The frailty of the human race
Causes me to plea
Heal my heart and evil ways
Jesus help me please

Walking thru a life of sin
Striving to do right
Struggling with the things I do
Jesus help me please

Reaching out to do the right
Sin gets in my way
Failing, failing, in God’s sight
Jesus help me please

Forgiving all the past I did
Healing my regrets
Help me walk the Godly path
Jesus help me please

Living now to serve my King
Searching for each right
Righteousness a gift from Christ
Jesus help me please

Face to face beyond this veil
I will stand and see
The glory of the Lord my God
Jesus help me please


Drawing close to Jesus
Takes time in a busy life
I will give my life today
His presence is my plea

Jesus is the answer
My life was seeking for
Knowing I belong to Him
Guides me through life’s fog

Fighting off the future
As it assails my heart
Knowing it’s a foolish thought
To doubt my Savior’s part

He gives me the wisdom
To be the one He needs
Equipped to act in present time
I am His servant freed

Questions pull to failure
Jesus gives me strength
To be the one who stands and serves
In victory He has won

Tomorrow never comes
Now is all I have
Drawing close to Jesus
Prepares the life displayed

The Lord is my power
His life is my peace
Serving is my purpose
I live at Jesus’ feet


Realities come in many shades
Some eternal andmost hand made
Christ is real-not man made
Gives a heart man can’t make

Jesus a friend truer than true
Providing life and fellowship too
Never leaving andalways near
No stampeding andChrist calms fear

Giving power needed to live
Each new day joy He gives
Knowing victory
Christ shares with me

Useful days
Worthy plans
Suited to my DNA
Jesus speaks to me-serve

Changing life inside and out
Every day His grace shows me the way
Guiding me in word and deed
Jesus is king of me

When each day is done
His victory wins in me
Impelling me to pray for you
His peace, His strength, His call

Clay Corvin


Jesus Christ is faithful
Even though we aren’t
You can join His family
By asking for His heart

Power for the life we lead
Strength to face each day
Life is worth our effort
There is value in what we do

Jesus word is living
Guiding where we go
Calling us to be his
Daily renewing our walk

Survival is our watchword
Jesus knows our heart
Tomorrow’s not a burden
He lives within our heart

Giving us the answers
Removing all the fog
Life is faith in action
Jesus Christ is God

Now I’m in His family
People count with Christ
I am in His purpose
A servant in His place

Joy in the journey
Value in my walk
Peace a constant companion
In Christ I am never lost

Clay Corvin


Under Christ
Today I serve You

Grateful and kind
My heart devoted to You

I’m Yours
Just tell me what to do

Spending time
On my knees
This world is so hard
Gratitude fills my heart

Doing and being
Balanced in Christ
I live today
Your sacrifice

Passing through
This place of tears
Your love is mine
My life I give

Clay Corvin


Love an action
On life’s stage
Freely given
To lives unmade

Our example died for us
His life perfect
A guide for all
So we can be like Him

Victory comes
In daily acts
It’s all of life
Our life is a fact

A wisp, a mist
Our time is short
We are passing thru
He is our friend

Everyday we walk His way
The world is dying
We seek to sway
Obedience builds our faith

The Spirit of God
Gives us His fruit
The things we do
To be of use

On that day
We go to Him
We see the glory
We’ve given to Him

 Clay Corvin 9/4/06


Courage and strength
Standing alone
Knowing Jesus cared
He would not fold

Seven days on a rooftop
More than a hundred souls
He found and freed
The water wouldn’t leave

Neither would Michael
He could not go
This was his home
He would not be overthrown

Standing alone
Three hundred days
Others returning
Their land he saved

Sometimes a man
Must draw a line
Here I stand

This life is mine

Courage and strength
Standing alone
Michael was God’s man
The lower ninth still his home
 Clay Corvin 7/20/06


I often wondered
Why old folks said
I’m looking forward
To see Jesus

I love you Lord
I want to stay
I’m anxious for the day
I can serve and play

Growing a family
With a godly wife
Children born
Facing strife

Still when old folks
Said I’m ready
To go and see
Jesus and His home for me

Why? I said
Too much to do
Jesus calls
I’m serving YOU

Business comes and goes
I love this work I have
Christ exalted
Eternity proclaimed

Faithfulness lived
Things are tough
I caught myself
Thinking Lord it’s too much

But no, dawn came
I went on my way
Soul lifted up
By Jesus’ healing touch

Now I’m old
By the world’s count
I’m ready to see Jesus
Eager to be at His knee

Clay Corvin


A plain spoken man

Faithful to Christ

Willing to sacrifice

Serving the Lord


Gifted with strength

Wise in life

A generous heart

And forgiving hand

Success marks his walk

Failure unknown

Even the world

Can’t take what he owns

Three gifted children

A Christ like wife

Serving the Lord

Taking Billy’s advice

His journey is swift

He has done God’s work

Many souls

Rejoice at his worth

Billy is true

Always the same

Jesus on his lips

Christ knows Billy’s name


Clay Corvin 7/28/06


Magic girl-can do all things
Admiration due
You are always you

Wisest one-I thank the Lord
I’ve had a chance to know
A woman Christ loves so

Working out-His strength in love
You leave no stone unturned
His law you live and learn

Joy and peace your partners
Henchmen at your side
Doing things others dream of
His life is your guide

Friend and faithful servant
Results are your mark
You never fail His heart
Each day a strong new start

Husband, son and family
Valued by your life
Devoted loving mother
Serving is your delight

Clay Corvin