PRIMACY OF PETER – John 21: 5-65 ‘Children,’ said Jesus to them, ‘haven’t you got anything to eat?’ ‘No!’ they replied. 6 ‘Cast the net on the right side of the boat,’ he said, ‘and you’ll find something.’So they cast the net; and now they couldn’t draw it in because of the weight of the fish.
Every day is a struggle. Life is a challenge for all of us.
Jesus meets us at the point of our struggle.
His Word to His apostles, who were failing at their former vocation:
Let down your net.
They did. After fishing all night and no success the net was overloaded with fish.
We need Jesus.
We need Jesus for every moment of our life.
We need Jesus to deal with our successes and our failures.
We need Jesus. We need to focus on Jesus.
We need to take everything to Jesus in prayer. Lay out our life before Him.
We need Jesus because we are weak.
We need Jesus because we don’t know the future.
We need Jesus because bad things happen to good people.
We need Jesus.
When life slams you hard.
Keep praying. Stay the course.
Whatever the future looks like Jesus can still fill an empty net.
Remember that our precious Lord is good, always good, and He loves you.
What a joy to walk down to the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
We could see the location where Jesus would have built the charcoal fire.
So many things happened right here on the seashore.
The critical element-God in the flesh was here and He is here right now.
Jesus loves you. HE loves you.
Clay Corvin
Northport, AL
June 22, 2022