Salvation is purchased by the blood of Christ
He came to man as God’s only plan
Sought to set all free
Our life was in His hands
Then He walked to the cross on Calvary
Died to pay the price for our sin
Jesus cares for you and me
Jesus loves you and me

Salvation is perfect for anyone
Call upon His name
Only Jesus can set you free
He is thinking of you now
Calling out to you, do you want to be healed?
You decide-surrender your heart to Him
Jesus will come to you
Jesus loves you and me

Now is the time to give your life
Never a better time than now
If you don’t know Him
Surrender and let Him in
He will set you free to be the best you
The best you there can ever be
I am weak but He is Strong
Jesus loves you and me

His salvation is powerful
You only ask Him once
He gives you eternity
By faith you live in Him
The relationship begins-listen as He speaks
“Come unto me all you who are heavy laden
I will set you free, my burden is easy, my load is light
Jesus loves you and me

Clay Corvin – August 8, 2009