God is calling me
Listen to His Word
Reaching out to touch my heart
The Lord is talking to me

Directing every step I take
I must read His Word
Lighting up the way I go
Demanding to be heard

My relationship will grow
Jesus will train my mind
Spending time with Christ
Will change my life

The world is always calling
What can I do?
Keep my life in focus
Controlled by Jesus Christ

Ignoring God’s directions
Will give the world a win
I will trip and stumble
I must run to Jesus then

I will claim my provider
Jesus is His name
He will shape my journey
For the Father’s glory and fame

CC 4/8/05


The struggle for existence
What and who am I?
Yearning for significance
To make sense before I die

Why is this the way it is?
This question doesn’t work
What can I do that makes me live?
This question can be heard

Jesus died for people
For all who have been born
God providing significance
For even those in scorn

I can be important
Not a ruler or a rogue
But one who knows the Father
Living under His control

Jesus brings importance
To lives that seem not to count
He has a plan for you and me
We are His hands and feet

Ambassadors for Jesus
Right where we are
Doing what we can
Living in His hand

All of life is sacred
It is a part of God
Our part is His service
Because we belong to Christ

Every day with Jesus
I learn more about love
I have eternal life
I can serve those He loves



Power in the world
Hurts and maims man’s soul
Look around at centuries
Where power’s story is told

This power is a mimic
Of God’s creative love
Yet worldly power destroys
People and God’s love

Look at the hurting
Ignored by the rich
Wealth creates blindness
To the lame and the sick

Reach up with your dollars
Put them in a safe
Every day you save them
Evil is having its way

Put those dollars in action
Give them to Christ’s work
Reach the lost for Jesus
See God’s power at work

How can I have power?
Bend my knee to Christ
Rejoice in my privilege
To be where God calls me

CC 4/9/05


Saved but singed
Described me well
I trusted God
But often fell
Not being what He called me too
Fearing God was new

Then one day
Christ came to me
More like Me
You should be
Break your rule
Walk my way
Fear the Lord
Be mine today

Know the Word
It’s there for life
Guiding me through sacrifice
Equipping me
To shed His blood
The world is hard
Evil demands to be heard
Bend your knee and follow me

Committed is the word I see
Written all across me
Life is all about degrees
Degrees of pain and suffering
Degrees of willing wait
And at the end of wait
Stands Jesus Christ

Now is when you name me
Now is when you care
Touch those I send to you
Help them with your care
And in your care is living
Dispenser of God’s love
Always help the hurting
In helping is your cure
A cure for evil’s actions
A cure for life’s duress
A cure for your questions
Life is giving your best

Do not fear tomorrow
The power of God is now
It comes to live in each of us
Not because we are worthy
But because we have chosen life
Jesus calls me to surrender
His power stalks my fear
Eternal life is here in me
Jesus is always near

CC 4/9/05


Man of God
Serving at the front
Equipped with Jesus
Eternity has begun

Everyday important
God is calling you
J and L created E
According to His plan

Day by day
In many ways
Until our son returns
We will pray for you

Now it starts
The daily walk
Jesus at work in you
Live in victory

His Word guides you
Hear the Holy Band
March to Jesus’ service
His plan alive in you

CC 4/6/05


God is calling
Listen, do you hear His Word
Reaching out to touch your heart
The Lord is talking to you

Jesus will direct you
Have you read His Word?
The Word of God is specific
Lighting the way you should go

Your relationship is growing
Spending time with Christ
Focused on His speaking
Eternal words for life

The world is calling
Be what you can be
Do all you envision
Taste life completely

When you ignore directions
The world takes a hold
Causing you to lose control
Slavery is its mold

Claim your provider
The world or the Christ
The choice shapes the journey
It’s only your life

CC 4/8/05



The Word of God
Made of alive
By Jesus life and sacrifice
Dying for each one of us
Victory over sin
Death no longer controls us
The Lord of all wins

Jesus claims our weakness
Equipping us for uniqueness
Reaching into the darkness
Unseen parts of our soul
Shining His love
Grabbing ahold
Sharing His life in us

Revealing all our need
No longer will we die
Life is our lot
The Lord of all has called
We belong to Him
His courage fills our heart
Now we live for Him

I belong to Christ
He gives me direction
To accomplish His plans
I am in His hand
The Lord is working in me
Expressing His strength through me
Victory every day

CC 4/2/05


How can I
A mortal one
Please the Holy One
He is eternal
I am here to die

Jesus came to save me
Providing life like God’s
Making me eternal
This is pleasing to God
And makes Him smile

Spending time with Jesus
Reading through His Word
So that Christ can guide me
Is pleasing to God
His power gives me life

Letting God’s Word heal me
From evil, worldly ways
Laying out my heart to Him
Pleases God
He changes me each day

I have a model
In Jesus Christ my Lord
My goal is to be like Him
This pleases God
Equipping me to grow

Surrendering for service
Touching all I meet
Giving of the gifts Christ gave
Pleases God
Building joy in my soul

CC 4/2/05


Watch where you walk
Keep your eyes on Christ
Note that when the road gets rough
Christ gives good advice.

Ask Him without flinching
Listen very close
The eyes of God are on your life
You are special and worthy to coach

My head is always spinning
Life is so intense
It’s hard to see the future
When I’m crying over spilt milk

Yes we want stardom
No we don’t want to fail
Both are inevitable
If we work hard each day

You are the reason
Many know the Lord
Jesus gives us wisdom
To follow the Lord
CC 3/29/05


Think of where you are
Jesus knows
Where you should be
What should be going on

Think of where you are
Have you chosen your way
Did today grab you?
Hauling you away

Think of where you are
It’s from choices you made
Things never happen just because
We choose to be slave or free

Think of where you are
Every step brought you
Stop and change if you
Failed to follow Christ

Think of where you are
The choice is yours
Be alert and watch you path
Some is tracking you down

Jesus is the Lord of life
He will guide our path
Ask Him for the steps to take
You will never be lost again

CC 3/28/05