Hazor lies dead and quiet
Who knew that this town
Would one day be gone

God gives wealth
God gives life
Ignoring God brings death

Where are the bodies?
What will they do?
Jesus shouts arise
Their judgment will renew

They will stand before the Holy Lamb
No wealth, no beauty, no fame
What happened to their powerful name?

Extracting many fortunes
From merchants traveling by
Now the folk of Hazor
Will march straight to Hell

My heart is breaking for them
They could have accepted God
But the people of Hazor said no

You must turn to Jesus
Confess your sin to Christ
For the people of Hazor
Now think that is good advice

01/07/04  Clay Corvin


A thoughtful
Patient person
Who holds her tongue

Dealing gently with people
In a helpful
Hardworking way

She is a tireless worker
Protective of her brood
And attentive to their needs

Often overlooking self
She is interested
In all her family’s days

What a gifted person
Creative and genuine
In all her ways

A co-worker with Jesus
A beautiful person
Through and through

Witty and wise
Never alibis
Strong and wise

A blessing
A joy
Sent from God

Carol, I love you



Each of us has value
World changing things to do
For two whole weeks
Jesus has walked you

Focused on the history
Walking through God’s land
Our group has great value
God has spoken to you

We walked with Moses
Saw Abraham’s well
Visited Peter’s city
Cried where Jesus fell

Traveled through the desert
Traipsed through Dan
Gawked at Mount Herman
Prayed on the Galilee

Each of us has contributed
All of us have grown
God continues blessing
As we return home

Time turns its pages
We’ll soon close this book
I will not forget
How Jesus loves you

01/07/04  Clay Corvin


Archie is a giant
A scholar who is wise
Reaching out to teach us
Always learning and kind

Everyday was better
Because of his words
Encouraging and caring
Open and sincere

Helping us to see
The things that he saw
Yet always letting us be
A part of what went on

He infuses excitement
For the learner and the pro
Highlighting insights
That will help us grow

Used as an agent
By the Lord in His land
I feel I am better
As I’ve traveled thru the land

Archie makes you feel good
He magnifies who you are
He care for people
Giving them his heart

01/08/04  Clay Corvin


A friend
A scholar
Used by the Lord

To guides us through Israel
Lifting up Jesus
Sharing God’s Word with us

A man who walks with Jesus
Real and strong
Able to teach God’s song

Leading thru the Bible
Listening to our words
Jesus spoke thru him

I am wiser
I am encouraged
Jimmy taught us God’s love

Not enough words
To list all his good traits
Three are he is faithful, trustworthy and true

He is a wise man
He is kind
Creative and insightful
He shares his heart and mind

Easily approachable
Gentle with replies
He sees greatness
In each of our lives

God is our master
Jimmy is a good servant
I am grateful for God’s use of him

01/08/04  Clay Corvin


An unusual man
With a song all his own
Used by God
To lead us thru God’s land

A man with a gentle spirit
Generous and kind
Willing with his teaching
Helpful and one of a kind

He’s taught us geography
He’s helped us see the land
Teaching us the customs
Leading us by our hand

Enjoyable to be with
Trustworthy to the Lord
A joyous spirit
Used by the Lord

Led by God
He lives in God’s land
Reaching out to others
Helping them see God’s hand

Clay Corvin 01/08/04


I came to Israel
Looking for giants
And they were with me

I wanted to travel with God
To learn more about Him
And He was with me

Jesus values people
This trip has underscored
How valuable you are

Thank you for your teaching
The excitement was great
Everyday with Jesus is a delight

Thank you for your insights
Every site was blessed
By one of your thoughts

Traveling thru this land
I have heard the Lord
As He spoke thru you

01/08/04 Clay Corvin


I miss loved ones
I will hug them close
I will listen
As they share what went on

I’ll see them thru new eyes
I’ve missed them lot
I just want to sit
And listen to them talk

I will not ignore them
They are blessings from God
Each moment is special
I am blessed by their love

Then when recovered
I will tell of our trip
All the things God told me
Nothing will I skip

I will share our laughter
Our pictures and things
It will be a pleasure
To recount the journeys dream

Thank you for your safety
Thank you for your word
Thank you for your teaching
Help me live what I’ve heard

Clay Corvin 01/08/04


Red rocks
Climb and walk a lot
The wind howling thru

Edom barren
Swept by God’s hand
We saw the desert too

A place of natural beauty
Rugged and clean
Massive and at times mean

Everywhere were tombs
All is carved from rocks
They sit quietly alone

Now we saw
The truth from God
His Word is without flaw

Clay Corvin 01/09/04


I see my life
In physical terms
I fail to look at length
To see the things that are ruling
The spiritual side of me

Behind the veil
Where we cannot see
And yet long to be
All the things that matter
Are ruling over me

I want to know my value
The world declines to give
An estimate of my worth
And yet Jesus came and died for me
The spiritual side of me is valuable
Now I want to see

I ask for Christ’s forgiveness
He comes into my life giving me life
Now I see God’s estimate of me
The Lord of all sees all of me
And He, the Lord loves me

Christ opens up God’s riches
Seven thousand promises to me
And reminds that the Lord is living with me
Setting me free from foolishness and fear
Guiding me to live a life of value and worth

I see the needs before me
The Lord has invited me in
Now I will serve Him
Loving Him
And staying close to Him

Clay Corvin 01/10/04