We will know Him when we meet Him
The unknowable One
No name can describe Him
He is the only ONE

Idols are very easy
They are something we want
Strength or peace or presence
We make them as we please

The Lord God is sovereign
We cannot make Him
Nor can we control Him
No one is like Him

Love is His nature
He really loves you and me
So that we would know
Truth died on a tree

That tree was our bondage
That act set us free
Believe and trust Jesus
And you will be free

Free from this moment
Free eternally
The ravages of this world
Will have to set you free

Claim the truth
That’s Jesus
Here to guide you home
Home to the Father
That’s where we belong

Clay Corvin 8/20/05


That’s the way to do
Bend your knee to God
Ask Him to forgive you
Ask Him for new life

Listen to His teaching
Read His laws
In each law is wisdom
To help you when you fall

Learn the wisdom of the ages
We do what we are
The only truth we know
Is the truth we do

Stand up
Fight for goodness
No idols in your life
Let Jesus cleanse your heart

Stop with your complaining
It will not be your way
Evil comes a calling
It will have its pay

God is love and mercy
Jesus came to us
True power is in sacrifice
You cannot love too much

Forgive those who hurt you
Work for the peace
Give your heart to Jesus
He will give you peace

Clay Corvin 8/20/05


Don’t waste your time
Begging a stone
What can death?
Do for you

Look to Christ
The King of Kings
To take control
Deliver you

Feeling great
No judgment day
We think forever
Die today

Always looking
To others gifts
If I had
Becomes our quip

Stand your group
Be yourself
Bend your knee
Cry for help

Life is hard
The future bold
Grinding you
All you hold

Listen as the Lord God speaks
No Idols
Come to Me
My love will set you free

Clay Corvin 8/20/05


This is God
He’s my friend
He died for me

He lives in me
My heart beats free
Death cannot hold me

This is God
He made me
To live and serve the truth

Jesus Christ the righteous
Truth from God
Gives His life to me

This is God
He knows my name
Hearing all my needs

Guiding every step I take
Knowing every move I will make
Offering Himself to me

This is God
Ruling all
Loving and complete

I know my way
I live today
My life is in His hand

Clay Corvin 8/20/05


We need a living God
Guiding us each day
Let go of those idols
They pull you away

Away from loving
Away from truth
Away from happiness
Into futile pursuit

Look at your habits
Traditions load you down
Hate for others
Causes you to drown

Drown in your sorrow
Pity deep and swift
Blinding you to wisdom
Ending in your defeat

We need a living God
To listen as we speak
Giving us solutions
Before we are old and weak

Choose to follow Jesus
Choose to claim your life
Step out of the shadows
No idols in this life

Clay Corvin 8/20/05


Jesus lives among us
Moses saw His face
Knowing God almighty
Kept Moses in his place

Wonder, awe and glory
All belong to God
His character is perfection
He looks for us with love

Worship is our power
To build His strength in us
Becoming pure and holy
By Jesus precious blood

His heart is always caring
As disaster grabs our flesh
Life is always seeking
To push God from His place

First His plan claims our lives
We choose to serve or not
Joy is in the journey
When the Lord has our heart

Second we can worship
Building up our love
To Him is to love Him
Jesus paid the price for us

Third Christ gives us value
Life and light each day
Wisdom becomes our master
As worship fills our day

Clay Corvin 8/13/05


God and God alone
King of kings
Lord of lords
Sitting on His throne
Every thought for each of us
A loving thought for good

God and God alone
Cares for us
Knowing all our pain
He is healing
His love will set us free
His wisdom guiding you and me

God and God alone
Records His children’s name
On His eternal hand
He always sees
His plan for you and me
He will not let us fail

God and God alone
All praise and honor due
He loves us through and through
Dying on Calvary’s tree
His blood bringing life to you and me
Jesus equips us to live

God and God alone
In Him we belong
His family is our home
In His church we belong
Living in victory
He will save you and me

Clay Corvin 8/13/05


Man lived in darkness
Until the Lord revealed
How much He loved Him
He came to us here

Man fought God’s loving
Refusing to obey
Instead choosing failure
That’s the price pagans pay

Claiming us in Israel
The Lord carried them
Took them home from Egypt
Many continued in sin

Nothing they could pay Him
He did it because He loves
Concerned for their future
He lived with them by love

He carries us on angel’s wings
Active in our lives
Nothing can destroy us
The Lord gives good advice

He has a right to claim us
We are made in His form
The world wants to destroy
Each child that claims Christ’s name

In Jesus we have refuge
In The Lord is our strength
His love is overpowering
His presence compels our belief

Clay Corvin 8/13/05


Jesus loves me
I know this
Because He died on Calvary
Before I cared for Him

He spoke a word to Moses
Come here son
You are valuable to me
This is what I have done

He spoke words of living
A manual just for man
Jesus says I love you
His love builds me

Just as God led Israel
He leads you and me
Just as God chose Moses
He chooses us to be

Be part of His work
Be in His family too
Jesus came to share God’s good
He equips us to belong

Belong to the Father
Belong where we are
In Christ our lives are holy
We are different than pagans are

Serve the Lord with gladness
Rejoice He is here
His presence is eternal
Our lives are very dear

Clay Corvin 8/13/05


All around we see
Former friends we liked
But knowing us offended them
Or maybe we decline to see
Those others are different
Unlike you or me

Some of us have friends we’ve lost
To hate or fear or death
One thing is sure
Our living is no cure
Jesus loves each of us
And teaches us to love the least

Seeing is believing
Look into your heart
Where are those you said?
Would never ever depart

The truth is Christ
In Him we find our strength
To live with those He sent us to
And let them know we care

You may not succeed
Others have to choose
To care for us
We cannot demand their love

Jesus loves you
His love is true and strong
Unlike the world we live in
Christ will never leave us alone

8/6/05 Clay Corvin