elevate me
Or lower you
But to equip me to serve Him

In service I grow
And reap what I sow
And see the Lord of life

My surrender to Him
Is victory for me
Enabling me to help you

My freedom is from sin
And not from God
I am free from death
I win

01/05/04  Clay Corvin


God judges
Not me
I am to love
And care for you

All I do
I do for you
To become like Christ
And live His life

His control
My surrender
His life
My death

When I serve
It is to do
But first I must be
Like Jesus

I see you
The things you do
But I am called to serve
And not declare you wrong

1/05/04  Clay Corvin


I cannot be
What others say
And stand for Christ

I must be
Surrendered me
And live for Him

Gifts and skills
Can honor God
But obedience is first

To change my life
From flesh to Christ
That I might be bold

Bold to serve
Bold to give
Trustworthy with my life

Spending time with Jesus
So I can help you
And live for the Lord

Days will come
Days will go
But I can survive

Live with Christ
Obey the Lord
And I will grow

01/05/04  Clay Corvin


I have come this way
With a purpose and a hope
To get to know better
How to live and grow

I’m looking for the Lord
In every place I can
I want to change
To be His man

I read His word
I pray that it will stick
Inside my heart
And guide all I do

I fall down
And by His promise
Climb back up
Jesus never fails

And then I saw
The Lord alive
In my heart
And by my side

Christ is with me
He hears every word
He knows my need
And gives me worth

I am not alone
I’m victory’s child
Jesus has come
My life is won

1/5/04  Clay Corvin


Now we have come
To the victor’s stage
A drama written by God

He sent His Son
On our behalf
To show how life could be won

Ordinary men
Impoverished times
The world changed for 2,000 years

What a thing
The Lord has done
Showing us how to give

To give of self
To have a heart
To be what we can be

No one left
By themselves
Unless they choose to be

God is good
Christ is Lord
The Holy Spirit has come

All this happened
Where we’ve been
Now we know

We know the Lord
We know His peace
Christ is in our heart

Now we go
To distant shores
And share Jesus with all we know

1/06/04   Clay Corvin


Driving the Via Maris
It is 2004
A lot like but different
Than what conquerors rode before

We zipped along
In relative ease
A thousand thoughts each
And comfort was the score

Conquerors raped and pillaged
They burned houses down
Leaving ash and dust
And their bondage hurt

All we leave
Are Christian thoughts
Man is good at thoughts

But I resolve
To take what I’ve seen
And tell the world of Christ

01/06/04  Clay Corvin


Zion gate stands
Full of bullet holes
Majestic and strong

Stormed by troops
Reclaiming their land
Acting as God’s hand

Now they feel
That God is gone
And they are giving away their land

How many times
Have battles been won
By sacrifice and cost
And then the war lost
By self-centered greed

Tossing out the sacrifice
Luxuries claimed
Living high on others
That died for their gain

Too many times
The weak link
Earns a place in the sun

Leadership given not earned
Based upon the desire
To build a life of style

Then too late learn
The gate is undone
And all their gains are gone

01/06/04   Clay Corvin


Gates and stone
Will not stand
When destroyer’s come

They slash and burn
And throw down stone
Leaving what was behind

How many times?
Have we built forts
To separate ourselves from God

Telling Him we will listen
Telling Him we are true
And yet living double-minded

I bend my knee
Before the Lord
Jesus knows me well

Forgive me Lord
For ignoring you
Help me to hear

Often what I hear
Is not appealing to me
So I quietly slip away

Then one day
I hear no words
Lord, what did you say?

“Obey me
Walk my way
And I will teach you again.”

01/07/04   Clay Corvin


Too much time goes by
Too little accomplished
Looking forward to more
The day that I will be

Be the thing I know I can
What God created
Seeking Christ to let Him
Shine through me

Effort and difficulty
More than I can
Frustrated again
I fail and sin

Then Jesus touches me
Calming that fear within
That chases me
His work not mine

Living a Christ-like life
Is a costly life
Requiring my surrender
And obedience to Christ

Keeping short accounts
Admitting when I am wrong
Brings me back to focus
And equips me to grow

01/07/04   Clay Corvin


Going to the Gates of Hell
At Caesarea Philippi
Caused me to think
About the way I live

Convenience is a factor
Luxuries are required
Fashioning my lifestyle
As the center of the world

Demanding my ego
Always be assuaged
Wanting my way
At the end of the day

Looking out at others
Seeing them as tools
I can use for profit
Or theological abuse

Refusing equal value
For all that I meet
Defining my relationships
By things I can defeat

People are not chattel
Man is evil and weak
In Christ the Savior
A person becomes complete

Value and worth
Come from God
The Holy Spirit leading
To make people first

Flesh and blood are dying
Economies ebb and flow
But when we come to Jesus
Our spiritual life will grow

Life is a gift from God
Spiritual life a birth
If Jesus is our master
People are of worth

01/07/04   Clay Corvin