Comfort as I walk through the valley
Every day like the past
The lessons learned increasing
My ability to accomplish God’s plan

Peace as I walk through the valley
Thinking about the mountain top
Few things grow where I long to go
Growth is valley stuff

The Lord is my shepherd
He guides my steps
As I walk along His path
His Word heals my heart

Joy in knowing
He is in my heart
Giving me what I need
Not just the things that please

Then the day
Someone comes my way
Lessons I’ve learned I recount
A comfort to them on Christ’s way

As I walk valley paths
Sharing my heart
Encouraging another along
Jesus makes me strong

CC 7/10/05


He knows me
To the depths of my soul
Every act of evil
Grates against His hold

Yet He never leaves me
His love is deep and wide
The depths of my depravity
Defines the miracle of love

How much does He love me?
Enough to live in me
Enough to carry burdens
That I don’t even see

How much does He love me?
More than a heart can say
His love is always searching
To help me find my way

Jesus loves this sinner
He knows what I have done
Reaching through my blackened heart
He gives me all of His love

Never more to wander
No more despair
God loves me so much
He will not leave me here

CC 7/9/05


He saw me as He hung there
Two thousand years ago
Knowing what my needs were
He died so I could know

Knowing I could serve Him
Knowing I could count
His Word defines my journey
His love lines my course

Always looking for me
Never letting go
Brought me into His family
I know that I know

Said don’t measure value
I reside in you
The Holy Spirit quickens
His life gives me hope

Every time I struggle
He reminds me of His love
His presence gives me courage
The Lord is always good

CC 7/09/05


God is more than me
I cannot understand
How He was and did
My mind just cannot see

Holy King, creator
I will bow and praise
Wonderfully created me
One day I’ll see Him

How do things go on?
Only Jesus knows
He is my sustainer
Including all we know

Look around and see
His hand is everywhere
Look at the pattern
God is here and now

Checking out my heart strings
I sense His presence near
Jesus has a plan for me
I belong to Him

CC 7/09/05


Knocking on heaven’s door
I bend my knee to the Lord
He will carry me
Even when my chances look poor

Knocking on heaven’s door
This world is not my home
Yet the heartache never lessens
Fear keeps score

Knocking on heaven’s door
I’m just weak old me
What difference can I make?
Jesus will care for the poor

Knocking on heaven’s door
I’m so confused
Others I think highly of
So often times abused

Knocking on heaven’s door
Lord are you awake?
My prayers so unanswered
My life destroyed by evil’s wake

Knocking on heaven’s door
I choose to be God’s child
His love is in me
No matter what may transpire

Knocking on heaven’s door
This world is not my home
Home is where the heart is
One day soon I’ll be home

CC 7/7/05


In those times
When heartache grows
All about my fear extols
Jesus stands close to me

He is strong and knows my way
The path I trod tomorrow and the next day
I can trust His loving hand
Jesus stands close to me

When the daylight fails to shine
No more future, no more time
All about I fear the worst
Jesus stands close to me

He is light and life
He will not let me go
The world can pull its woe
Jesus stands close to me

Daylight dawns
The worst is gone
He nursed me through this time
Jesus stands close to me

One day when
My day will come
Christ will take me home
Jesus stands close to me

7/4/05 CC


Look around
See His love
The universe abounds
His order and control

Think of how
He loved you so
Crafting you
Perfect in His plan

Then we come
To evil’s realm
All around heartache sprouts
Because of blinded lives

How can we
Trust the One who crafted us
By His love
He died on Calvary

Jesus is the one to seek
He heals our hearts
He sets us free
Making us children of God

Birthed into His eternal realm
We live with heaven’s crown
Knowing all we do and say
Furthers our Father’s goals
7/4/05 CC


I am not defeated
God has chosen me
But Christ requires my call on Him
His love will set me free

Planned before the world began
Jesus is God’s way
Calling me to walk with Him
His love will set me free

All the things I’ve thought for good
Deep within my heart
All are things created by my Lord
His love will set me free

Surrender underscores my growth
I cannot grow alone
Jesus works in side of me
To make my life His own

Suffering is a part of life
I will suffer for Him
But when the world is finally done
His love will set me free

I am not alone
Jesus claims my heart
Where ever I am is where He’ll be
His love will set me free
CC 7/3/05


Majesty is your name
Lord you are always the same
Creating me from long ago
Knowing which way I would go

Yet in your strength
You gave me choice
Choose my way
Or bend my knee

Majesty is your name
Creatures great
The weather game
Making all complete

You lead by your love
Able to equip the least of us
To do those things you decide
So that your love will abide

Majesty is your name
Jesus died for me
His love paid my price
Help me take your advice

Serving as part of my life
As natural as I breathe
The life of Christ in me
Impels me to love

CC 7/2/05


Life exciting
Won and won
Days enlightening
Trouble comes
Jesus has my heart
“I will not fail you”
Echoes in my heart

Years of famine
Little won
I’m undone
On my knees I plead
Jesus speaks to me
“I will not fail you”

Sunshine comes
Difficulty done
All is aright
No problems I can’t fight
I am is my delight
My life is on cue
“I will not fail you”

Twilight comes
Years have run
So much left undone
I would if I could
I know we can’t relive
What each of us would give
“I will not fail you!”

CC 6/26/05