Give ear; give ear to my words Lord I’m in trouble; life has caught me in a bind I need your fullest attention; I love you Lord My trouble is gnawing at my soul; help me You are the only ONE Lord; there is no other As I cry out to you; I’m...
Tag - Life
We live our life A cultural mess Convinced of glory Reality confessed Truth deflates The lies we tell Serious lives Going to Hell Seldom filled with God’s desires We walk our streets With hearts afire Searching searching searching A vague...
In the pain of my dilemma, YOU made a way Nothing is too hard for God; He loves you The disappointment, the trials Harsh discoveries, evil afoot It is impossible and yet YOU made a way No one sees your footprints Doubters proclaim your absence...
WHERE YOU FROM? Where you from? Have you won? Are you hurting? Life humdrum? Victory none? Where you from? Do you care? Can we go there? Thank you I’m done Hurting, blue, discontinued, another anxious day. Do you care? Help me? Tit for Tat...
BABE OF BETHLEHEM Babe of Bethlehem, Born in a manger, scorned by men Poverty His choice, He was committed to following the Father All around the Romans ruled, their way or the highway or worse Mary great with child, Joseph devoted Traveling to...
ALIVE IN CHRIST – EPH 2:1-10 Once dead-born that way-chose that way-going that way Just like the world-every single person a slave to sin Separates us totally from God-HE abhors sin Causes us to walk according to the spirit of the age...
I LOVE JESUS I love Jesus He walks with me Jesus is within me He comforts and restores me His love nourishes me His presence conquers my failure Jesus is my peace Jesus is my victory Jesus is beneath me, over me, behind me, the Lord covers me I...
Aging is: Losing sleep Losing a child Losing a step Losing a dream Losing vitality ounce by ounce Losing a best friend Losing a wife Losing a job to retirement Losing time Gaining heartache Getting ahead Seeing the foolish things you thought...
THE REALITIES OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE EPH 1:3-14 Praise the Lord, His will is perfect, He is always good The Holy Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the source of our blessing His blessings showered upon us in the heavenlies, where Satan...
I grew up there-with lions and tigers and bears Mysteries abounded-yet it sheltered me from the unknown Deep in the recesses of my mind-it is a place I’m known And loved Throughout victories and defeat-I was welcomed as me Warts and all it was...