More than three hundred times Jesus, the Messiah,
Is foretold in the Old Testament.
Jesus, Himself, identifies many of these,
By His quotes in the New Testament.
No vagary in the Bible about the coming Messiah.
Genesis to Revelation is the story of God redeeming mankind.
Jesus is the only way to the Father.
He is the Messiah. He is coming back.
Read the Bible.
Read it daily, searching for God’s guidance of your day.
Along the way God will bring His prophecies to your attention.
It will be a great encouragement.
The Messiah would be resurrected from the dead.
He came forth from the grave on the third day.
The Messiah would bring a new covenant.
It was His own blood, given for us, redeeming us from our sin.
He would be forsaken, and pierced,
But He would be vindicated by the power of God.
Rescued by His Father from the grave,
Jesus paid the price for our sin, and His blood gives us His righteousness.
The Messiah would be crucified.
They would divide his cloths by casting lots and hurl insults at Him.
He was rejected by His own people.
The religious leaders were the ones who would lead the rejection.
The Messiah would bring Good News to the poor, heal the sick, raise the dead.
He was the Good News-God come to His Creation-mankind.
So many more prophecies. Such great detail.
God’s instruction book makes sure we don’t miss the Christ-the Messiah.
And yet so many don’t believe in Jesus.
Don’t miss the Good News.
God knew you before you were born.
The Good News is that God loves you and has provided a way for you to become family.
Clay Corvin – December 21, 2022